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Russia's support for Vucic has strings attached – journalist (B92, Beta)

Sergei Lavrov's visit showed that Russia's support for Aleksandar Vucic is effectively conditioned by his alliance with pro-Russian forces in the government.

This is according to Gennady Sisoyev, a correspondent for Russian daily Kommersant, who spoke for Beta agency.

Sisoyev said that one of Lavrov's key messages was that Serbia is not threatened by "Ukrainization" - that is, destabilization and civil unrest as a result of being forced to choose between Russia and the EU - "as long as current political forces are in power."

The Russian foreign minister told a news conference with the Serbian president that Moscow was "not worried about Serbia as long as it has its elected leaders - Vucic and his team, the coalition voted for by the Serb people".

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