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Jankovic: "Vucic fulfills the promise given to the international community'', Djuric: "Jankovic's statements about Kosovo are scandalous and shameful'' (Serbian media)

The leader of the Free Citizens' Movement (PSG) Sasa Jankovic told Radio Television of Vojvodina in the TV Show "Pravi ugao" (Right angle) that the Movement wants to participate in the dialogue on Kosovo, but that "what Aleksandar Vucic represents as a dialogue is not a dialogue".

"What Aleksandar Vucic promised for Kosovo, he promised several years ago to the international community, and now he needs with the alleged dialogue to come to what he has already promised that he will do," Jankovic told Radio-Television Vojvodina.

He added that an internal dialogue cannot be called on one topic, as he says "there is at least five burning topics in Serbia that need to be discussed."

"There is no dialogue on the judiciary, racketeering of businessmen, corruption at the top of the police, relations between the authorities and the opposition," Jankovic added.

Asked if he would  "with a signature formalize the situation that Kosovo is independent," as the president of Serbia, Jankovic answered that "he would never sign something that mean that Kosovo is independent of Serbia, but that he will not stand in the way of Kosovo's development as a democratic state".

"None of us has the right to leave less to Serbia, than it has found," Jankovic said, but added that "Kosovo should not be prevented from becoming a member of international organizations" because, as he said, all citizens would have benefit from it.

"We need to ensure our historical and cultural heritage, at the moment when Serbia would have the factual ability to guarantee the integrity of its cultural and historical monuments, then there would be no problem for, all on the territory of Kosovo, which is not part of Serbian history, to be the responsibility of Pristina's authorities," said Jankovic.

Commenting on the fact that the monasteries Gracanica and Decani are listed as Kosovo's heritage, Jankovic said that "it is up to us to prove that it is not so", and that until we prove it, one cannot sign something that is wrong, that is, Kosovo's membership in international organizations.

Marko Djuric, vice-president of the main board of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), and Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, announced last night that statements by the PSG leader Sasa Jankovic about Kosovo are "scandalous and shameful" statements," reported Serbian media.

"The idea that Decani and Gracanica should be left to Pristina, and that we should prove that they are ours, and from the mouth of Serbian politicians in Belgrade, the former protector of citizens, is an unprecedented scandal of unimaginable proportions," Djuric said in a statement.

Djuric said that the statement of Jankovic was brutal insult to all citizens of Serbia, in which, as Djuric stated, "a self-proclaimed Kosovo he calls a country and the one in whose  'democratic development' he does not won’t to interfere".