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Partition is a fatal mistake; It requires an incident that at this moment no party can control (Kossev, RTV)

"The leadership in Belgrade will bear terrible pressure in the upcoming weeks, which Belgrade itself may have partially induced," said journalist Milivoje Mihajlovic.

"First of all, Serbs in the North are under pressure. They have been in a cooking pot for years, and the cooking pot has been boiling this entire time," KoSSev editor Tatjana Lazarevic added, assessing that the Kosovo Serbian population has been collapsed for decades in recent history. They agreed that the partition of Kosovo would be devastating. Mihajlovic and Lazarevic talked on the "Right Angle" (Pravi ugao) talk-show on RTV, hosted by Ljubica Gojgic.

When asked whether it was a final phase or a Brussels deadlock, Lazarevic replied that the one term does not exclude the other, although she personally did not advocate to categorise any talks as "final".

"It would be such a worse situation if the dialogue which is hitting a dead end, were to enter the final phase. Then we cannot talk about a fair, just, sustainable solutions, long-lasting peace and compromise. On the other hand, room opens for fast, ad hoc and violent solutions and dangerous scenarios", Lazarevic said.

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