Municipal transparency in north Kosovo low (Kontakt plus radio)
Municipal transparency index in the north of Kosovo is low, however a positive change was made comparing to the previous year, Kontakt plus radio reproted.
This is one of the conclusions at a conference held yesterday in Mitrovica north, where municipal assemblies’ members from the four northern municipalities took part. Advocacy Centre for Democratic Culture Programme Director, Srdjan Simonovic said it is problematic because municipalities in the north of Kosovo do not have functional websites, so calls for budget hearings or public procurement are placed on the municipal notice boards. Simonovic further said biographies of mayors in the north of Kosovo and directors of public companies are not available in the means of public information, while their property status is published on the website of the Anti-Corruption Agency only, which according to him is insufficient. Nenad Radosavljevic, the Leposavic municipal assembly member and owner of the RTV Mir said that RTV Mir broadcast sessions of the local parliament, therefore citizens of Leposavic municipality can follow the work of their local authorities. He said he offered the same opportunity for the three other northern municipalities, however, it was not accepted, Kontkat plus radio further reported. Jovanka Obradovic, Zubin Potok municipal assembly member said that a step forward was made in this municipality comparing to the previous year as not only municipal officials but also citizens realized that transparency is very important. Nemanja Bisevac, Mitrovica North municipal assembly member said that the municipality organized public budget hearings, co-operation with the NGO sector is good, municipal assembly members are in direct talks with citizens to hear their priorities, while the work to transfer municipal website from the Mitrovica North Administrative Office to the municipality is ongoing, Kontakt Plus Radio reported. The conference was supported by the UK Embassy in Kosovo and OSCE Mission in Kosovo.