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"Neither Merkel nor the EU can assume political responsibility of Belgrade and Pristina" (Blic)

European Parliament deputy from the German Social democratic Party, Josip Juratovic, assesses for Belgrade based news agency Tanjug, before the meeting of Aleksandar Vucic and Angela Merkel, that talks are a good sign of reaching a solution, but believes that neither the EU nor Merkel can take over the political responsibility given to legitimate elected political leaders in Belgrade and Pristina, reports daily Blic.

Juratovic said this for Tanjug and the EWB portal when asked how he sees great expectations of the Serbian public from this meeting, and whether this meeting could affect further relations between Belgrade and Pristina.

- Talks are always good and a good sign of a possible reaching of the solution. Negotiations on the accession of Serbia can only be successful if reforms continue to develop in the direction of strengthening the rule of law and under increasing the issue of Serbia's relations with Kosovo. The mandate is clear and clear is the obligations of both sides for successful integration into the EU. However, neither the EU nor, especially, Ms. Merkel, can take over the political responsibility given to the legitimate elected political leaders in Belgrade and Pristina - Juratovic said.

At the same time, he believes that full normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina is possible by 2019, if, as he says, ones politically responsible for this will have the courage to face real and inevitable facts that any delay is at the expense of the vast majority of peoples.

- There is an interest in the cooperation of both sides, but, unfortunately, a lot of time is wasted on political tactics. The lost time, which is necessary to revive the democratic system and achieve economic development, would enable people in Serbia and Kosovo a better life. In the first place, the young generation will definitely leave Serbia and Kosovo, as they do not want to waste time on political tactics, which only deepens the apathy of the people on both sides, he says.

He thinks that the people on all sides only want a better life and adds that it is therefore necessary for the politics to turn to the interests of the vast majority "instead of joining the interest groups who fear for their privileges."

Answering the question, how the SDP, a coalition partner in the government of Chancellor Merkel, looks at the problem of Kosovo, Juratovic says that the party he represents advocates for peace and stability, and the building of a democratic system and a better life for all citizens in Kosovo as well as in the whole region.

- This means that it is necessary to build good neighbourly relations through dialogue and constructive politics throughout the region, because only through good relations is possible a better future for all in the Western Balkan region. The people of Kosovo and Serbia expect of policy to seek solutions, and not problems - concluded Juratovic.