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"Someone beats you and does not even allow you cry" (Kossev, TV Happy)

In a few minutes, Budimir Nicic, a journalist from Caglavica, told the public during his appearance in TV Happy show, what he sees as today's situation of the Kosovo Serbs. "There is a silent departure there. Every day, the property is sold, people sell, they go, obviously nobody is interested, neither our representatives down there nor in Belgrade. People are discriminated against by everyone," it was Nicic's message, reported portal Kossev.

Nicic says that so much money has come that they could live as gods but, he explains, there does not exist even a library nor a school building, medicines, syringes, gloves at the hospital.

"After 20 years we still do not have normal schools, we do not have hospitals, we have three barracks, where we are being treated and where operations are being done. Here in Belgrade, they praise that most children are born there. That is not true, 266 children were born last year, and every year, the number is getting smaller. It was 1000. And until five years ago, the number was 700, 600. The number dropped in the last five years. "

"Our children are getting up at 5 am to go to school, because their classes start at half past six because three schools expelled from Pristina - are in Laplje Selo in one school building - in three shifts. Torture. In 20 years no one remembered to build a school building, the money comes from three sides - the Kosovo budget, the Serbian budget - 300 million euros from Belgrade annually, and earlier there were up to 500, than the international community funds, so much money comes there that we could live as gods."

"Schools are a catastrophe. Forty per cent of our children finish school as illiterate."

Nicic claims that 150 sales contracts are made monthly only on the territory of Gracanica.

"People are leaving every day. I made a report - 150 sales contracts are made monthly only in the territory of the municipality of Gracanica, the sellers are the Serbs, Albanians buyers. People leave. President Vucic mentioned a few days ago that it's Thaci's plan, that this is the goal of the Albanians to change the ethnic picture of the Serbian municipalities.  What it has to do with whether it is Thaci's plan? What we did to prevent it? The mayor is a Serb in that municipality, the municipal assembly is Serbian. How can we stop the sale? Very easy. The first way is to enable people a normal life. Create normal conditions for them to live, they will not think about selling, but someone should come and ask why are you selling? Nobody came. Caglavica is the place I came from. It had 300 Serbian houses. Serbian village ethnically. Today, it has 100 Serbs. And every day, throughout Kosovo, property is being sold. Therefore, create for them normal conditions."

Vucic's mayor gives them permission.

"That land bought by Albanians, is a big money, millions of euros. An Albanian will not buy the field to plant wheat but to build a settlement and in this way the ethnic structure changes. Who is giving him the permission to build? The Serbian municipality. The Vucic's mayor. That his assembly. Who is transforming agricultural land into a building site, this same municipality. Just ban this. As late Mayor of Ranilug did, Gradimir Mikic, five or six years ago. His first decision was to ban transformation of an agricultural land into building land. "

"Someone beat you, and does not even allow you to cry"

I asked the director of the hospital last year what was going on (in connection with the lack of drugs and materials in hospitals). He says, just now I was called by Minister of Health Loncar - because he gave a statement a day before for RTK 2 that he had no medications and the Minister told him - Who are you to say that there are no medications, syringes and oxygen down there? Director Mica Popovic was sacked after a month, reported the portal.