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Senic: Members of the Bundestag expect Kosovo to get seat in UN (Dnevnik)

- Members of the Parliamentary Board for European Integration received information on what was the content of discussions with representatives of the Bundestag, but requirements that are repeated during a meeting in Belgrade as a condition of further progress towards full membership in the EU will not be a separate item on the agenda of the forthcoming session - said for Dnevnik Board Chairman Alexander Senic, announcing a meeting of that body which will discuss quarterly report prepared by the office of the Minister without portfolio responsible for EU integration Jadranka Joksimovic.

While discussing the report, when parliamentary questions are planned, Senic sees a place for conversation about the seven conditions set by Germany to Serbia in the further process of joining the EU.

- Then it will be heard what German conservative parliamentarians led by Andreas Schockenhoff said during a recent visit to Belgrade - adds Senic.

Asked whether the meeting of the Board will resolve dilemma of whether German delegation led by Schockenhoff requested for Kosovo to gain seat in the UN, Senic said that "with us in the Assembly nobody talked about it."

- However, they presented their expectations that the closure of Chapter 35 will allow Kosovo to gain seat in the UN. Thus, there was no discussion about it, but they expressed their expectations for that to happen. They presented it as an implementation of the Brussels Treaty because, according to them, Serbia through the document pledged that it will not block European integration and Kosovo's membership in international organizations. According to them, this includes membership in the UN. We, therefore, we have not talked about it, but the members of the Bundestag presented us their expectations - explains Senić.

He said that the meeting of the Board, which will follow after the report receipt, along with Minister Joksimovic, will attend and head of the negotiating team Tanja Miščević and then will be known where are we with screenings, the "filling" and the opening of chapter 35 relating to Kosovo, and the selection and appointments which are related to the European integration process - from the director of the office of the EU, to the completion of the negotiation team.