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UNMIK Headlines 20 July

  • Kosovo PM Haradinaj resigns after being summoned by war crimes court (media)
  • Thaci after Haradinaj’s resignation: I will act based on my competencies (media)
  • Veseli: KLA war was pure, further decisions in service of the country (RTK)
  • LDK leader Mustafa believes Haradinaj’s innocence will be proved (RTK)
  • LDK calls on President Thaci to initiate consultations on election date (media)
  • Haziri: President must set election date before crisis gets worse (media)
  • Kurti: Haradinaj’s resignation, a delayed move (media)
  • PSD leader Shpend Ahmeti calls for early general elections (media)
  • Citaku: This is not justice (media)
  • U.S.: We welcome Haradinaj’s cooperation with prosecution (RTK)
  • Serbian President says Haradinaj’s resignation is a political trick (media)
  • Jakup Krasniqi summoned by specialist chambers (Gazeta Express)
  • Pacolli: U.S. commitment to Kosovo remains unwavering (media)

Kosovo PM Haradinaj resigns after being summoned by war crimes court (media)

All media report that Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj resigned his post on Friday after a war crimes court in The Hague summoned him for questioning as a suspect. Haradinaj told reporters in Pristina on Friday that he received a call by the special court as a suspect and was offered to go as Prime Minister or as an ordinary citizen of Kosovo and that he chose the latter. At the end of the government meeting, Haradinaj read out his resignation letter. He said: “I return the mandate to the people; you are the first to be informed. The country’s government continues to perform its functions without creating a vacuum, I will officially notify all relevant institutions, I will remain always faithful to my homeland, it was an honour to serve it. The resignation is irrevocable. The responsibility is now with the president to begin consultations to set elections date. I will again offer myself to the people to win their trust. I am not indicted but will be interviewed. I could not continue leading the country and government because I would become a burden to Kosovo hence the decision. I did not pick this reality. I don’t think I should put Kosovo through this, and I won’t,” he said. “My political views are clear: Kosovo cannot accept partition as a price for recognition [from Serbia] by giving territory to Serbia, or even an Association with executive powers of the type of Republika Srpska or ‘Dodik Republic’ because it brings Russia in Kosovo. It is understandable that Kosovo is ready for a dialogue with Serbia without conditions, and an agreement on recognition would also mean free trade,” Haradinaj said.

Thaci after Haradinaj’s resignation: I will act based on my competencies (media)

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci took to Facebook on Friday to write that he believes in the purity of Kosovo Liberation army. “I regretfully learned that the Special Court invited foe interview former chief of staff of the KLA, Bislim Zyrapi, who was also my advisor, former commander of the Dukagjini Operational Zone, Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj, as well as some other former leaders of the KLA. From the media I was now informed about the decision of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, for the irrevocable resignation from his position. I respect his decision and as President of the Republic of Kosovo assure you that I will act based on my constitutional and legal competences for which the citizens of Kosovo will be informed on time. I believe in the purity of the Kosovo Liberation Army war and I believe in the high moral values of the soldiers of freedom. No one can violate neither the values of our freedom nor the war of the KLA,” Thaci wrote.

Veseli: KLA war was pure, further decisions in service of the country (RTK)

Kosovo Assembly Speaker and leader of the ruling coalition, Kadri Veseli reacted to Ramush Haradinaj’s resignation from the position of the Prime Minister and invitation for him by the Special Court. “I regretfully received the news from the media about the invitation made by the Special Court to my comrades, as well as the resignation of the Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj. The war of the Kosovo Liberation Army was pure and fair, and I am sure that the honesty of the fight of our people for freedom and independence will be reaffirmed again. The government coalition was built to make great decisions for Kosovo and to protect the KLA values. All our actions and decisions will be only in service of the best interests of Kosovo and our citizens, as well as in full compliance with our laws,” Veseli wrote.

LDK leader Mustafa believes Haradinaj’s innocence will be proved (RTK)

Isa Mustafa, leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) reacted after the resignation of the Prime Minister of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj. “Dear citizens, LDK has consistently demanded for this government to resign, but we regret that this happens because of the invitation of the Prime Minister of Kosovo by the Specialized Chambers. I strongly believe that the war of the Kosovo Liberation Army has been fair and clean, and I also believe that the innocence of Mr. Haradinaj will be proved again this time,” Mustafa wrote in a Facebook post.

LDK calls on President Thaci to initiate consultations on election date (media)

The Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) called on Kosovo President Hashim Thaci on Friday to initiate consultations with political parties to set a date for early general elections, after Ramush Haradinaj’s resignation from the post of Prime Minister. “The LDK chairmanship believes that following the Prime Minister’s resignation, Kosovo has no government, and the LDK calls on the President to initiate consultations on an election date,” the LDK said in a press release. LDK leader Isa Mustafa said after Haradinaj’s resignation that his party would accept no other solution except early elections.

Haziri: President must set election date before crisis gets worse (media)

Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) deputy leader, Lutfi Haziri, said on Friday that the LDK wants President Hashim Thaci to perform his constitutional duties and set the date for early parliamentary elections. “This is not the way we wanted Mr. Haradinaj’s resignation to happen, but Kosovo is already in elections. The LDK calls on the President of the Republic to set an election date as soon as possible. There is no need for the political crisis to get worse. The country, the current political situation and the act of resignation requires political legitimacy and not artificial formulas that would extend the mandate of this government for a week or a month,” Haziri said.

Kurti: Haradinaj’s resignation, a delayed move (media)

Vetevendosje leader Albin Kurti said on Friday that Ramush Haradinaj’s resignation should have happened a long time ago because of, as he said, many misuses he was responsible of making during his term in office. “Lately, he realised that the opposition’s no-confidence motion was going to be voted by some MPs that had initially supported him. He realised what we told he once: he had the post of prime minister as a rented bike from PDK to cycle some laps,” Kurti wrote on Facebook. He said Vetevendosje has consistently opposed the Specialist Chambers. “We need normal courts against crime and corruption in peace and not another special court against allegedly KLA war crimes”. In another statement, Kurti argued against the possible formation of a technical government following Haradinaj’s resignation. “Such improvisations are not the solution; they would only create further problems and that is not what we want. Kosovo needs major changes. We need to go to new parliamentary elections, democratic elections,” he said.

PSD leader Shpend Ahmeti calls for early general elections (media)

Shpend Ahmeti, leader of the Social Democratic Party of Kosovo (PSD) and Mayor of Pristina, said that Kosovo should not have a technical government following Haradinaj’s resignation from the post of Prime Minister. “There is no reason for a technical government. Elections are necessary in the democratic aspect of legitimacy. Both for the sake of legitimacy and change,” Ahmeti tweeted.

Citaku: This is not justice (media)

Kosovo’s Ambassador to the United States, Vlora Citaku, took to Twitter on Friday to comment on Ramush Haradinaj’s invitation as a suspect by the specialist chambers. “This is anything but justice! #RamushHaradinaj. Twice acquitted from the Hague Tribunal, Haradinaj has been invited again by the special court as a suspect. This is persecution,” Citaku tweeted.

U.S.: We welcome Haradinaj’s cooperation with prosecution (RTK)

The United States Department of State gave a short statement to the Voice of America on Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj’s decision to resign his post after he was summoned by the specialist chambers in The Hague. “The United States welcome his respect of the summon to appear before the Office of the Specialist Prosecutor of the Specialist Chambers for Kosovo,” the statement notes.

Serbian President says Haradinaj’s resignation is a political trick (media)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday that Ramush Haradinaj’s decision to resign his post after being summoned by the specialist chambers in The Hague, “is a political deception”. Vucic told reporters in Belgrade: “We fear that political developments in Kosovo are going on a direction to further delay the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia. Haradinaj’s resignation is a political trick through which he will try to gain more popularity and dominate over his political opponents. Serbia must show maturity and calmness and not react euphorically”.

Jakup Krasniqi summoned by specialist chambers (media)

Most news websites report today that Jakup Krasniqi, president of the NISMA National Council and one of the former leaders of the Kosovo Liberation Army, took to Facebook today to announce that he has been summoned by the specialist chambers in The Hague. Krasniqi did not say in what he capacity he has been summoned.

Pacolli: U.S. commitment to Kosovo remains unwavering (media)

Several news websites report that Kosovo’s Principal Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Behgjet Pacolli, met with U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Philip T. Reeker. “A very important meeting with the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Philip Reeker. Our alliance with the United States is exceptionally important for our Euro-Atlantic future. The U.S. commitment to Kosovo remains unwavering. Kosovo is fortunate to walk alongside the most powerful and democratic country in the world,” Pacolli said after the meeting.