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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, January 30, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Central Bank Governor Ismaili meets Hovenier (media)
  • Woelk: Politics taken towards Kosovo by EU is deeply unfair, unjust (media)
  • Haradinaj says decision to ban Serbian Dinar in line with EU standards (media)
  • Baraliu: They’re asking for Serbia to have a say in CBK decisions (KTV)
  • German Defense Minister to visit Kosovo on February 5 (Gazeta Express)
  • TI: No political will to give up from interference in judicial affairs (media)
  • Rohde: Integration of north is important for KOSTT sustainable business (media)
  • Serwer: Lajcak didn’t say word about Belgrade-sponsored Sept 24 attack (media)
  • Hoare: Trump return, Serbia’s goals – threat for Kosovo, Western Balkans (media)
  • Four Serbs suspected of attacking CEC premises in north plead innocent (Koha)
  • Police in Zvecan find bags with sand, were used for trenches, roadblocks (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Vucevic: We are concerned about the military agreement between Pristina and Turkey, we will respond adequately (Danas, Beta)
  • Serbs to be left without dinar in Kosovo: Can decision be suspended? (Radio KIM)
  • Dragana Miletic dismissed from the post of vice president of Leposavic municipality (RTK2, RTKlive, Kosovo Online)
  • Party of Kosovo Serbs demands urgent investigation into events in Leposavic municipal building (Radio KIM)
  • Thaci's lawyers requested to withdraw from the case (Kosovo Online) 
  • Witnesses at Thaci’s trial: KLA in 1999 kidnapped, mistreated and murdered civilians in Prizren and Podujevo (KoSSev, BETA)
  • Four Serbs accused of terrorism pleaded not guilty at a preliminary hearing held today (KiM radio)
  • Lawyer of Milun Milenkovic: It would be fair to approve bail measure (Radio KIM)
  • Ulutas met the head of UNMIK in Pristina (Kosovo Online)
  • Mladenovic: Language rights violated in almost all institutions (KiM radio, Radio Gorazdevac)
  • Serbia drops on the Transparency International CPI (N1)
  • The Assembly of Serbia constitutive session scheduled for February 6, before the EP votes on the resolution and the Serbian elections (Danas, FoNet)


  • A few words about the course of the struggle against lawlessness: We must fight (KoSSev)


  • Little Change in Balkan Corruption Perceptions Bar Decline in Bosnia (Balkan Insight)



Albanian Language Media  


Central Bank Governor Ismaili meets Hovenier (media)

The Governor of the Central Bank of Kosovo, Ahmet Ismaili, accompanied by Deputy Governor Dardan Fusha, met on Monday with U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo, Jeffrey Hovenier, and briefed him on the main developments in the financial system, the advancement of the legal and regulatory framework, activities related to the stability and integrity of the financial system, the implementation of objectives and the new Strategic Plan 2024-2028 of the CBK.

A press release issued by the CBK notes that during the meeting, Ismaili outlined the key aspects addressed in the new Regulation on Cash Operations and its effects, providing explanations and clarifications regarding its standing in the context. The advancement of the regulatory framework to combat counterfeit money and ensure a transparent and regulated supply of cash to the economy, which contributes to maintaining and enhancing the integrity of the financial system and the Euro currency itself, were among the main topics of the meeting.

Ismaili also listed other legislative acts approved by the CBK according to its plan, which, together with this Regulation, aim to adopt the best practices related to safeguarding the integrity of the Euro currency and the financial system in general.

In line with these changes, it was emphasized the need for effective and focused communication regarding the possible impacts and limitations of this Regulation, as well as the existing legal opportunities for accessing secure financial services.

“The meeting also addressed the existing opportunities, alternatives, and access to finance through various licensed financial channels operating throughout the entire territory of the Republic of Kosovo. The CBK’s Governor informed more specifically that in four northern municipalities, there are four bank branches, three microfinance institutions (lending), as well as over 15 non-bank financial institutions for payments and exchanges. The number of branches and offices of financial institutions operating in that area is increasing, as financial inclusion is CBK's objective.”“Furthermore, it was explained that the Regulation in question neither prohibits nor restricts the acceptance of funds in Euro accounts at licensed banks nor does it limit currency exchange activities of any currency conducted by financial institutions, whether bank or non-bank, licensed by the CBK. Therefore, all individuals that have access to bank accounts can receive funds in their Euro accounts through various legal channels from any country.”

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Woelk: Politics taken towards Kosovo by EU is deeply unfair, unjust (media)

Federica Woelk, expert on the Western Balkans at the European Parliament, argued in a post on X that “the politics taken towards Kosovo by the European Union is deeply unfair, unjust, and absolutely not based on any kind of facts. It can be seen especially by the decision to interfere against the Kosovar constitution concerning the dinar.”

Woelk said that “it can also be seen by the decision to not take any action against Serbia related to the terrorist attack in #Banjska. Nobody talks about it anymore. But a Kosovar policeman was killed. And it’s important to take actions.”

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Haradinaj says decision to ban Serbian Dinar in line with EU standards (media)

Former Foreign Minister of Kosovo, Meliza Haradinaj, argued in a post on X today that “not so long ago, Serbia unsuccessfully aimed to also include Trepca and the transformation of the Kosovo Security Force as dialogue topics in Brussels. Kosovo’s sovereign right to end the illegal flow of currencies other than the Euro is in line with EU standards and its EU aspirations. Kosovo should continue the course of wiping the slate clean of topics that hinder our progress and create false reasons to halt the EU integration of the region.”

Baraliu: They’re asking for Serbia to have a say in CBK decisions (KTV)

Legal commentator Mazllum Baraliu, in an interview with the TV station on Monday, commented on calls from internationals to Kosovo authorities to postpone the enforcement of the Central Bank’s decision that would end the use of the Serbian Dinar in Kosovo. He said that these imply that Kosovo should allow Serbia to have a say in the decisions of the Central Bank of Kosovo. 

“The same tone that Vucic uses in Belgrade, the same thing Peter Stano says in Brussels, and the same is said more or less by those in Washington, who in fact are not engaged like the European Union. I think they are requesting something more. They want this to be postponed indefinitely, the same way they pushed for agreements that favor Serbia in the last 13 years … namely to allow Serbia to have a say on what decisions the Central Bank of Kosovo can make. This is absolutely an internal matter of the Central Bank; this is guaranteed with the Constitution and the laws of Kosovo. It is an independent institution,” he argued.

German Defense Minister to visit Kosovo on February 5 (Gazeta Express)

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius and a delegation of the German Bundestag will visit Kosovo on February 5. The news was announced at the Kosovo Assembly Committee for Security and Defense Affairs. It was also said that a one-hour meeting will be held between the German delegation and members of the Kosovo Assembly, members of the Committee for Security and Defense Affairs.

TI: No political will to give up from interference in judicial affairs (media)

Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index 2023, in the part on Kosovo, notes that “the democratic progress that Kosovo (41) has achieved, particularly concerning free elections and peaceful transition of power still needs to be matched by action against corruption. Despite ongoing efforts, reforms that are key for independence in the justice system, such as establishing a judicial vetting process and passing a new law that could strengthen integrity in the Prosecutorial Council, are moving at a very slow pace. Worse still, the government’s continued interference with judicial affairs, exemplified by the dismissal of the head of the police’s special investigation unit, alongside obstruction by the majority MPs of a parliamentary investigation into an alleged grand corruption case, suggest that political will to give up control and strengthen independent oversight is still not there.”

Rohde: Integration of north is important for KOSTT sustainable business (media)

German Ambassador to Kosovo, Jorn Rohde, said in a post on X today that he had a very good meeting with Evatar Zeqiri, CEO of Kosovo’s Transmission, System & Market Operator (KOSTT). “Highlighted the great cooperation with Germany & longstanding @KfW_FZ_int support in the energy sector. Integration of the north is important for the operator's sustainable business,” Rohde said.

Serwer: Lajcak didn’t say a word about Belgrade-sponsored Sept 24 attack (media)

U.S. commentator on the Balkans, Daniel Serwer, shared a post on X by EU Special Representative for the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, Miroslav Lajcak, about his meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade. Serwer wrote: “Not a word about the September 24 terrorist attack Belgrade sponsored, the fraudulent December 17 election in Belgrade, or Serbia’s increasing alignment with dictators.”

Hoare: Trump’s return, Serbia’s goals – threat for Kosovo, Western Balkans (media)

Marko Attila Hoare, British historian, and commentator on the Balkans, said in an interview with Bosnian newspaper Slobodna Bosna today that, the eventual election of Donald Trump as U.S. President, combined with Serbia’s tendencies toward its neighbors can result in another war in the Western Balkans.

“This can result in another big crisis, perhaps even a war again, especially if Russia wins decisively in Ukraine and/if Trump returns to the White House. This is of course a threat for Serbia’s neighbors and the region. The war can impact the unity of NATO too,” he argued.

Four Serbs suspected of attacking CEC premises in north plead innocent (Koha)

Milun Milenkovic, Aleksandar Vlajic, Dejan Pantic and Miomir Vakic, suspected of attacking the Municipal Election Commission in Mitrovica North in December 2022, pleaded innocent in court today. At the preliminary hearing today, the prosecutor said that the suspects used hand grenades and two shock bombs in the attack. The prosecutor also said that their objective was to intimidate the population and the institutions and force the latter to back down from organizing elections in the north.

Police in Zvecan find bags with sand, were used for trenches, roadblocks (media)

Kosovo Police units raided a building in the municipality of Zvecan today and found several bags with sand. Kosovo Police Deputy Director for the north, Veton Elshani, told Kallxo news website: “we had information before, and we received information again that in a building there could be bags filled with sand that were used in the past as trenches in the barricades in Rudar in Zvecan. These bags were taken away and we had information that the same could be used again. The raid is ongoing”.


Serbian Language Media


Vucevic: We are concerned about the military agreement between Pristina and Turkey, we will respond adequately (Danas, Beta)

Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic said today that Serbia was concerned about the signing of a framework military agreement between Pristina and Turkey, as well as that the country was carefully monitoring what was happening, and that it would have an adequate response, reported Beta news agency.

"Not only politically, but we will adapt our capacities to all challenges, risks, and even dangers for our homeland, because the question arises - for whom and for what is the so-called Kosovo army armed. Another Albanian army, de facto, when you look at the ethnic composition," Vucevic told reporters at the Belgrade barracks on Topcider, after the display of military weapons and equipment of the Serbian Armed Forces (SAF).

He repeated that this is contrary to the Military-Technical Agreement and UN Security Council Resolution 1244, as well as that it represents a "direct violation of all norms of international law", adding that cooperation between Turkey and Pristina "is not a new thing".

"NATO does not cooperate institutionally with the so-called Kosovo Security Forces, it does not participate as an alliance in the transformation into what they call the Kosovo Armed Forces, which is contrary to their Constitution, but individual member countries are strong contributors in that process, and Turkey may be the leader there,'' he said.

He added that mandatory military service is being discussed in Pristina, adding that the situation "is getting more complicated every day."

Speaking about the results of the Army of Serbia in 2023, he stated, among other things, that they were positively evaluated.

Serbs to be left without dinar in Kosovo: Can decision be suspended? (Radio KIM)

Decision of Kosovo Central Bank to abolish use of Serbian dinar as of February 1 has called into question survival of Serbs, and next moves of the international community will be crucial, as they will clearly show whether they will make Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and his government to suspend this decision, Dragisa Mijacic from the EU Convent said, Radio KIM reported.

“Decision to abolish the dinar is the worst possible thing that could happen to Serbs in Kosovo and the question is if the Serbian community will survive. It would certainly lead to them leaving Kosovo and that was exactly the aim of this decision – to expel Serbs from Kosovo. This decision was curated by Albin Kurti and his government. Because they could not close down schools and hospitals, by abolishing dinar they would prevent their work”, Mijacic said. He added this is a great challenge for the international community as well and one shall see now if they have mechanisms to prevent departure of Serbs from Kosovo because of this decision.

“One of the ways is to ban Kosovo from using euro because this decision is not made in the European Central Bank and it has mechanisms to prevent use of euro in Kosovo”, he added.

He further explained that 85 percent of Serbs in Kosovo work in the Serbian system, their children go to the Serbian schools and get treatments at Serbian hospitals, four and half thousand pensioners receive their pensions in cash. If this decision is implemented then Belgrade has nothing to do in the dialogue any longer, he added.

Each family in Kosovo receives some income from Serbia

Milica Andric Rakic from New Social Initiative told N1 that the decision of abolishing dinar in Kosovo was concerning as “there is no family in Kosovo which does not receive some income from Serbia”.

“This also applies to Roma and Gorani people. Consequences to the economic benefits of the citizens would be gross. Each of us would have to go outside of Kosovo to get the money. And if one would go to Serbia to get the money there, then a vast part of that money would be spent already and those poor would become even poorer. Shops will close, members of the Serbian community are already leaving Kosovo, and many are yet to do so. Kindergartens will not be able to buy food for children, hospitals would not be able to buy what they need. On the other side, Kosovo Central Bank could receive transfers in euro, but for this to happen, Pristina would need to recognize Serbian institutions in Kosovo which it deems parallel”, she said. 

Dragana Miletic dismissed from the post of vice president of Leposavic municipality (RTK2, RTKlive, Kosovo Online)

The mayor of Leposavic, Lulzim Hetemi, dismissed Dragana Miletic from the position of vice president of this local self-government, RTKlive learns.

The explanation states that the decision takes effect immediately, according to RTK. 

"Darga Miletic is relieved of her duties due to non-respect of the position of vice president and failure to fulfill her work obligations," stated Hetemi's decision.

Party of Kosovo Serbs demands urgent investigation into events in Leposavic municipal building (Radio KIM)

“The video of cocaine consumption in the official premises of Leposavic municipality is a clear indication that municipality is usurped by persons who have no legitimacy and moral codex”, Party of Kosovo Serbs (PKS) said in a statement last night.

Their reaction came in response to a video published by Pristina-based Nacionale claiming it shows one of the current Leposavic municipal officials allegedly consuming narcotics in a toilet of the municipal building and then also in one of the municipal offices with another colleague.

“We demand an urgent investigation against Leposavic municipality head, Lulzim Hetemi, and also that he is tested for narcotics as well as testing of all other officials of Leposavic municipality (the chair of the assembly and all directors of departments)”, PKS added in a statement.

“From interior minister Dzelal Svecla we demand an explanation of how such public consumption of narcotics is possible in a building secured by members of special police units 24 hours around the clock. Does police have any role in this, and if they do not explain who is behind the supply of narcotics to the highest municipal officials”, PKS concluded in a statement. 

Thaci's lawyers requested to withdraw from the case (Kosovo Online) 

Lawyers Gregory Kehoe and Joe Reeder, as well as their legal teams, submitted a request to withdraw from the case of Hashim Thaci before the Special Court in The Hague, due to the alleged "failure to fulfill obligations by the former president of Kosovo and the leader of the KLA", reported portal Kosovo online. 

According to the portal, failure to fulfill obligations towards them is cited as the reason in the request.

"Mr. Thaci failed to meet his obligation to Gregory Kehoe and Joe Reeder, members of the support team, and Mr. Thaci was reasonably warned that he would seek termination if the obligation was not met," the Specialized Chambers said in a statement.

The announcement states the official request of Thaci's defense, and according to the decree, when the next defense group is appointed, the previous lawyers must continue their cooperation within a maximum of 45 days from the moment when the new legal representatives are appointed.

The statement further points out that Thaci can defend himself before the court, as well as that he can be assigned a legal representative by the Specialized Chambers if he does not have enough financial resources to pay for them, reported Kosovo Online.

Witnesses at Thaci’s trial: KLA in 1999 kidnapped, mistreated and murdered civilians in Prizren and Podujevo (KoSSev, BETA)

In the continuation of a trial proceedings against former KLA commander Hashim Thaci and co-defendants, accused of committing war crimes in Kosovo and Albania in the period from 1998 to 1999, two protected witnesses said that KLA in 1999 kidnapped, mistreated and murdered civilians in Prizren and in Podujevo area, KoSSev portal reports citing BETA news agency.

In addition to Thaci, other KLA high-ranking members Kadri Veseli, Rexhep Selimi and Jakup Krasinqi are accused of committing crime against Albanians, Serbs and Roma in more than 40 detention centers held by KLA.

Protected witness 2082 explained that he was stopped at the end of June in 1999 on a street in Prizren, by KLA patrol under explanation that “commander wishes to see him”. The witness said they knew who he was as they had a list with the names of the persons they were looking for. He also said he attempted to flee and hide in his house, but surrendered after KLA members “threatened to kill his family members”. The witness further explained the torture he was exposed to and interogation related to the crimes he did not committ. 

Another protected witness 4870 said KLA kidnapped and killed her relative “in the Lab operational zone” near Podujevo. According to her statement, she explained how her relative went missing, how KLA members treated him in the prison and what she was told afterwards about the murder of her relative. The topic of her testimony was also the commanding structure of KLA in her area.  

Four Serbs accused of terrorism pleaded not guilty at a preliminary hearing held today (KiM radio)

Before the special department of the Basic Court in Pristina, the preliminary hearing in the case of four Serbs accused of allegedly committing a terrorist act was completed. The accused pleaded not guilty.

The accused Milun Milenkovic Lune, Dejan Pantic, Aleksandar Vlajic and Miomir Vakic were present in the courtroom with their lawyers.

Prosecutor Afrim Shefkiju, reading the indictment, stated that ‘’the defendants Milun Milenkovic Lune, Dejan Pantic, Aleksandar Vlajic and Miomir Vakic committed a terrorist attack as co-perpetrators on December 6, 2022, when, as stated in the indictment, two explosive devices were thrown at the premises of the Municipal Election Commission in North Mitrovica, one of which exploded’’.

The accused Serbs, after the reading of the indictment, declared that they did not feel guilty for the crimes they were charged with. Family members of Milun Milenkovic also attended the hearing. 

The previous hearing was canceled due to the delivery of incomplete case files to the defense attorneys of the accused, recalled KiM radio.

Lawyer of Milun Milenkovic: It would be fair to approve bail measure (Radio KIM)

Predrag Miljkovic, defense lawyer of Milun Milenkovic Lune accused of allegedly committing terrorist act in accomplice in Mitrovica North, said he filed to the court precise proposal on bail measure with a higher amount, respectively left to the court and prosecution to set the amount necessary to approve bail measure, Radio KIM reports.

He also recalled that Milun Milenkovic is the only one in this case still being in detention. “I think it would be fair to approve the bail measure, to recall detention measure so he can defend in freedom (…)”, Mijlkovic said, adding three other persons in this case who are released on bail are the best example how this measure functions, as they regularly come to the court and respond to the court summons, noting that his client will do the same.

Pantovic: Indictment not supported by evidence

Ljubomir Pantovic, defense lawyer of Dejan Pantic, said the defense has a one-month deadline to express objections to the indictment and evidence from the case files.

“Our first impression is that the indictment is not supported by evidence. It is interesting to say that the prosecution did not propose a single witness who would confirm the allegations of the indictment, they have not even proposed to hear the defendants at the main hearing, very unusual”, Pantovic siad.

Ulutas met the head of UNMIK in Pristina (Kosovo Online)

KFOR commander Ozkan Ulutas met in Pristina with the head of UNMIK, Caroline Ziadeh, reported portal Kosovo Online. 

The NATO mission stated on the "X" social network that the meeting was held at the "Film city" camp in Pristina.

"Today, the commander of KFOR, Major General Ozkan Ulutas, met with the representative of the Secretary General and the head of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission, Caroline Ziadeh, at the Film City camp in Pristina," the mission announced, cited the portal.

Mladenovic: Language rights violated in almost all institutions (KiM radio, Radio Gorazdevac)

Language rights in Kosovo are violated in almost all institutions and even in ministries, Slavisa Mladenovic, commissioner for languages in Kosovo, said in an interview with Radio Gorazdevac, reported KiM radio.

Mladenovic expressed deep concern about the lack of progress in the protection of language rights in Kosovo thus noting that the current situation is far from satisfactory. He said that citizens are faced with numerous violations of language rights in institutions such as courts, police, municipalities, and ministries. 

"All our citizens are witnesses to this, but also numerous reports mentioned this, both from the commissioner's office and from numerous international and local organizations. Language rights are also violated in courts, police, municipalities, and this is often done by ministries, that is, the central government. Even the assembly itself, where the lawmakers sit, very often does not respect the rights of the media reporting in the Serbian language, for example. So, we really can't say that the situation is great, there are certain developments, certain positive things are happening, but citizens have numerous reasons not to be satisfied with the level of law enforcement by the authorities," says Mladenovic.

According to him, the main challenges for solving this problem are political will and workforce.

''Political will is perhaps the most important signal as to whether the institution or authorities want to implement the law. It is often only declarative, but not practical. On the other hand, the workforce is something that is in a declining trend," Mladenovic said.

He believes that one of the problems is the lack of professional translators, because there are fewer and fewer of those who know both official languages in Kosovo.

He mentioned as a new thing this year, the formation of the unit for linguistic harmonization and control. According to Mladenovic this unit, after several years of fighting to form it, will deal with refining the texts of laws that are going to the government for an adoption, i.e., texts that will later be forwarded to the assembly for adoption. 

''This is very important, because numerous errors in the laws in the Serbian language are evident, i.e., inconsistency between the Albanian and Serbian versions of the law,'' believes Mladenovic and adds that the formation of the unit will contribute to solving many problems on the ground, caused by these linguistic inconsistencies. 

Serbia drops on the Transparency International CPI (N1)

Transparency International has ranked Serbia 104 out of 180 countries on its Corruption Perception Index (CPI) for 2023, a drop of three places from the 2022 CPI.

Serbia also got a ranking of 36 out of 100 on the CPI scale where 0 means highly corrupt and 100 means there is no corruption. It scored a similar number of points as the other countries of the region. Transparency International said that “Serbia is witnessing a democratic decline, with its autocratic government using special laws to limit transparency in large-scale projects”.

It recalled that a recently introduced law opened up at least one billion euros of public funds, earmarked for Expo 2027, to the risk of inflated contract prices and poor-quality construction work.

“The prosecution service has also neglected to act on publicly presented evidence that election fraud benefited the incumbent Serbian Progressive Party and its allies in December 2023. This politically captured justice institution is failing to protect the public interest at a crucial time, reducing the country’s ability to stop corruption”, Transparency International also said.

The Assembly of Serbia constitutive session scheduled for February 6, before the EP votes on the resolution and the Serbian elections (Danas, FoNet)

The President of the Assembly of Serbia, Vladimir Orlic, scheduled today the constitutive session of the Parliament for Tuesday, February 6, reported Danas. 

On the agenda is the confirmation of the mandate of MPs, the election of the president of the National Assembly, the election of the vice president, the appointment of the general secretary and the election of members of the working bodies of the National Assembly, as well as the election of members of permanent parliamentary delegations in international institutions.

The session will start at 10 am.

It is hereby scheduled before February 8, when at the plenary session of the European Parliament, the vote on the resolution on the elections in Serbia is on the agenda.

The pro-Western opposition coalition Serbia Against Violence (SPN), which is seeking before the Constitutional Court the annulment of the elections held on December 17 (parliamentary, provincial, Belgrade), demanded that the constitutive session be held after February 8 and the EP vote.

Representatives of the SPN demanded an international investigation into the elections in Serbia, and European institutions to participate in determining election rigging, primarily through, as they alleged, voter migration and voter list manipulation, recalled Danas.






A few words about the course of the struggle against lawlessness: We must fight (KoSSev)


By Dragutin Nenezic

In the past three texts, I highlighted the main directions of lawlessness in Kosovo that have been ongoing in recent months. In this text, I would like to somewhat update and expand on my findings and give some guidelines for further struggle. I deeply believe that the only chance for Serbs in Kosovo, in the north as well as in the south, lies in the joint struggle against lawlessness, separate from the so-called policies of official Belgrade.

Is the dinar a legal currency in Kosovo?

Since my previous text, Bislimi shared the erroneous claim that the use of euros in Kosovo is regulated by an article of the constitution. Of course, he failed to mention that this article does not mention any currency explicitly but leaves this matter to be regulated by law (and not by a decision of the Central Bank). I would set aside another confirmation that Bislimi (alongside Kurti) is so poorly acquainted with the constitution that he does not even know how to apply it, as well as the question of why no one is involved in overturning that decision before the constitutional court. At this point, I would like to underscore the following UNMIK regulations for anyone who still has a dilemma as to whether the dinar can be legally used in Kosovo:

  • Regulation no. 1999/4 of September 9, 1999: 4.2 A person wishing to pay in Dinars a compulsory payment that is required under Section 4.1 to be paid in another currency, may do so at the reference exchange rate applicable on the day of payment but shall be charged an additional fee to cover handling and transactions costs.
  • Administrative direction no. 1999/2 of October 4, 1999: 2.2 Pursuant to section 4.2 of UNMIK Regulation No. 1999/4, the administrative fee for a person wishing to make compulsory payments in Dinars shall be ten percent of the assessed compulsory payment. 2.3

Administrative fees and compulsory payments, if paid in Dinars, shall be calculated in accordance with the most recent reference exchange rate quoted by UNMIK.

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Little Change in Balkan Corruption Perceptions Bar Decline in Bosnia (Balkan Insight)

Transparency International’s Lidija Prokic cites the near “collapse of oversight institutions” in Serbia following December elections, while the past decade has brought “significant” negative change in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Public perceptions of the fight against corruption in the Balkans have stagnated, with the exception of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where there has been a “significant” decline over the past decade, Transparency International said on Tuesday in presenting its latest Global Perceptions Corruption Index, CPI.

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