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Mustafa: I don’t accept ultimatums, I am ready to debate in the Assembly (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, on behalf of the Kosovo government, expressed regret over the recent incidents in the Kosovo Assembly saying that the violent actions by the opposition are not good for the people of Kosovo. He called on law enforcement authorities to do their job in relation to the incidents and said that the work of the Assembly must be unblocked. “Such actions are damaging Kosovo’s image,” Mustafa told a government meeting in Pristina today. “We are ready to answer to the Assembly on any matter. We are also ready for a debate in the Assembly on the recent agreements. There can be no ultimatums because Kosovo needs to behave like a country”. Mustafa said he is determined not to withdraw from the agreements reached with Belgrade in Brussels “because they are in the interest of the people of Kosovo”. According to Mustafa, the ruling coalition is stable and there is no government crisis. He said the opposition should support the work of state institutions and that by the end of this year Kosovo will get the date for visa liberalization.