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Belgrade Media Report 5 April



Vucic with Schimdt: Serbia strongly advocating cooperation, stability (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received Christian Schmidt in Belgrade on Thursday to discuss current developments and EU integration and development processes in the region.

"I noted that Serbia is strongly advocating good-neighbourly relations, cooperation and stability as well as respect of international public law, which are a necessary precondition for any further economic and societal progress," Vucic wrote on Instagram. He reiterated Serbia's unequivocal support to the Dayton Agreement, which honours both the territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the territorial integrity of Republika Srpska within Bosnia and Herzegovina. "Serbia will not support anything that is contrary to that," Vucic noted. In a post on the official OHR profile on the social media network X, Schmidt wrote that he had had a "good and open discussion" with Vucic and that he had used the opportunity to "touch upon all current issues" in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska in particular. "Appreciate President’s Vucic unwavering support to BiH’s sovereignty and territorial integrity," he added


Brnabic: We will respect opposition’s decision if it chooses to boycott elections, but we will not allow riots (TV Happy)


Serbian Assembly Speaker Ana Brnabic said yesterday that she would respect the opposition’s decision if itchose to boycott elections in Belgrade, but that “riots will not be allowed.” Brnabic said on TV Happy that opposition politicians remained vague and “deliberately failed to say whether they would boycott the election.” “I hope that they will run in them, but if they do not that is their political decision. What is unallowable are riots and preventing other people from voting,” Brnabic said. On 3 April Brnabic called elections in Belgrade for 2 June 2024 after talks between the government and opposition on improving election conditions by applying the ODIHR’s recommendations were stopped. The opposition Serbia Against Violence and NADA coalitions asked for local elections on the same day in places elections were not held on 17 December 2023, but their demand was rejected. She said that a cabinet session focused on the pressures on Serbia. “This is unprincipled behavior toward Serbia. The announced admission of Kosovo into the Council of Europe is scandalous,” Brnabic said, adding that Germany was pushing for a resolution on Srebrenica in the UN which she described as “a precedent,” adding that it was up to Serbia to fight.


Brnabic meets with Braathu (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian parliament speaker Ana Brnabic met with the Head of the OSCE Mission to Serbia Jan Braathu on Thursday. Braathu said a recent meeting of the Collegium of the Serbian parliament was a very important first step and that dialogue with the opposition should be continued towards an agreement on constructive solutions. Brnabic said she was pleased to have established dialogue with opposition parties and noted that the opposition would make a big mistake if it were to abandon the dialogue, the Serbian parliament said in a statement. She said there should be no ultimatums in dialogue and that she hoped that, despite disagreements, the dialogue would be continued to the benefit of all citizens and society.

Brnabic said she would continue to work with commitment on implementation of ODIHR recommendations and invest efforts to gather opposition parties around the topic. She said she had been surprised by the opposition's decision on Wednesday to give up on joint work on implementation of the ODIHR recommendations.


Dacic on Pristina’s admission to the CoE: Here it will not be declared on justice and law, but on force (RTS)


In 11 days, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe will decide on the initiative to admit Pristina to that organization. Serbian Foreign Minister in the technical mandate Ivica Dacic said that the admission of Pristina will not be declared on the basis of justice and law, but on the basis of force. As the chairman of the government, he scheduled a session for today, and a team will be formed, headed by him and the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic which will fight against the admission of Pristina. Dacic, who has been at the head of the government since the election of Ana Brnabic as speaker of the parliament, told RTS that he has scheduled a government meeting for today, at which a team will be appointed to fight against Pristina’s admission to the Council of Europe. He indicates that the Head of that team will be himself and the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic. “The largest number of people will be from the Foreign Ministry, but there are also people from the parliament, from the office of the President, from other ministries, some other ministers - Tanja Miscevic, who is for European integration, Minister Momirovic, who has a lot of contacts regarding foreign trade,” stated Dacic.


Basic principles on which the CoE rests are violated

The CoE is an organization that originally was supposed to deal primarily with human rights and freedoms. “It cannot be said that from the very beginning the CoE was not a political organization and that it was politically colored all these years. But now we are already entering a field that goes beyond the legal framework of the CoE itself, where the basic principles on which it functions are being violated,” said Dacic. He notes that the members of the CoE are states, and that this would be the first time that an entity that is not a state would be admitted to membership. Dacic also asked why other entities such as Republika Srpska, the Turkish part of Cyprus, and Crimea would not be admitted to the CoE. “Therefore, you said goodbye to international justice a long time ago. There is nothing to it. We just have to see how we are going to protect our interests in all of this,” said Dacic.


Only one of the three conditions met

He reminded of the three conditions for the admission of Pristina, which were also discussed by Dora Bakoyani, the rapporteur for the admission of Pristina to the CoE - the registration of the land belonging to the Visoki Decani monastery in the cadastre, the cessation of expropriation in Serb municipalities and the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities. “Of course, there is nothing to it, because the Community of Serb Municipalities has been an obligation to Pristina for 11 years. And right now, on the anniversary, on the days when the anniversary of the Brussels agreement is also presented, the Parliamentary Assembly will now discuss the recommendation for the admission of Kosovo to the CoE. So, Dora Bakoyani gave up on those two conditions, some other countries did not give up,@ said Dacic.


Who will not vote for the admission of Pristina

Dacic expects that those who do not recognize Kosovo’s independence will certainly vote against the admission of Pristina, but there are also those who do not want to “go against the people from the West”. “During those first few years, 110 countries recognized Kosovo. We as a country have seriously devoted ourselves to this issue and 28 countries have withdrawn their recognition. Today, that number is that 109 countries do not recognize, and 84 recognize Kosovo. But, unfortunately, that number in Europe is to our detriment in that sense as well. That is why the situation in the CoE is the worst. Otherwise, it should be the cleanest situation, because Kosovo does not meet any possible criteria for membership in the CoE,” said Dacic. The fight, he says, will be difficult, and Germany is pressing for the admission of Pristina. “And last time, many countries were burdened by those pressures that came mostly from Germany, but also, of course, Great Britain, to vote for the admission of Kosovo at any cost and as soon as possible,” said Dacic.


Pantic Pilja: CoE membership for so-called Kosovo would violate international law (Tanjug/RTV)


At a meeting with Swiss Ambassador to Serbia Urs Schmid, the members of Serbia's delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) noted that potential CoE membership for the so-called Kosovo would be a gross violation of international law and the organisation's statute and principles. Delegation head Biljana Pantic Pilja said Serbia would consider its further participation in the work of the PACE if the so-called Kosovo was admitted to the international parliamentary organisation at a session scheduled for this month. She noted that Albin Kurti's regime was violating the human rights of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija in the grossest possible way. "The Serbian currency and Serbian goods have been banned in Kosovo and Metohija and, amid constant pressure and attacks, 11 percent of Serbs have already left that part of the Serbian territory since Kurti's rise to power," Pantic Pilja said. The delegation members said they expected the Swiss parliamentary delegation to the PACE to support respect of international law. Schmid said he was aware of Belgrade's concerns and added that he hoped Serbia would remain a CoE member as it belonged in it. He noted that, despite differing positions on some issues, Serbia and Switzerland maintained a long-time friendship.


Serbia to send non-paper to all CoE member states (Novosti)


Serbia will send a non-paper to all Council of Europe (CoE) member states in which it will list facts and arguments against the so-called Kosovo's potential admission to the organisation, Novosti reported on Friday. The document will list all cases of ethnically-motivated attacks on Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, property usurpation, desecration of churches, monasteries and cemeteries, land expropriation for construction of Pristina's military bases and staged trials without witnesses, and highlight Pristina's failure to establish a Community of Serb Municipalities, which is its commitment from the Brussels agreement that is now more than 4,000 days old, the report said. The document will also include arguments about the way the abolition of the Serbian Dinar is threatening the very livelihood of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. All of the above directly falls under the domain of rule of law, respect of which should be the most important criterion for CoE membership, the document says. The document is also expected to warn of the precedent of admitting the so-called Kosovo to the CoE as it has no seat in the UN. Sending the non-paper will be the first task of a special government team whose formation was demanded by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic at an extraordinary government session on Thursday, Novosti said.


Varhelyi, Vucic welcome approval of Growth Facility (N1)


European Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi welcomed the political agreement on the Western Balkans Growth Facility on Thursday. “Welcomed political agreement on the €6b Western Balkans Growth Facility: supporting gradual integration of the region by bringing benefits of European Union membership even before accession, boosting economic growth and closing the economic gap,” he wrote in an X post. Varhelyi also spoke to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic about the Growth Facility in a phone conversation. Vucic said in an Instagram post that the news from Brussels was excellent. “The Growth Plan for Serbia and the Western Balkans has been approved and is becoming a reality,” he said in the post. Vucic thanked Varhelyi, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and the Commission for their engagement and support.


Lajcak: Some gaps bridged, discussions to be continued soon (Tanjug)


EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak said on Thursday "some gaps" between proposals by the two parties had been bridged in a new round of the Brussels dialogue earlier in the day and that he planned to continue the discussions soon based on EU ideas for compromise. In a post on the social media network X, Lajcak wrote that he had hosted another discussion with the chief negotiators of Belgrade and Pristina, Petar Petkovic and Besnik Bislimi, on a "temporary solution" for people affected by a decision by the so-called Kosovo's central bank to ban the Serbian Dinar in Kosovo and Metohija. "We managed to bridge some gaps between the proposals of the two parties. I plan to continue our discussions soon based on the EU’s ideas for compromise," he added.


Borrell: EU concerned over Dinar ban’s consequences on Kosovo Serbs (Beta)


The EU High Representative Josep Borrell stated yesterday that Brussels was concerned over the fact that there had been no consultations prior to the Kosovo central bank’s decision to abolish the Serbian Dinar, and the consequences that it produced for the daily life of the Serbs in Kosovo. “This particularly affects the schools and hospitals, considering the obvious absence of alternatives at this time,” it was declared in Borrell’s written response, published on the European Parliament’s web-site. To the question of French MEP Dominique Bilde about what the European Commission (EC) was planning to do regarding the establishing of the Community of Serb Municipalities, the Kosovo central bank’s decision and the Kosovo Serbs’ educational and health systems, Borrell said that the issue of the dinar converged with the issues that should be discussed in connection with the Community of Serb Municipalities. “The issue of the central bank’s decision on cash operations converges with the issues that should be negotiated regarding the Community, such as the status and financing of the Institutions run by Serbia in Kosovo, and their integration into Kosovo’s institutions and legal framework,” he wrote, reiterating that the founding of the Community of Serb Municipalities was Pristina’s obligation according to international law and stemmed from the 2013 Brussels agreement, which Serbia and Kosovo concluded with EU mediation and which was then adopted by the Kosovo assembly.


SSP: Government accepted opposition’s request for talks to buy time (Beta)


Vice-president of the Freedom and Justice Party and MP Goran Petrovic said yesterday that the government had accepted the opposition’s request for talks to buy time and “try to trick citizens”. He declared in a written statement that, by refusing to hold all elections on the same day and calling elections in Belgrade before accepting the ODIHR’s recommendations, parliament speaker Ana Brnabic had admitted to two things. “The first is that the government accepted the opposition’s request for talks only to buy time and try to trick citizens with false promises that it is going to improve electoral conditions for which there is no longer enough time and, secondly, that the regime of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic knows that, without using the media as a tool, blackmailing public sector employees, vote buying and illegally adding people to voter rolls, it can no longer win in Belgrade, nor can it in other cities in Serbia,” Petrovic said. He added that such irresponsible decisions “that Brnabic is signing, and Vucic ordering” and the arrogant trampling of the law which the opposition wants to be honored, is deepening the political crisis in Serbia “caused by the proved stealing of the December elections”.


Serb List: Serbs will not take part in Kosovo census (FoNet)


The Serb List (SL) said it wants to send a clear message to Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti that “the Serbs will not take part in the coming fake census organized by him to confirm his shameful success in expelling them”. The SL said that “given the years-long repression by Albin Kurti’s regime against our people in Kosovo and Metohija, aimed at ethnically cleansing these parts of everything Serbian,” taking part in processes organized by Kurti would be the greatest humiliation. “At a time when this very Kurti has denied the Serbs the right to pensions, salaries, hindered the normal functioning of healthcare, social benefits, revoked voting rights, arrested and persecuted Serbs, occupied municipalities by force, militarized the north of Kosovo and Metohija, banned vaccination and delivery of medicines, prevented the delivery of food and supplies from central Serbia, and cancelled all the reached agreements,” the SL added. By cancelling the agreements, they have denied the Kosovo Serbs the rights guaranteed under these agreements. The SL said that, “with this census, Kurti wants to additionally attack Serbia with some demands for war reparations” which additionally discourages the Serbs from being part of this process. The SL called on the international community to stop “supporting the persecution of the Serbs with their silence and hiding behind ‘understanding,’ and modest, anemic statements”. “In these circumstances of everyday repression of our people and without the return of 250,000 displaced persons, the census would be nothing but legalization of the ethnic cleansing carried out against our people since 1999. Maybe Kurti and you don’t mind, and maybe you have force at your disposal, but the Serbs will not accept to be accomplices in this dirty business,” said the SL.




Dodik: Everything Schmidt tells Vucic about property is lie (ATV)


The Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik said that he expects Christian Schmidt to experience complete delegitimization in Serbia. Dodik said that everything that Schmidt tells the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic regarding the property is a lie. Dodik was quoted as saying: “The whole meaning of the circus with Schmidt in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is actually aimed at seizing property from the RS”. He pointed out that what Schmidt has been doing lately regarding property and imposing changes to the B&H Election Law, which is solely for the purpose of subjugating the RS to the institutions of B&H, will not pass. Dodik also said: “We understand the situation President Vucic is in. Schmidt is false, he is not the one who should speak about property” said Dodik. “We have proposed to solve the issue of property and we are always prepared to sit down with the Federation of B&H (FB&H), but not with Schmidt”, said Dodik. He added: “Stop talking about the spirit of Dayton, give us respect of the letter of Dayton.” “We understand the situation in which President Vucic is. What he announced and wanted to say to his face is - stop with the stories about the spirit of the Dayton Agreement, show us where what it written, and then we will talk. As far as property is concerned, Schmidt has nothing to show. He is fake, he is a private person,” Dodik said. Dodik also said that is glad to hear from Serbia that the institutions in Serbia received Schmidt, not the High Representative.


Other RS officials comment on state property issue and HR’s stance on it (RTRS)


RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic stated that the property of the RS is a Dayton category and that there is no talk about it with Christian Schmidt or anyone else in the world. Viskovic said the issue was finished 30 years ago and that it is pointless to talk about property after so much time. Regarding Schmidt’s statement that he will “help reach a solution on the issue of property”, Viskovic said if there were a Nobel prize for stupidity, Schmidt would have to be nominated, stressing that the property belongs to the RS. RS Minister of the Interior Sinisa Karan said that RS property was not awarded to the RS via the DPA, but it was written in the DPA because it was theirs to begin with. RS parliament speaker Nenad Stevandic stated that unlike the RS parliament, Schmidt has no legitimacy. “He went in the crawling position with the intention to try and get some legitimacy, but he failed, and it is completely clear that we talk to Vucic in and official, brotherly, functional manner, and that he (Schmidt) is a man trying to establish his legitimacy somehow”, Stevandic stated.


Radoncic comments Schmidt, Vucic meeting underlining its importance (Dnevni avaz)


SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic, commenting Thursday’s meeting of High Representative Christian Schmidt with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, said that it is important for Schmidt and Vucic to meet, adding that in this way Belgrade wanted to practically say they recognize the institution of the High Representative, which is something that Milorad Dodik does not want. Radoncic stressed that it is important for Schmidt and for local officials to maintain relations with Belgrade and Zagreb and with Budapest, “so we could tell our story as well”. “The meeting was a success just by happening,” said Radoncic. He did not want to speculate about the issues that Schmidt and Vucic discussed, such as state property, adding that he met Vucic in official and private capacity for over 20 times and it is difficult what the officials will talk about and whether they will agree on the matter. As for state property, Radoncic deems that this issue interests official Belgrade as well, but he deems that this issue will be solved in line with B&H Constitution. He also commented the visit of Hungarian Prime Minister Vuiktor Orban, noting that an ugly image is being created in Sarajevo “about enemies”, reminding how important was support of Zagreb and Budapest in decision on opening of EU accession talks.


Dodik announces resolution of issue of banks for RS officials that are under US sanctions (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik announced that he will resolve the issue of banks that will handle internal payment transactions after the closed bank accounts of numerous officials from the US blacklist. Dodik said that there is no need to talk much about it and that in the coming days he will solve the issue and enable legal and natural persons to carry out payment transactions. He emphasized that the US is powerful and overbearing, and it is not pleasant to enter into a conflict with it, but that if it has to because of the freedom and status of the people, then he enters into a conflict. Dodik pointed out that the US will not be able to do anything there. Dodik was quoted as saying: “We are doing it all for the sake of the freedom of the Serb people and the status of the RS. We always have solutions for all problems, and we will not give up our freedom”. RS parliament speaker Nenad Stevandic said that no one in B&H can prevent the funding of political parties. He stressed that the RS parliament could adopt a conclusion that would read that no political parties from the RS will partake in the elections until the SDS bank account is reestablished, or any other political party.


Orban meets Kristo; Kristo thanks Orban for Hungary’s support on EU path of B&H (BHT1/RTRS)


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban arrived in a two-day official visit to B&H on Thursday. He was welcomed at the Sarajevo International Airport by B&H Foreign Minister Elmedin Konakovic. Orban held a meeting with B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Chair Borjana Kristo. The two officials stressed that bilateral cooperation between B&H and Hungary is good but that there is room for improvements, in the field of trade for instance. They welcomed joint work of the commission for economic cooperation between B&H and Hungary. Kristo thanked Orban for Hungary’s support on the EU path of B&H, stressing that B&H has opened a new chapter of European future by opening the EU accession negotiations, but that it is aware that intensified work is necessary on this path. Kristo informed Orban about the latest decision of High Representative Christian Schmidt who imposed the amendments to the Election Law of B&H and assessed that HR’s intervention will make the process of harmonization with the EU standards difficult for B&H. Members of the B&H Presidency also met with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. The meeting was attended by all three members of the B&H Presidency. RTRS noted that the meeting was delayed after a bomb threat, but the police authorities quickly established that it was a false report. Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic described the meeting with Orban as a meeting with a dear and close friend.


Delegation of Hungarian government led by Orban arrives to Banja Luka (ATV)


The delegation of the Hungarian government, which includes a large number of businessmen, came to Banja Luka, led by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who has proven his friendship and willingness to cooperate with RS, commented the presenter. Numerous projects have been agreed upon, and many new projects will be signed at the upcoming Economic Forum in Banja Luka. Ultimately, all of this is the result of good personal relations and friendship between the RS President Milorad Dodik and Orban, added the presenter. ATV reported that Orban arrived at the Banja Luka International Airport, and he was being welcomed by Dodik and the RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic. The Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs Peter Szijjarto already arrived before Orban, and he was welcomed by Viskovic. They had a short friendly conversation, commented the reporter. This visit is proof of friendly relations between Hungary and the RS, and Dodik himself said a few days ago that a true and sincere friend of the RS is coming there, and that this is the second visit of Orban in a year. Dodik also always repeated that Orban is one of the most important leaders in Europe, one of the few leaders who actually understands the position of the RS and the situation in which it finds itself, added the reporter. For the RS, this is also an opportunity to analyse everything that has been done so far, noted the reporter. A lot is expected from the Economic Forum and numerous businessmen from the RS and Hungary are participating in it. Around 20 Hungarian companies, but also over 70 companies from the RS, are expected to participate. So far, a lot has been invested in agriculture, investments will continue, and there will be investment in eight economic branches in the RS, especially in the energy and financial sectors, noted the reporter. B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Stasa Kosarac said that arrival of Orban confirms the friendship of the Hungarian people, Hungary's determination to support the European path of B&H itself, with a very clear visibility of the RS. Kosarac stated: “This is a serious victory for the RS on the international level. I believe that B&H itself may benefit from such a victory of the RS on the international level. And, of course, I do not see any kind of need for anyone to race to downplay the importance of Prime Minister Orban's arrival in the RS”. ATV carried comments of the RS citizens who are looking forward to the arrival of the Hungarian delegation in the RS. RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic, said that RS would have much greater development and investments if they were not constantly and persistently obstructed and slowed down by various foreign addresses, as well as from the B&H level, but that they will not succeed in this. According to him, on this plan, Hungary, which is a friend of Serbia, made the best connection with China regarding the production of batteries in the auto industry for electric vehicles. "This means that the explored resources in the area of RS have been confirmed in some way so far. In the coming period, we and our Hungarian partners can valorise all our riches in Ozren, in Lopara, Jezer, Mrkonjic Grad, Rudo, Cajnic, the surroundings of Zvornik. We have to make a decision to exploit these mineral resources, but at no time to the detriment of environmental pollution or the health of our people. If the profession says that these mineral resources can be exploited safely, then it is more than a shame not to do it," Viskovic said.


Corrigenda of HR’s decision enacting Law on Amendments to Election Law of B&H (Slobodna Bosna)


High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt has again (on April 2) changed provisions of the Election Law of B&H. According to, the HR changed a key mistake. In short, by additional change, Schmidt prevented the ruling coalition SNSD-HDZ B&H-SDP B&H-NiP-Our Party to take over the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H immediately after the local elections. According to the “corrigenda”, six incumbent members of the CEC will remain until 2027 because a provision about their retirement will not apply. According to the OHR, it has been established that a technical mistake has been found in the text of the High Representative’s Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Election Law of B&H (No. 17/24), and accordingly we (OHR) now provide the following: It is necessary to make a correction in the text of Article 20.16b so that in the first sentence, after the words “Central Election Commission of BiH” the words “shall not be a subject to the condition of age-based retirement provided for in paragraphs (1) and (2) of Article 2.5a of this Law” and a comma (,) shall be added. Therefore, the complete text of the Article 20.16b shall read as follows: “Current members of the Central Election Commission of B&H shall not be the subject to the condition of age-based retirement provided in paragraphs (1) and (2) of Article 2.5a of this Law, shall not be obliged to resign or be dismissed for not meeting the conditions provided for in Article 2.5, paragraph (6) if these conditions did not exist at the time of their appointment. This shall not apply to the conditions provided for in Article 2.5. Paragraph (6), sub-paragraphs 6) and 7) of this Law.”


Dodik: RS will adopt its election law by 20 April; Schmidt gave CEC the right to appoint all presidents of polling station committees and to transfer them to the status of professional civil servants; That will never happen (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik stated, while attending the commemoration of the Day of the RS Police in Banja Luka on Thursday, that the RS will adopt its election law by 20 April, stressing that the RS has the right to its law. “The Central Election Commission of B&H has nothing to look there. We will organize elections in line with our law”, said Dodik. He stressed the RS wants that its rights are respected. “Attempts to impose documents in the UN will bring damage to B&H. Whatever they do, it will not help them, especially Christian Schmidt and the American Ambassadors, without asking us what we want. We do not want stabilization, but the RS as it is in the Dayton agreement and the Constitution. Foreigners want to steal away our property, impose the way how we organize elections”, said Dodik. Dodik also commented on Schmidt’s decision to amend the B&H Election Law which happened two days ago, and which refers to the mandates of the B&H CEC members. “What he has now imposed regarding the B&H Election Law is for the RS to submit to the institutions of B&H. He allegedly gave the CEC the right to appoint all presidents of polling station committees and to transfer them to the status of professional civil servants. That will never happen,” Dodik was quoted as saying. Dodik again presented his interpretation of the CEC B&H Law, saying that Article 1b states that the CEC only conducts elections for the B&H Presidency and the Parliamentary Assembly and nothing more.


Cvijanovic: Schmidt’s intention is to control CEC and influence election results (RTRS)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that Christian Schmidt’s intention, with his most recent changes to the B&H Election Law, is to fully control the Central Election Commission of B&H (CEC) and to influence the election results. Cvijanovic said that Schmidt adapts his decisions to pre-set goals. “What does a country look like in which an unelected foreigner imposes something, and in a few days fixes what he imposed? From imposition to imposition. This all looks like a circus,” Cvijanovic pointed out.


HR Schmidt rules out possibility of removal of politicians, says he would rather work through dialogue (N1/Dnevni list)


Responding to a journalist’s question during his appearance on N1 why he is not removing RS President Milorad Dodik, given his authority to remove politicians, High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt said that if there are politicians who use their mandate not to serve, but to make mistake or end up being tried, the responsibility does not lie with him, but with the local bodies and authorities. “I would rather that we work through dialogue. If you ask me if I will exclude somebody from the process – I will not do it. I have the Bonn powers, but it is not adequate to use them on such issues. It is better to sit down and come to a solution than fire somebody. I do not see a possibility that I do it via the Bonn powers”, said Schmidt. Asked if there is a danger that Dodik, in personal despair, could drag everything into abyss, Schmidt replied “no”. “If Dodik has a problem, it is a challenge for him, but not for the RS. It is better for him to think about his position towards his own people”, added the HR. Commenting a remark that HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic criticized his latest decision (imposition of amendments to Election Law of B&H) and went against the Americans, Schmidt said he recently spoke to Covic about the issue of election of member of the Presidency of B&H and told Covic it is something the local officials should do. Asked if B&H can be left to the EU only, Schmidt said if there is an issue of secession or dissolution of the country, it means it is direct responsibility of the US.


Izetbegovic: Until party embodied by Dodik changes its attitude towards state of B&H and its Euro-Atlantic aspirations, there will be no improvement for country (FTV)


SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic, asked to comment on a kind of political crisis that B&H entered after High Representative Christian Schmidt imposed technical changes to the B&H Election Law, said that there is a saying that crises are opportunities. “At some point, we have to go through a deep crisis in order for things and relations in B&H to change. Until the party embodied by Milorad Dodik changes its attitude towards the state of B&H and its Euro-Atlantic aspirations, there will be no improvement for the country. These policies must be changed by Serb politicians in B&H, or they simply need to be overcome by the international community,” Izetbegovic said. Asked whether the latest intervention of the High Representative was necessary, Izetbegovic said that it was needed. "After 15 years of our attempts, it was high time to somehow achieve transparent, fair and honest elections in B&H,” Izetbegovic said, adding that it would be better if it were a domestic product. “This is the first step, this is a pilot project and I hope that it will be successful and that we will have real general elections in 2026," Izetbegovic said. Commenting on Schmidt's decision to amend the Election Law of B&H in the part that refers to the members of the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC), Izetbegovic said that this is another good step which means stability of the CEC. Asked to comment on the ultimatum that Dodik gave to his coalition partners at the B&H level to choose between accepting Schmidt's decision and the coalition and whether he expects a stoppage on B&H's European path, Izetbegovic said that as far as he knows Dodik, he will try to go all the way. “He will cause delays, he will lead us into a political limbo, he will remove the elected representatives, the legislative bodies will not work… He will try to force the international community to back down, to do things his way, to indulge him, but I think that this time he will encounter a tougher, a more decisive response,” Izetbegovic said. Asked to comment on the silence of HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic, Izetbegovic said that Covic also found himself in a situation where those who had indiscriminately supported him until now began to demand certain things from him and to criticize him. “So, silence is the answer to that. He does not have a real answer to that, he does not want to argue with that side any further. When it comes to Southern Interconnection and his blacklisted people, I think he has assessed that it wiser to keep quiet. I do not believe that he intends to oppose the international community,” Izetbegovic said. Asked to comment on Dodik's invitation to SDA in terms of a potential coalition with SNSD, Izetbegovic said that Dodik's invitation is only a threat in relation to the ‘Troika’, not a serious invitation. “Dodik, who on that day launched an attack on the OHR, on the constitutional and legal order of B&H, on the B&H Election Law, who at one point made a very difficult and threatening statement - that 25 percent of the territory is enough for Bosniaks - these are probably their Belgrade stories and empty dreams, after all that, after the insults stated in relation to Bosniaks, the late Alija Izetbegovic, to invite SDA to possibly join the coalition instead of the ‘Troika’, I believe that it is just a threat against the ‘Troika, it is not a serious invitation because a serious invitation is not made in such a way. Either Dodik will change his policy, or he will be changed. When these policies change, when there is again a set of Serb politicians ready to work constructively for B&H, SDA is of course there,” Izetbegovic underlined. Asked whether SNSD could lose leverage for blockades in the B&H parliament given the decision of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H which partially accepted PDP’s motion and annulled certain decisions of the Court of B&H, Izetbegovic said that it may happen that a PDP representative will be elected to the B&H House of Peoples (HoP), “but again they have three delegates from SNSD who can stop whatever they want by simply leaving the session, and they will not hesitate to do so.” Izetbegovic added that Dodik has countless ways to stop life in B&H, for example by leaving the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM), the B&H House of Representatives (HoR), using entity voting. “There is a million ways. But it would be somewhat easier with the loss of the fourth position in the HoP,” Izetbegovic said. Asked how Bosniak delegates, who left the last session of the B&H HoP due to the proposal of the law on the B&H CC, will act in the future period, Izetbegovic said that only sessions that will not have the matter related to the unconstitutional attempt to change the composition and functioning of the B&H CC on the agenda are acceptable. “So, it was a direct unconstitutional attack on the Constitutional Court, and this was confirmed by the High Representative. We cannot allow this under any circumstances, we had the consensus of all representatives, including NiP, as the ruling party, SB&H, DF and SDA,” Izetbegovic underlined. Asked to comment on the information of the US intelligence community that there could be a conflict in B&H this year, Izetbegovic said that he does not think that the people of B&H are ready for conflict. “I do not think politicians will be ready to lead to conflict. We will have a conflict between SNSD and the international community. This conflict will be current. This is the time of truth and I think that this time they will encounter a decisive response, above all from the OHR, which is encouraged by the PIC countries and the US, and they will stand in the way of this behaviour of Dodik,” Izetbegovic said. Asked whether he agrees with the assessment that the B&H authorities have made impressive progress on the European path, Izetbegovic said that one does not even know when B&H will get the date for the negotiations with the EU. He stressed that the decisions of the RS parliament foresee the supremacy of the entity over the state of B&H. “They are asking for it to be adopted in the state parliament, and one of the 14 priorities that we must fulfil in order to start negotiations with the EU is the supremacy of the state over the entity. While these kinds of policies from the RS are on the scene, there is no European path. Perhaps negotiations can begin, but they will either stop immediately or move at a snail's pace. We have not received anything tangible so far,” Izetbegovic pointed out. Asked if there is a conflict between the US and EU policies in B&H, Izetbegovic said that there is a certain rivalry between them, but that he does not see a particular problem there. “Schmidt relies heavily on the American side, the Europeans of course support and follow him, and I think that now there will be a final conflict between the international community and the policies led by Dodik, and Dodik’s side will lose,” Izetbegovic emphasized. Speaking about his relations with the Americans and US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy, Izetbegovic said that as far as Murphy is concerned, “it is not my relationship nor SDA's that is problematic in relation to him and the US”. “We are grateful to the US for what they have done and what they are doing now for this country. But it is their decision to attack SDA as well, because, among other things, they have accusations from the Serb side that they are working against the Serbs together with the Muslim elite, so it is necessary to prove that it is not so,” Izetbegovic concluded.


Radoncic comments current political developments: Dodik should not be underestimated, he is very serious, but not consistent (Dnevni avaz)


SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic said that meeting of High Representative Christian Schmidt with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic happened the same day when expires Milorad Dodik’s deadline to IC and coalition partners to abolish the changes to B&H Election Law, imposed by HR Schmidt, and noted that Dodik also announced the deadline for adoption of RS election law. In this regard, Radoncic stated that Dodik should not be underestimated, noting that Dodik is very serious, but not consistent. Commenting work of the Council of Ministers, he noted that there was a period when CoM worked well and when decisions were made promptly. He said that he believes that it would be good for B&H for CoM to return to the earlier pace, unless Dodik wants to embark into separatist adventure, which would cost him the most. “You can see how US sanctions hurt and now they received a new dimension. Not only that serious issue, but unsolvable collapse may occur,” said Radoncic. He also commented the issue of speculation that US blacklist could be expanded, and speculation that he is close to western embassies, Radoncic dismissed this and underlined that he always advocated stance that B&H has no alternative but to rely on USA and EU. He underlined that time showed that sanctions are very efficient, especially if accepted by UK and Germany and while he did not want to speculate whether US will be expanded, he underlined that nobody was sanctioned without any reasons. Asked if sanctions can be efficient and good recipe for Washington, judging by SDS which was left without bank accounts, Radoncic reminded of SDS’ history and noted that sanctions will make the party disappear. He underlined that it remains to be seen whether the party will change its name or will be registered as different party, but he deems that this is less important than the fact that it would be good for SDS, as a party “which orchestrated genocide” to disappear from the political scene. He argues that sanctions, if they include relentless economic part and dimension, can change political scene in B&H. Radoncic commented HR Schmidt’s changes to Election Law, noting that when it comes to technical changes, Schmidt did nothing. He criticized the fact that scanners are not introduced, and that B&H will not have fair elections. Commenting statement of B&H Foreign Minister Elmedin Konakovic that B&H is champion of EU integration, Radoncic said that this is not true, and that B&H did not receive date for opening of the accession talks.


MEP Strik visits B&H, meets Becirovic and representatives of B&H parliament (Oslobodjenje)


Chairman of B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic met (on Thursday) with Member of European Parliament (Netherlands, Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance) Tineke Strik. Becirovic expressed welcome and gratitude for interest, support and assistance to B&H’s EU path, especially in regard to Strik’s personal engagement in achieving of democratic development and prosperity on B&H’s EU path. Strik supported further progress of B&H on the EU path. She also met with deputy speaker of B&H House of Representatives Denis Zvizdic and Speaker of B&H House of Peoples Kemal Ademovic.


Cvijanovic sends letter to Guterres, Francis and heads of missions of UN member states about recent actions of Lagumdzija (RTRS)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic sent a letter to all heads of missions of UN member states, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and President of the UN General Assembly Denis Francis, in which she drew attention to the recent actions of B&H Ambassador to the UN Zlatko Lagumdzija. “It has been brought to our attention that Ambassador to the UN Zlatko Lagumdzija unilaterally initiated steps to submit a resolution on Srebrenica for adoption by the UN General Assembly. Although we appreciate the importance of solving such important issues, it is imperative to emphasize that this procedure was carried out without proper authorization and with an obvious violation of the constitutional framework of B&H,” stated Cvijanovic in the letter.


Paris: Krapovic discussed with Lekorni the modalities of development of defense cooperation between Montenegro and France (CdM)


The Minister of Defense of Montenegro Dragan Krapovic spoke yesterday in Paris with his French colleague Sebastien Lecornu about the modalities of further defense cooperation between the two countries, the global security situation and the importance of European integration of the Western Balkans for European stability. The defense ministers of the two countries signed an intergovernmental agreement on defense cooperation. Krapovic emphasized the foreign policy priorities of the Montenegrin Government and thanked France for the continuous support it provides to Montenegro in achieving its foreign policy goals, among which European integration is an absolute priority. He informed Lecornu that Montenegro has overcome the institutional crisis and will strive to speed up its European path by reaching European standards in all areas. "He emphasized the importance of the affirmative approach of the EU member states to the enlargement policy, that the European path of the Western Balkans has no alternative, but also that messages of encouragement for any progress achieved on this path must not be missing," the MoD statement said. Krapovic also informed Lecornu about the priorities of the Ministry of Defense of Montenegro, which concern the fulfilment of obligations arising from credible membership in NATO and active contribution to international peace and stability. "He especially emphasized that the modernization of the capacities of the Army of Montenegro and the strengthening of the capabilities of the members of the Army of Montenegro, through joint activities with allied countries, are among the priorities," it added. The minister also informed Lecornu about the plans for strengthening the capacities and modernization of the Navy of the Army of Montenegro, through the acquisition of new patrol ships. "He emphasized that the criteria defined by the general specification are mandatory, and expressed his satisfaction that he will have the opportunity to visit the shipyard Kership in Lorient, where he will learn about the shipyard's offer and the dynamics of vessel construction, and discuss possible arrangements for future cooperation," says the Ministry of Defense. The Minister of the French Army reminded that the countries of the Western Balkans are in the narrow sphere of political interest of the Republic of France, as evidenced by the French strategy for the Western Balkans, adopted with the aim of supporting and complementing the EU's actions to bring the region closer to the European family. "Lecornu emphasized that his country will continue to support Montenegro on its European path," the Ministry of Defense announced. Along with the expressed willingness to strengthen defense cooperation with Montenegro in areas of mutual importance, he praised Montenegro's contribution to international peace and stability, stressing that this is the best way to prove credibility in the Alliance. "He also emphasized that new security challenges require the rapid adaptation of NATO allies to collective defense plans, where Montenegro is also proving its ally maturity," the announcement states. He expressed the expectation that the French shipyard Kership will fulfil the necessary criteria, which would create conditions for the continuation of cooperation in this field between Montenegro and the Republic of France and thus once again confirm the readiness to strengthen the strategic partnership. Krapovic's visit was realized on the basis of the recently reached agreement between the Prime Minister of Montenegro Milojko Spajic and the President of France Emmanuel Macron on the strategic partnership between Montenegro and the Republic of France, bearing in mind that defense relations are recognized as a very promising sphere of cooperation between the two countries.


Raspopovic-Edtstadler: EU is not complete without the Western Balkans, Montenegro has a chance to become the next member (CdM)


Montenegro extremely appreciates Austria's continuous support in achieving full membership in the EU, which is our main foreign policy goal, said the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Milisav Raspopovic during the meeting with the Minister for Europe and the Constitution of Austria Karoline Edtstadler, who is visiting Montenegro. Along these lines, as announced by the department, he reminded that more than 80 percent of Montenegrin citizens support EU membership, which gives an additional incentive and obligation to the government to resolutely continue with the reform processes, which, he says, will enable our country to become the first next member of European families. The MFA said that Edtstadler praised the successes achieved by the government of Montenegro in the previous period, pointing out that Austria, as a strong supporter of EU enlargement, will continue to provide full support to Montenegro in order to successfully end the negotiation process as soon as possible.  Along these lines, she assessed that our country has a real chance of becoming the first next EU member, as well as that "the EU is not complete without the Western Balkans". The interlocutors agreed that Montenegro's membership in the EU would represent an important incentive for all candidate countries and would significantly contribute to the further development of the region and strengthening of stability on the European continent, it was concluded during the meeting.


Gorcevic: We are determined to deliver the results we set with our partners from the EC within the given deadlines (CdM)


In a short period of time, Montenegro has made significant progress on its European path. This is an indicator that you have the political will and capacity to fulfil all obligations from the European agenda in a short period of time and become the next member of the EU, said the Austrian Federal Minister for the EU and the Constitution Karoline Edtstadler and the Austrian Federal Minister for Labor and Economy Martin Kocher at a meeting with Minister of European Affairs Maida Gorcevic. As announced by the Ministry of European Affairs (MEP), Federal Minister Edtstadler welcomed the progress that Montenegro has achieved so far in the negotiation process and conveyed that Austria will continue to strongly support Montenegro's accession to the EU.  She praised the high level of citizens' support for EU membership and said that it is important that both Montenegro and the EU "take advantage of the current favorable moment and speed up the accession process". "At the beginning of its mandate, the new government made significant progress on the European road. With clear commitment and results on the field, we confirm that we are determined to fulfil all the necessary obligations as soon as possible and receive IBAR by the summer. It will be an important turning point in the process of European integration, both for Montenegro and the EU, but also a strong motivating factor to work even more intensively in the coming period," Gorcevic said. She thanked Austria for its continuous political and expert support for the European integration of Montenegro. MEPs said that the minister informed the interlocutors about ongoing and planned activities in the negotiation process, stressing that the Government is determined to fulfil all obligations by the end of its mandate and prepare Montenegro for full membership in the EU. "We are determined to deliver the results we have set together with our friends and partners from the EC within the given deadlines. On the other hand, we expect that our effort and work will be valued and that after the summer and receiving the IBAR, we will move to the final phase of the negotiation process and start closing the chapters", said Gorcevic. The interlocutors exchanged opinions regarding the improvement of political and economic cooperation, as well as the promotion of the importance of the enlargement policy and the European path of Montenegro in the international public.


US military exercise in North Macedonia from 12 April to 19 July (MIA)


An exercise titled Resolute Castle 24, organized by the US armed forces’ Europe and Africa Command, will be held at the Krivolak exercise range in North Macedonia from 12 April to 19 July. As the government of North Macedonia announced at the session, to which foreign soldiers were permitted entry, participating in the exercise will be 270 members of US armed forces and 70 troops from the Kingdom of Norway, while North Macedonia will participate with 60 soldiers. The exercise in the Krivolak army site, according to the explanation, is part of the plan of organization and participation of the Army of North Macedonia in international exercises in 2024 and 2025, organized by the U.S. armed forces’ Europe and Africa Command. “Full NATO membership calls for active participation in joint exercise activities, which builds up the Alliance’s defense and deterrent capacities, which this exercise is part of,” reads the statement from the 13th session of the government of Talat Xhaferi, where the decision was brought to allow the entry and dwelling of foreign armed forces in order to participate in the Resolute Castle exercise.


NATO's 75th anniversary, Begaj: Without the Alliance, there would be no global security (Radio Tirana)


On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the North Atlantic Alliance, Albanian President Bajram Begaj says that global security would be unimaginable without NATO. In this way, according to Begaj, the unity and determination of this alliance have shaped a safer world.

"Marking the 75th anniversary of NATO, we are united in gratitude with our allies. Unity and determination have shaped our safe world. Without NATO, global security is unimaginable, writes Begaj in a post on the X network. The 75th anniversary of the foundation of the largest military alliance in the world will be accompanied by a different ceremony at the NATO HQ in Brussels. The Foreign Ministers of the 32 NATO allies will also meet for two days. This ministerial meeting will be the first with Sweden as a full member. It comes exactly three months before a crucial NATO summit in Washington that will be held in July. At the summit, the foreign ministers will discuss the most important issues at hand, the war in Ukraine and how to increase NATO support for Ukraine, the future of Ukraine after Sweden's membership in NATO and what its path towards this goal and, finally, who should replace Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, who will leave at the end of this year after a decade at the helm of the alliance. Foreign ministers are not expected to make any decisions this week on resolving any of these challenges, but some things need to be sorted out before their bosses meet in the US capital from 9 to 11 July. The most important issue is military support for Ukraine. Nearly $60 billion in US aid to Ukraine has been blocked in Congress, while Kiev's European allies are struggling to help arm it, as the concern remains of a Russian offensive in the coming months. From the NATO HQ in Brussels, during the official ceremony for the 75th anniversary of the Alliance, Albanian Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Igli Hasani said that a strong Euro-Atlantic connection is essential for the peace and security of future generations. "As a small nation, we deeply understand the power of unity. Strategic competition, new threats, cyber and disinformation campaigns require adaptation. We are encouraged by NATO's increasing focus in these areas, ensuring its continued importance in preserving our common future," said Minister Hasani. Evaluating the role of the Alliance over the years, the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs stopped especially in the region. "You saved the lives of people in our region, the lives of people from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo, who were facing ethnic cleansing," underscored the Albanian chief diplomat.


The Innovation Center is inaugurated. Rama: Strengthening national capacities in the field of security and defense (CdM)


The inauguration of the new Innovation, Security and Defense Center marks another page for the modernization of the Albanian Army. Present at the ceremony organized on the occasion of the opening of this center, Prime Minister Edi Rama was accompanied by Minister Belinda Balluku and Niko Peleshi. Appreciating it as a new era in the modernization of the Albanian army, Rama emphasized that this creates optimal conditions for the development of new technologies, not only in the field of security and defense, but also in the function of modernizing governance and supporting private sector. "Through the new Security and Defense Innovation Center, it is intended, among other things, to strengthen national capacities in the field of security and defense through the implementation of innovative projects and the integration of advanced technologies, and to promote the development of an innovation ecosystem in security and protection," underlined Rama. Rama has seen this center closely, while its representatives showed details about the activity and object of their work. "The new Innovation, Security and Defense Center opens. It opens another page in the modernization of the Albanian Army, as well as creates optimal conditions for the development of new technologies, not only in the field of security and defense, but also in the function of modernization of governance and support of the private sector," writes Rama. “This center joins the Innovation and Excellence Agency that we have created precisely to have an internal driving force in every central department, in every ministry, it is a nucleus that promises a lot,” added the Prime Minister. Showing the goals for the modernization of the Albanian army, the Head of the government emphasized that the goal is for our Armed Forces, our army, our defense system to become a center of technological development beyond itself, which of course is an example that we are not called to create it, but simply to take it and implement it, seeing many other countries that through the defense system, posses an extremely important and productive source for the entire technological development of the country. Peleshi said that this center is a new page in modernism for the Albanian army. "This is a new page of modernization. It is a transition to a new phase of Albania's development, which we are also joining. The Armed Forces are at the vanguard of modernizing developments," said Minister Peleshi.