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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, January 31, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti: CBK's decision is non-negotiable (RTK)
  • Osmani on dinar: Each time we act along with allies, constitution is protected  (media)
  • CBK Board Chairman: Discussion to postpone regulation, no suspension (RFE)
  • Gervalla meets Germany’s Minister of Defense, discuss security in region (RTK)
  • Osmani believes CEC will take appropriate actions for dismissal of mayors in north (Koha)
  • Former minister sentenced to 3 years in prison in “€53 million case” (media)
  • ICG: If not Association, parties to find other alternatives (Koha)
  • Haradinaj: Kosovo, its army ready to be NATO member alongside U.S. (media)
  • Rohde: More ambition is possible and expected (media)
  • Ministry: Nearly €23 million for attorneys of eight former KLA members (Kallxo)
  • Radakovic: Only 30% of Serbs that left institutions don’t want to return (KTV)

Serbian Language Media:

  • UNS and DNKiM: Central Bank of Kosovo not to violate right to information in Serbian language; translation provided after reaction (Radio Mitrovica sever, KiM radio)
  • Lucic: Pristina's action against MTS makes life difficult for Serbs (Radio Mitrovica sever, RTS)
  • Hill: I support Quint stance on postponing KCB decision (Kosovo Online)
  • Amendments to laws on citizenship and property: Granting rights to Albanians from southern Serbia or depriving rights of Serbs in Kosovo? (Kosovo Online)
  • COMKFOR discusses security with Lajcak (N1)
  • Vucic to meet Quint ambassadors, EU delegation head today (Tanjug)
  • Rohde: Concern over interference of Kosovo Government in judiciary (Kosovo Online, social media)
  • Haradinaj: Kosovo should show flexibility in resolving dinar issue (Kosovo Online, media)
  • MTS security staff staged warning strike in Gracanica (RTS, Radio kontakt plus)
  • Commercial Bank as of today no longer works in Kosovo (Radio KIM)
  • Vucevic: “We will never recognize independence of Kosovo, even if not even one of us remains there” (Kosovo Online, Beta, TV Happy)


  • Kosovo ban on Serbian dinar risks new crisis (AFP)
  • EU envoy urges Kosovo and Serbia to step up normalization efforts before the bloc’s June elections (AP)
  • Toward Normal Relations between Kosovo and Serbia (ICG)
  • Kosovo* enters day-ahead market on Albanian Power Exchange (BGEN)
  • With Billions in Conditional Aid, EU Offers Balkan States ‘Taste’ of Accession (BIRN)



Albanian Language Media  


Kurti: CBK's decision is non-negotiable (RTK)

Kosovo Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, has stated that the decisions of the Central Bank of Kosovo are independent decisions and the ban of the dinar in Kosovo is non-negotiable.

"In the four municipalities in the north there are four bank branches and there are 15 non-banking financial institutions where remittances and payments can be sent and where all of them can be received in euros. The euro is a currency that comes to us from the EU. We are not telling anyone to take the Albanian lek currency or a new Kosovo Dardan currency, but the euro. The euro as the only means of payment and purchase clearly defined in the Republic of Kosovo is not a negotiable issue", Kurti emphasized to the media after the tributes to the statue of Zahir Pajaziti, Edmond Hoxha, Hakif Zejnullahu and Ilir Konushevci in Podujeve.

According to Kurti, the Central Bank of Kosovo is an independent institution and that "the rules they bring, the regulations they approve are completely in accordance with the Constitution and the law".

He further emphasized that the Central Bank of Kosovo and governor Ahmet Ismajli should be left alone to do their job, as he has earned the trust of the Assembly of Kosovo.

Kurti also emphasized that the only currency for exchange and purchase in Kosovo is the euro and that the government is not wanting to punish anyone, but to bring legality, constitutionality and regularity.

"Even in the north of Kosovo, even everywhere where there are Serbs in Kosovo who are a community, they have me as their prime minister and Ahmet Ismajli as a governor", Kurti said.

Osmani on dinar: Each time we act along with allies, constitution is protected  (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani after the tribute ceremony on the 27th anniversary of Zahir Pajaziti, Hakif Zejnullahu and Edmond Hoxha, has spoken about details of the meeting with EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak. Osmani said that she expressed her concerns about some of the parts of the Association’s draft statute.

"I later discussed my concerns with senior QUINT officials. We discussed these yesterday with Lajcak, he welcomed them and said that most of them can be accommodated. However, I think that the institution which can ultimately decide on the compatibility with the Constitution of Kosovo and can give direction on how they can be implemented without violating the Constitution is the Constitutional Court", she said.

Speaking about the normalization of relations, Osmani mentioned that Lajcak’s mandate will last approximately until summer, followed by elections in the USA and the appointment of high representatives.

Osmani said that she did not manage to talk with Lajçak about the ban on the circulation of the dinar in Kosovo, because there were topics related to the dialogue. "Article 11 of the Constitution requires that Kosovo has only one currency in circulation and use, it is regrettable that it has not been implemented until now. CBK has performed its work in accordance with its principle and as required by this institution", she said.

Osmani has said that several options are being considered, so that there is no penalty for the Serbian community. "That on the one hand would respect Article 11 but on the other hand will leave time for informing citizens and transferring them to new accounts in order to be implemented without any problems and with the full support of the allied countries. Because as you know, for every issue that has to do with the north of Kosovo, the extent of sovereignty and the security of our state, whenever we have our allies along, then these challenges are overcome and defense of our Constitution in entirety is reached,” she said.

CBK Board Chairman: Discussion to postpone regulation, no suspension (RFE)

Bashkim Nurboja, Chairman of the Board of the Central Bank of Kosovo (CBK), in an interview with the news website commented on the request of Quint countries to postpone the enforcement of the cash operations regulation. “Initially we saw that many people did not really understand the regulation and the request of Quint embassies was to suspend it. But after the proper information, they understood that the regulation is in the right of the CBK and the right for regulation of financial institutions and cash flow. After they received this information, they made the request to postpone the implementation. Our obligation is to regulate the financial system and we drafted this regulation as an additional instrument to regulate a matter that had not been regulated for a very long time, and which is of state interest, and involves the currency. It is also a constitutional right – Article 11 says that Kosovo must have only one currency. It also entails the cash flow in the country. It is very important for the CBK to know about the cash flow because this falls under its mandate,” he said.

According to Nurboja, the suspension of the regulation is out of the question and that there are ongoing discussions about postponing its enforcement. “We are still discussing the issue, there is no final decision yet. Today we will announce a decision because it enters into force tomorrow,” he said.

Nurboja further explained the new regulation saying that it defines the Euro as the only currency for payments. “This does not ban other currencies in any way. They can be exchanged in exchange offices. The wealth can be kept in other currencies if the banks offer that service, such as in U.S. dollars, franks, or any other currency,” he said.

Gervalla meets Germany’s Minister of Defense, discuss security in region (RTK)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, Donika Gervalla met today with Germany’s Federal Minister of Defense, Boris Pistorious, on the eve of his visit to Kosovo. They discussed cooperation in maintaining security and stability in the region, the harmonization of defense and security policies and the integration of Kosovo into NATO.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora announced that Gervalla informed Minister Pistorius about the security situation in Kosovo and the region, the continuous threatening actions of Serbia and the need to take quick and decisive steps to preserve the fragile peace of the region.

Further in the announcement it is said that Gervalla thanked the Minister of Defense of Germany for the cooperation in the field of security, in particular for the great support that Germany has given to the KSF in capacity building as well as Germany's contribution given for years in the framework of KFOR -it. In this regard, Minister Gervalla asked for an increase and strengthening of Germany's role in the region.

Osmani believes CEC will take appropriate actions for dismissal of mayors in north (Koha)

Kosovo President, Vjosa Osmani, believes that the Central Election Commission will take all the appropriate actions and the process for the dismissal of the mayors in the northern municipalities will be successfully completed within the deadlines. In a meeting on Thursday with the chairman of the CEC, Kreshnik Radoniqi, Osmani expressed her confidence in the election institution.

"The meeting discussed the preparations that are being made regarding the request for new elections in the north of the country, through the collection of 20% of the signatures of the voting body, as provided for in the Law on Local Self-Government and the Administrative Instruction drafted for this issue. The President expressed her belief that the CEC, as the institution responsible for the administration of voting, will take all appropriate actions and within the deadlines for this process to be carried out respecting this right of citizens in accordance with the procedures and legislation in power", says the announcement of the Presidency.

Former minister sentenced to 3 years in prison in “€53 million case” (media)

Former Minister of Infrastructure, Pal Lekaj, has been sentenced by a court today to three years and eight months in prison in the case of allocating an additional €53 million to the Bechtel-Enka consortium for the construction of the Arben Xhaferi highway. Lekaj was found guilty of abuse of duty and intentional damaging of the state budget. A former secretary at the ministry, the procurement director and an advisor were also found guilty in the case.

ICG: If not Association, parties to find other alternatives (Koha)

The European Union needs to undertake four actions to facilitate the dynamic of the dialogue between Kosovo and the Serb population, the International Crisis Group (ICG) said in a report published on Tuesday and titled “Toward the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia”. Among the key notes is that if a solution is not found for the Association of Serb-majority municipalities, the EU should apply pressure for other alternatives.

Read full report at:

Haradinaj: Kosovo, its army ready to be NATO member alongside U.S. (media)

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, during his stay in the U.S., met with Alton V. Buland, Director for European Policy at the Office of the U.S. Secretary of Defense. He said he thanked Buland for the outstanding engagement of the U.S. army and government to the people of Kosovo and its institutions, especially their support for strengthening the Army of Kosovo.

Haradinaj argued that on the 25th anniversary of NATO’s intervention in Kosovo it would be the right step for Kosovo to become a NATO member, “as this would help internal security and also stability and security in the region”. “Kosovo and its Army are ready to become a member of NATO alongside the United States and other countries,” he said.

Rohde: More ambition is possible and expected (media)

German Ambassador in Kosovo, Jorn Rohde, commented on the latest report by Transparency International, saying that “progress in Kosovo with elections but concerns on continued gov interference in the judiciary. Transparency International's conclusion on Kosovo: unlike North Macedonia and Montenegro, no progress in the ranking. More ambition is possible & expected!”

Ministry: Nearly €23 million for attorneys of eight former KLA members (Kallxo)

Kosovo’s Ministry of Justice told the news website on Tuesday that nearly €23 million were spent for the defense attorneys of eight former members of the Kosovo Liberation Army in court proceedings at the Specialist Chambers in the Hague. The Ministry said that the funds were paid from 2021 until today, and that the payments were made only for attorneys with which the ministry had a representation agreement.

Radakovic: Only 30% of Serbs that left institutions don’t want to return (KTV)

Dusan Radakovic, executive director of the Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture, said in a debate on KTV on Tuesday evening that he thinks that only 30 percent of Serbs that withdrew from Kosovo’s institutions don’t want to return.

Talking about judges, prosecutors, and the administrative staff of courts, he said that “those that are younger are ready to return, and I think it is good for the process that the young judges are improving”. “There are people that have retired for over a year and three months, some of them have retired for two months now and some are close to retirement, and there are also people that don’t like political decisions,” he said.

Radakovic said that it is important for Kosovo to have qualitative judges and that the integrated judges are people with integrity. “A fact that needs to be highlighted is that the judges that have integrated in the system are people with integrity and experience. Some of them have been in the service for over 15 years,” he said.

According to Radakovic, U.S. institutions played a role in the decision of the Kosovo Judicial Council to keep pending the resignations of Serbs. “I fully support the decision of the Kosovo Judicial Council … My personal opinion is that U.S. institutions played a role in the whole process, and I could be wrong. I think it is a positive example and that this should be continued, because I think it will be way easier for those who left, to return to the institutions,” he added



Serbian Language Media


UNS and DNKiM: Central Bank of Kosovo not to violate right to information in  Serbian language; translation provided after reaction (Radio Mitrovica sever, KiM radio)

The Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) and its branch, the Association of Journalists of Kosovo and Metohija (DNKiM), are strongly protesting the fact that at an event organized by the Central Bank of Kosovo in Pristina, on the day when the cancellation of the dinar was announced, the right of journalists was also canceled to cover the event in Serbian language.

Caglavica Media Center journalist Sanja Djokic asked why a translation into Serbian was not provided at the event, to which Albert Spahiu, the public relations officer of the Central Bank of Kosovo, replied that he "doesn't know".

UNS and DNKiM point out that it is unacceptable to prevent journalists who report in the Serbian language from working, especially on topics of importance for the entire Serbian community.

UNS and DNKiM remind that in this way not only the Law on the use of languages is violated, but also that the right to information, which is guaranteed by numerous international conventions, is endangered.

The UNS in Kosovo addressed the Commissioner for Languages Slavisa Mladenovic and Ombudsman several times, but despite this, this inadmissible practice continues.

Media Center Caglavica sent a complaint to the Commissioner on this occasion today, reported Radio Mitrovica sever.

However, Kontakt plus radio reported that following the reaction of the Associations of Journalists and the Commissioner for Languages in Pristina, a translation into Serbian was provided, citing the UNS updated announcement.

Lucic: Pristina's action against MTS makes life difficult for Serbs (Radio Mitrovica sever, RTS)

Director of "Telekom Serbia" Vladimir Lucic returned from Pristina where he spoke with the American and EU ambassadors to prevent the Agency for the Protection of Competition from expelling MTS from Kosovo market, reported Radio Mitrovica sever, citing RTS.

The director general of "Telekom of Serbia" says Pristina authorities' decision to introduce the euro as the only currency will have a negative impact on the Serbian population that functions in a different system.

However, he says that the operations of "Telekom of Serbia" will not be affected by this type of decision.

"Although that's not why I came to Pristina, but because of Telekom Serbia, in the conversation with the ambassadors we touched on that topic, and they are of the opinion that it is harmful. The effect of the consequences is large for ordinary people, and the question is how they will function after February 1, because they were in a different system," said Lucic in a guest appearance on RTS's morning program.

Attempt to revise acquisitions made by MTS

Lucic points out that MTS will continue to operate in Kosovo in the future and recalling that the main problem was resolved in August, when they tried to disconnect them, leaving 30,000 households without a signal.

"Kurti's administration has now switched to plan B and tries to prevent us from expanding further by trying to take away the cable operators, which we merged in 2019. Then we consolidated all the small cable operators with Serbian enclaves to be one operator that would serve the Serbian population and that the Serbs there have quality internet and access to domestic channels. And the agency fined us in December with one and a half million euros," said Lucic.

According to the second part of the decision, the Agency wants to revise the acquisitions of cable operators according to the new law, said the general manager of Telekom Serbia.

"This means that they want to try to disintegrate us and take those four cable operators from us again with some insane administrative decision," said Lucic.

That is why "Telekom Serbia" has been undertaking diplomatic activities since the beginning of January, whereby Lucic met with Gabriel Escobar in Washington, at the State Department, and on Monday in Pristina with the US and EU ambassadors.

"Next Monday, we will go again to meet with some other ambassadors and with the help of the international community, try to solve this pressing problem, that is, the Agency for the Protection of Competition to actually leave us alone, because we have initiated a court case and we are asking that the Agency for the Protection of Competition suspends those actions against us until the court case between us and them is resolved, where we are sure that we will win," said Lucic.

Intrusion into the data center of Telekom Serbia

He also states that last month a telecommunications inspection raided the data center of MTS with the police, reported Radio Mitrovica sever.

"It is obviously a pressure on our employees - if you come in with the police carrying guns and stay for several hours, we ask that this type of action be stopped and that our workers are never intimidated or mistreated in that way again," said Lucic.

MTS doo was founded in 2015 in accordance with the provisions of the Brussels Agreement and employs about 250 people. 30,000 households use MTS services in Kosovo.

"The Kurti administration is violating its own agreements and laws. Because what the Agency is doing, was not seen in practice, how it behaves towards a company, solely because it is Serbian. And factually we have presented this to the international community. How can that administration be trusted to stick to any agreement; when it is now trying to violate what has already been implemented by some agreement, and by selective application of its own laws, and that is completely obvious,'' Lucic said, adding that it is also completely obvious that all the actions of Kurti's administration are aimed at actually making the Serbian population life difficult and in order to actually move them out, reported Radio Mitrovica sever, citing RTS.

Hill: I support Quint stance on postponing KCB decision (Kosovo Online)

US Ambassador to Serbia, Christopher Hill told press conference with Presevo mayor Sqipri Arifi that he supports stance of Quint states on postponing implementation of Kosovo Central Bank (KCB) decision on dinar, establishment of Community of Serb Municipalities, but also importance of the Open Balkan, Kosovo Online portal reports citing Pristina-based Klan Kosova.

Asked about Pristina’s decision on abolishing dinar in cash operations, Hill said he fully supports the statement of Quint embassies.

“I would not surprise you if I say that I strongly supported the statement of Quint states’ embassies. Therefore, dialogue is a platform on which problems can be resolved, even in the sense of transactions. As far as basic rights are concerned, there should be discussion between the parties”, Hill said.

Amendments to laws on citizenship and property: Granting rights to Albanians from southern Serbia or depriving rights of Serbs in Kosovo? (Kosovo Online)

The recent interventions by the Kosovo Government in legislation have taken a step towards easing procedures for obtaining citizenship and acquiring property in Kosovo for the Albanians from Presevo, Medvedja, and Bujanovac. Some view these changes as examples of positive discrimination, while others warn of the political background behind these legal-administrative alterations, Kosovo Online portal reports.

Given the complexity of the relationships in the Serbia-Kosovo-Albanians from the southern Serbia triangle, it's challenging for any decision of the Pristina government to be viewed one-dimensionally, without the political context in which it is made. Will granting rights to one group – the Albanians from southern Serbia - impact the lives and enjoyment of the same rights for the other group – the Serbs in Kosovo?

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COMKFOR discusses security with Lajcak (N1)

KFOR Commander Major General Ozkan Ulutas discussed security in Kosovo with EU special envoy for Belgrade-Pristina talks Miroslav Lajcak in Pristina, N1 reported.

A KFOR press release said that they discussed “joint efforts towards lasting security in Kosovo and regional stability”. “The NATO-led KFOR Mission continues to provide the security framework supporting the EU-facilitated dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, for the benefit of all communities”, the press release added.

Lajcak was in Kosovo to meet with Pristina’s top officials following a meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade earlier this week. The visit comes in the wake of the Kosovo Central Bank’s decision to make the euro the only legal currency, effectively banning the dinar.

Vucic to meet Quint ambassadors, EU delegation head today (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will meet today with Quint ambassadors – US, UK, France, Italy and Germany, as well as head of the EU Delegation to Serbia, Tanjug news agency reports.

The meeting should take place at 18.00 hrs today at the building of the President of the Republic General Secretariat in Belgrade, press office announced.

Rohde: Concern over interference of Kosovo Government in judiciary (Kosovo Online, social media)

German Ambassador in Pristina, Jorn Rohde commented on Transparency International corruption index report, welcoming progress of Kosovo when it comes to elections, but expressing concern over interference of Kosovo Government in judiciary, Kosovo Online portal reports.

“The new @anticorruption's ranking just got out. Progress in 🇽🇰 w/ elections, but concerns on continued gov interference in the judiciary. Transparency International's conclusion on 🇽🇰: unlike 🇲🇰 and 🇲🇪, no progress in the ranking. More ambition is possible & expected!#CPI2023”, Rohde wrote in a post on X social platform with a thumb up sign next to progress in elections, and a thumb down sign next to the part on government’s interference in judiciary.

Haradinaj: Kosovo should show flexibility in resolving dinar issue (Kosovo Online, media)

Leader of AAK, Ramus Haradinaj said the decision of Kosovo Central Bank to abolish dinar in cash operations was right, because, as he said, dinar “is illegal and Kosovo has obligation to implement the laws”, adding that, however, Kosovo should be flexible on this issue in a certain period of time, Kosovo Online portal reports.

He also spoke about possibilities of recent restoration of the Belgrade-Pristina implementation of the reached agreements process. He blamed the Albin Kurti-led government for dealing with the mini crisis and forgetting about strategic goals, such as Kosovo membership in NATO.

MTS security staff staged warning strike in Gracanica (RTS, Radio kontakt plus)

More than 30 security workers of the MTS.doo company in Gracanica started yesterday a warning strike by blocking the premise and not allowing entry into it, RTS reported.

Around 8.oo yesterday morning they locked the entry and stayed in one of the offices, keeping the building blocked as a sign of warning to the leadership until 16:00 hrs of the same day.

The protestors said they were forced to do that, adding they feel sorry for not allowing their colleagues to enter the premises. They stressed that following unfulfilled promises by MTS.doo leadership this was the only way that they as former employees of Telecom Serbia, and now of a private company for security services Sikuester Enplemer fight for their employment status and to resolve the issue of health, social insurance and unequal salaries.

MTS.doo staff from Gracanica who could not enter their working place said they support requests of their colleagues, and understand them, adding this is the only way for them to fight for their rights. A meeting was supposed to take place at Telecom Serbia in Belgrade to find a solution to their problems today, RTS added.

Commercial Bank as of today no longer works in Kosovo (Radio KIM)

Commercial Bank as of today no longer works in Kosovo. The branch office of this Serbian bank was closed in Gracanica, the signboard and ATMs placed in front of the bank facility and Cultural House yards have been removed, Radio KIM reports.

The announcement on the closure of this bank’s branch offices in Kosovo had been communicated to the clients and employees by the end of the last  year, and clients who had accounts in this bank were informed with SMS about its closure.

Those employed in the Serbian public institutions in Kosovo, and receiving salaries from the Serbian budget, had to open new accounts in the Serbian Postal Saving Bank which also has branch offices in Kosovo. Until today, eight branch offices of Commercial Bank were operational in Kosovo.

Vucevic: “We will never recognize independence of Kosovo, even if not even one of us remains there” (Kosovo Online, Beta, TV Happy)

Defence Minister Milos Vucevic said today that Serbia will never recognize Kosovo independence, even if there are no Serbs in that territory, reported Kosovo online.

Vucevic told TV Happy that the fact that the Belgrade authorities allow someone to pass with a document issued in Pristina does not mean recognition of Kosovo as an independent.

“If the ban on the dinar starts today, it is a message to the Serbs that they cannot survive. Kurti does not have to pay attention to Quint’s warnings, he is expelling and terrorizing our people. But he has nothing to gain from it, we will never recognize the independence of Kosovo and we will fight for our territory and our people, but it’s terribly difficult,” he said.

He stated that the impression is that bad news always comes from Kosovo because, as he said, the Pristina regime has the support of major powers, reported the portal.

“President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, protects Serbia’s interests in the best possible way, and Kurti is encouraged to drag us into conflicts. Kurti is making a historical mistake, he is conducting violence against the Serbian minority, it is unsustainable in the long run, and it will come back to bite him. And those license plates that we allowed, they don’t disturb us, it’s not a success, but it’s not such a shame either,” Vucevic said.





Kosovo ban on Serbian dinar risks new crisis (AFP)

Kosovo may be on the verge of a fresh crisis after the government threatened to ban the use of Serbian money this week, with a chorus of Western countries warning it could ignite a firestorm.

The move is likely to spark the latest in a long series of conflicts with Kosovo's Serb minority.

The roughly 120,000-strong community has clung to the Serbian dinar since a brutal late-1990s war between Serbia and ethnic Albanian insurgents saw Serbian troops and government personnel withdraw from Kosovo.

Many Serbs in Kosovo work for Serbian institutions where their salaries, pensions and other financial transactions rely on the dinar, rather than the euro which is Kosovo's official currency.

But according to a new set of regulations issued by Kosovo's Central Bank, beginning on Thursday "the only currency allowed to be used... in the Republic of Kosovo is the euro."

Kosovo unilaterally adopted the euro as its currency in 2002, despite not being a member of the eurozone nor the European Union.

Serbia has never acknowledged Kosovo's 2008 declaration of independence, with the two sides perennially locked in bitter disagreements over the most minute bureaucratic matters in the former breakaway province, such as a recent spat over licence plates.

Ahead of the new rule coming into force, several banks in Serb communities across northern Kosovo began shuttering their operations, as confusion spread among the population.

"It seems to me that everyone is playing with us. Nobody tells us anything... I am fed up with politics," said Zoran Ilic, a 45-year-old Serb living in the divided northern city of Mitrovica.

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EU envoy urges Kosovo and Serbia to step up normalization efforts before the bloc’s June elections (AP)

The EU envoy for the Western Balkans on Tuesday urged Kosovo and Serbia to push ahead with faltering normalization talks before elections for the European Parliament in June.

Miroslav Lajcak met for three hours with Kosovo’s top leaders — President Vjosa Osmani, Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi — in the capital Pristina after visiting Belgrade a day earlier.

“We don’t even have to ask ourselves how to do it (the agreement). The question is when to do it. And, of course, if you ask me, I would say without delay, as soon as possible,” Lajcak told journalists.

The EU and the United States are pressing both countries to implement agreements that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kurti reached in February and March.

Toward Normal Relations between Kosovo and Serbia (ICG)

Since taking office in 2021, the government of Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti has been turning up the heat on the four northern municipalities where ethnic Serbs are in the majority. Kosovo’s refusal to grant greater autonomy to its ethnic Serbian population has been one of the two primary issues that keeps it at odds with neighbouring Serbia, from which it formally declared independence in 2008. The other is Serbia’s refusal to recognise Kosovo’s status as an independent state, which is essential to unlocking membership for the latter in international organisations like the European Union and UN.

As these disputes have lingered without resolution, Serbia and Kosovo have exercised a form of overlapping sovereignty in the north – with Serbia supplying education and health care to the residents, and Kosovo in charge of law enforcement and the courts – but Kurti has clearly lost patience with that arrangement. Among other things he has deployed heavily armed police to the region, placed an embargo on Serbian goods the residents need, evicted Serbian institutions and banned the use of Serbian currency. His government has justified these steps partly by citing security threats, most recently in the form of Serb paramilitaries whom it discovered bringing in military-grade weaponry from Serbia in September 2023.

Under this sustained pressure, over 10 per cent of Kosovo’s Serbs have emigrated over the past year. The departures accelerate a pre-existing trend: Crisis Group estimates that up to one third have left in the past eight years. The Kosovo Serbs’ emigration is worrying both because of what it says about their levels of frustration, and because it undermines the most plausible pathway to normalisation, in which Kosovo would give its Serbs significant self-rule in exchange for de facto if not de jure recognition by Serbia.

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Kosovo* enters day-ahead market on Albanian Power Exchange (BGEN)

Almost eight years after building a high-voltage power interconnection, electricity trading companies in Albania and Kosovo* are now participating in a joint day-ahead market. The platform came online in April on the ALPEX bourse, based in Tirana.

The plan to integrate the electricity markets of Kosovo* and Albania is becoming a reality. The Albanian Power Exchange (ALPEX) launched day-ahead auctions in market coupling mode for the two bidding zones. The first delivery day is February 1.

The start follows the approval by the Energy Regulatory Office (ERO) of Kosovo* of ALPEX’s request to start trading. Albania’s Transmission System Operator (OST) holds 57.25% and Kosovo’s Transmission, System and Market Operator (KOSTT) owns the remaining stake.

ALPEX was established in October 2020. It began day-ahead market trading last April.

Albania, Kosovo* are separate control block under ENTSO-E

One of the most important steps toward market coupling was the construction of a 400 kV interconnection between Albania and Kosovo* in 2016.

Next, KOSTT left the Serbian regulatory area of the SMM block with Montenegro and North Macedonia within the Continental European Power System under the, and formed the AK control block with Albania’s OST in 2020 under the European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTSO-E).

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With Billions in Conditional Aid, EU Offers Balkan States ‘Taste’ of Accession (BIRN)

The European Commission says a six-billion-euro package for the Western Balkans should encourage greater integration with the bloc’s single market, without becoming a substitute for accession.

The details of a European Commission proposal for six billion euros in financial support for the Western Balkans are still to be hammered out, but one thing is certain: there will be strict conditions attached.

The Commission, the executive arm of the European Union, announced the package in November last year with the aim of strengthening the region’s integration with the bloc’s single market and giving a better taste of the benefits of would-be membership in the absence of any actual imminent accession prospects.

The plan still needs the approval of the European Parliament and EU leaders, and until then the details on how it will actually work remain unclear, Croatian MEP Tonino Picula told BIRN.

“There is good news, such as ex-ante conditionality, but it remains to be defined to what extent and in what way the priorities will be arranged after the trialogue [between the Commission, the Council and the Parliament],” said Picula.

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