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Tahiri: By speaking about Gazivoda border, Serbia is recognizing Kosovo (

Edita Tahiri, Minister for dialogue of the Kosovo government, said for that the issue of Kosovo assets was never discussed in the meetings between the Kosovar and Serbian parties in Brussels.

“Such issue was not opened at the meeting of the prime ministers either. Our position on the Ujman/Gazivoda issue, respectively on all Kosovo assets is that we do not discuss them with anyone under any circumstances,” said Tahiri.

She added that the fact that Serbian party speaks about division of borders between Kosovo and Serbia, speaks that the latter is accepting that Kosovo is a state on its own.

“First of all, I think that by speaking about which side has a more and which less parts of the lake, he has recognized the state of Kosovo,” she said.

On the other hand, Serbia has issued for Kosovo Serbs a report on implementation of the reached agreement between Pristina and Belgrade. “The Republic of Serbia and Serbian population are especially concerned with the lack of visible will of the international mediators to exercise determinant pressure on the political elite of Pristina, to implement significant engagements of the agreements,” is written in the report, signed by Marko Djuric, Director of the Office for Kosovo at the Serbian Government.

The report accuses Kosovo’s policy for allegedly creating a situation where the key political structures are more preoccupied with their war for power and authority, and for hesitating to engage on difficult jobs of comprehensive reforms of the entire society.