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UNMIK Headlines 19 July

  • Reeker: U.S. ready to get involved in Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (media)
  • Haradinaj says Veseli’s remarks are “shameful” and “servile” (Koha)
  • Veseli: No final agreement with Serbia without the U.S. (Insajderi)
  • Haradinaj meets NATO supreme commander for Europe, Gen Wolters (media)
  • Austrian authorities briefly detain AAK MP Daut Haradinaj (media)
  • Haradinaj: Visa liberalisation, a matter of weeks (media)
  • Serri: The tariff is unacceptable (media)
  • AAK: There are no problems in the ruling coalition (media)
  • Hoti: Ruling coalition has damaged Kosovo’s position in talks (Indeksonline)
  • Pacolli: Kosovo is an example of religious tolerance in the region (Epoka)
  • Declaration for promotion of dialogue among communities, signed (Epoka)
  • Macron and Vucic adopt joint statement (Indeksonline)
  • Protest to be held today over the killing of a boy in Fushe Kosove (media)

Reeker: U.S. ready to get involved in Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (media)

Acting U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia, Philip Reeker told Voice of America that the U.S. is ready to get involved in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina but cannot do so for as long as the parties don’t return to the negotiating table.

“The U.S. is absolutely ready to get involved and I discussed this also with [State Secretary] Mike Pompeo because we want progress. However, we cannot do that for you. Kosovo and Serbia need to jointly decide if they are ready to return to the dialogue,” Reeker is quoted.

He also said that the early stages of the EU-facilitated dialogue in Brussels made a difference in the relations between Kosovo and Serbia by reducing tensions in the region.

Reeker is also reported to have said that he has spent a lot of time at the same table with representatives from Kosovo and Serbia and that “I think there is good will on both sides to come to a solution and achieve more stability and prosperity for the whole Western Balkans.”

Haradinaj says Veseli’s remarks are “shameful” and “servile” (Koha)

Clashes between the main partners of the ruling coalition are continuing, the paper reports on its front page. Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj reacted on Thursday to remarks by Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) leader and Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, who said during his visit to the U.S. that Haradinaj has a same position toward Serbia and the U.S. In an interview to KTV on Thursday evening, Haradinaj said: “it is shameful for a Kosovo leader to make such comparisons … The U.S. is my family. But there are disagreements even within families. And this is what I am explaining to Kadri Veseli, Hashim Thaci and the others. You are not in good terms with the U.S. if you don’t protect your own interest”. Haradinaj said Washington needs to hear a clear message from Kosovo. “We cannot give away territory. The territory of my country cannot be touched. We cannot agree to an Association [Community of Serb-majority municipalities] similar to Dodik’s type, because Russia would come in and create problems,” he added.

Veseli: No final agreement with Serbia without the U.S. (Insajderi)

Kosovo’s Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli met in Washington with head of the Foreign Policy Committee at the U.S. Senate, Senator Bob Menderez. Veseli informed him about the political developments in Kosovo and the region and expressed appreciation to him for his contribution as well as for the supporting role of the U.S. Senate.  “There cannot by a final agreement between Kosovo and Serbia without America. Direct involvement of the U.S. in this process is essential for the reach of the agreement which would ensure recognition of the independence of the independent and sovereign state of Kosovo as well as the seat at the UN,” Veseli said.

Haradinaj meets NATO supreme commander for Europe, Gen Wolters (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj met yesterday the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) General Tod Walters and discussed the overall developments in Kosovo, including the security situation.

According to a press release issued by the Government of Kosovo after the meeting, Haradinaj informed Gen Wolters about Kosovo’s progress in all fields and emphasized its Euro-Atlantic orientation. Haradinaj also sought NATO’s support for advancement of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF).

“Kosovo is aligned with armies of freedom and peace and a multiethnic and professional KSF is advancing in line with NATO standards as provider of security in the country and the region,” Haradinaj is quoted to have said. He further underlined Kosovo’s readiness to contribute to peace wherever required by its allies.

Austrian authorities briefly detain AAK MP Daut Haradinaj (media)

Several print and online media report that Austrian authorities briefly detained Kosovo MP from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Daut Haradinaj, brother of Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj, on an arrest warrant issued by Serbia.

Haradinaj later in the day posted a picture on social media of himself in a busy city street and captioned it: “Live from Vienna.” At the same time, Bota Sot quotes him as saying that he was not actually detained but that he had a several-minute long “consultation” with the border police. “I was not detained or arrested,” Haradinaj said.

Speaking to Klan Kosova from Austria, Haradinaj said Kosovo needs to become member of Interpol to prevent such scenarios in the future: “We have to work to become a full-fledged member of Interpol otherwise there will always be obstacles, not only for KLA fighters but for whomever Serbia has an arrest warrant for.”

Haradinaj: Visa liberalisation, a matter of weeks (media)

Most media report that Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj said on Thursday that the decision on visa liberalisation for the citizens of Kosovo will be made in a matter of weeks. “I think it is a matter of weeks now. We are late, but it is a matter of weeks before we get the merited news decision on visa liberalisation. We have met all the requirements,” Haradinaj said during a visit to Fushe Kosove.

Serri: The tariff is unacceptable (media)

Ricardo Serri, deputy head of the European Union Office in Kosovo, said in a meeting with the Kosovo Assembly’s Committee for European Integration that the import tariff on Serbian goods is unacceptable, Lajmi reported on Thursday. “Allow me to reiterate the critical position of the European Union – this decision [the tariff] is not good for Kosovo,” Serri is quoted as saying. Other media report that Serri “criticised the Assembly for non-functioning, for politically-influenced appointments and for setbacks in the education sector”. Another headline reads EU Office slams the Assembly.

AAK: There are no problems in the ruling coalition (media)

Ahmeti Isufi, deputy leader of the Haradinaj-led Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), said on Thursday that there are differing opinions in the ruling coalition on certain issues but that there are no major splits that could threaten the coalition. “There are no problems in the ruling coalition. There are differing opinions, and this is normal. For the time being I don’t see any splits that could threaten the coalition,” Isufi said.

Hoti: Ruling coalition has damaged Kosovo’s position in talks (Indeksonline)

Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) parliamentary group chief, Avdullah Hoti, said during a visit to the U.S. that the import tariff on Serbia goods has had negative results and that it has led to decreased international support for Kosovo. Hoti also said that “relations with the U.S. should not suffer due to bad policies in Kosovo”.

Pacolli: Kosovo is an example of religious tolerance in the region (Epoka)

Kosovo’s Foreign Minister is participating at the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom in Washington, invited by the U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Pacolli said in his address that Kosovo is an example of religious tolerance and coexistence not only for the region but even wider. “We will promote this value and Kosovo’s heritage and we are happy to share it with the entire world. We will continue to work with the American government to address the importance of the religious freedoms and undertake joint initiatives with our partners,” Pacolli said.

Declaration for promotion of dialogue among communities, signed (Epoka)

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Mission in Kosovo organised on Thursday a formal ceremony of signing of joint declaration on promotion of dialogue between the communities in the municipalities of Mitrovicë/Mitrovica, Vushtrri/Vucitrn, Skenderaj/Srbica, and Podujevë/Podujevo.

Director of Administration in Mitrovicë/Mitrovica municipality Hysen Muzliukaj, the Podujevë/Podujevo mayor Agim Veliu, the Vushtrri/Vucitrn mayor Xhafer Tahiri, Director of Culture, Youth and Sport in Skenderaj/Srbica Ramiz Shala, representatives of communities, municipal officials, and NGO representatives, attended at the ceremony.

In his address, Ambassador Jan Braathu, Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, expressed his gratitude to the mayors and directors, saying he is happy that he can support inter-municipality cooperation for promotion of community affairs.

“Mitrovica municipality has made continuous efforts in order for all communities living in our city to be worthily represented, by implementing various projects in their integration and fixing road infrastructure. Moreover, the Office for Communities and Returns has given a special contribution in identification of demands and implementation of various projects for the communities living in Mitrovicë/Mitrovica,” Hysen Muzliukaj said.

Macron and Vucic adopt joint statement (Indeksonline)

Presidents of Serbia and France, Aleksandar Vucic and Emmanuel Macron, adopted a joint statement during Macron’s recent visit to Belgrade where they reaffirm commitment to democratic values and human rights.

The statement also says Serbia’s accession to the EU is a joint strategic objective and expressed readiness to swiftly create conditions for the renewal of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina that would lead to a mutually-acceptable solution, Indeksonline reports quoting Belgrade media.

Protest to be held today over the killing of a boy in Fushe Kosove (media)

Online media report that a group of activists have called a protest today in Fushe Kosove/Kosovo Polje over the killing of an eleven-year-old boy and what they say is police and judicial negligence in dealing with the case.

Gazmend Qyqalla, organizer of the protest and activist from the Ashkali community, said abuses and killings should not be hidden within the walls of public institutions.

Kosovo Police arrested one person in connection to the killing in Fushe Kosova who is currently in detention.