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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 5, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

  • President Thaci resigns after indictment against him is confirmed (media)
  • EU welcomes Thaci’s readiness to cooperate with Specialist Chambers (media)
  • PDK leader Veseli says indictment against him confirmed (media)
  • Government: We strongly believe in the honorable fight of the KLA (media)
  • Hoti: Constitution guarantees clear transition with no room for vacuum (media)
  • Vjosa Osmani, Acting President of Kosovo (Koha)
  • AAK: Dialogue with Serbia to be stopped immediately (media)
  • Haradinaj: I strongly believe in Thaci and Veseli’s innocence (media)
  • Limaj: We will come out glorious at the end of this process (media)
  • Albanian President: I believe in Thaci’s innocence (media)
  • Albanian Prime Minister: Thaci has Albania’s support and solidarity (media)
  • COVID – 19: 713 new cases, six deaths (media)
  • Sources: Prishtina expected to be isolated in the weekend (Indeksonline)
  • “Restricted movement from 18:00 to 05:00 starting this Friday” (Telegrafi)
  • Health Minister bans rallies for local elections (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • 52 new cases of Covid-19 in Serbian communities in Kosovo (Kontakt plus radio)
  • Stano on Thaci: EU continues to monitor situation in Kosovo (Kosovo Online, Tanjug)
  • “End of one political epoch” (Radio KIM)
  • Council of Europe: ''No one submitted a request for Kosovo's membership'' (Tanjug, Kosovo Online)
  • Serbian FM tells CoE ministers pandemic measures proportional (N1)
  • Serbian Orthodox Church head tests positive for coronavirus (N1)
  • Vucic and Petkovic wished Patriarch Irinej speedy recovery (Kosovo-online)
  • Four Albanians among arrested over Vienna attack, two from Kosovo (KoSSev)
  • Hodzic: Municipality works with limited capacity due to infection of several officials with coronavirus (KoSSev)


  • Kosovo president resigns to face war crimes charges (AP)
  • Kosovo's President Hashim Thaci resigns to face war crime trial (Deutsche Welle)
  • Kosovo President Thaci resigns after war crimes indictment confirmed (Reuters)
  • Thaci Trial ‘Should Have Happened Before’, Victims’ Families Say (Balkan Insight)
  • Braže: NATO and Serbia established a reliable, mutually beneficial partnership (EWB)



Albanian Language Media 


President Thaci resigns after indictment against him is confirmed (media)

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci told a press conference in Prishtina today that the indictment against him by the Specialist Chambers has been confirmed. He said he will resign his post “in order to protect the integrity of the Presidency, the integrity of Kosovo, the integrity of the people of Kosovo, and to respect our partnership with the international community … I will not allow to appear before court as President, therefore, I resign to protect the integrity of the state.”

“I feel very proud for the responsibility I have shouldered. In these new circumstances, I call on the political forces to show maturity and not slip into a constitutional or institutional crisis. The country has no time to lose. Let us keep our calm,” he said.

Thaci said these are uneasy times for him and his family and that he will cooperate closely with justice. “Today more than ever before I call on you not to lose hope. We won our freedom and independence and now we are developing our state,” Thaci said. “Like many others I might not have been today in this world. I am lucky to be alive and to have lived to see a century-long dream become reality”.

Thaci said tolerance, respect and coexistence are the values that take a country forward. He said no decision can change history and that Kosovo was the victim and Serbia the aggressor. 

“I call on you to show maturity and unity; let us stand united,” Thaci said.

Klan Kosova quotes Thaci as saying: “I call on you to keep your calm and to avoid any public gathering with a supporting or protesting motive”.

EU welcomes Thaci’s readiness to cooperate with Specialist Chambers (media)

A spokesperson for the European Union issued the following statement after Kosovo President Hashim Thaci resigned his post today, amid a confirmed indictment by the Specialist Chambers.

“The European Union takes note of the resignation of the President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, and welcomes the fact that he has agreed to cooperate with the Kosovo Specialist Chambers and the Specialist Prosecutor’s Office.

The EU strongly supports the work of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers and the Specialist Prosecutor’s Office. Full cooperation with these institutions is essential as an important demonstration of Kosovo’s commitment to the rule of law, which in turn is a core element for Kosovo’s progress on its European path and for EU’s engagement with the Western Balkans as a whole.

Following the resignation of President Thaçi, we trust the representatives of Kosovo to ensure the continuity of the institutions as spelled out in Kosovo law.”

PDK leader Veseli says indictment against him confirmed (media)

All news websites report on the confirmed indictment against Kadri Veseli, leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) leader and one of the leaders of the former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). Veseli said in a press release that he was notified about the indictment on Wednesday and that he will be travelling to The Hague today. 

Veseli said “the process that is starting at the Specialist Chambers is the last step in our historic path of complete state-building. We need to see this as an opportunity to show that we led a fair and unequal fight and that we fought an honorable war.”

“Even if there were mistakes, the persons involved must be held accountable for their actions. This is the meaning of the rule of law in a young state as ours. I am confident that after the judge hears all the facts, they will conclude beyond any doubt that the Kosovo Liberation Army was a movement by the people, an insurgency of self-defense with brave men and women who did their best in outstanding circumstances. Without any formal structures to protect a civilian population against a carefully planned genocidal military massacre by Serbian forces. Today, honoring and commemorating over 10,000 innocent victims of Milosevic’s regime, we need to rise and tell our history. I will rise and tell my history. We need to rise and tell their history. We need to clarify all facts so that history can know the truth,” Veseli said.

Prishtina Insight quotes Veseli as saying, “Yesterday afternoon, I was informed by the Office of the Specialist Prosecutor that the pre trial judge of the Specialist Chambers has authorised an Indictment to be issued against me.”

Veseli adds that he has made arrangements to travel voluntarily to the Hague, and would be stepping back from his political duties in order to fully concentrate on his defence. 

The indictment against Veseli was first revealed by the SPO in June, when it announced that it had filed war crimes charges against the former Speaker of the Assembly. According to the SPO press release, this included “murder, enforced disappearance of persons, persecution and torture.”

In June, the SPO announced that Kosovo President Hashim Thaci was included in the same indictment as Veseli. Prishtina Insight contacted the Office of the Kosovo President to confirm if the indictment against Thaci had also been confirmed but received no response.

In Veseli’s statement, the former head of the KLA’s intelligence agency urged the public to show respect to the judicial process and assist the special court in its operations. 

“I know that some people in Kosovo view the Specialist Chambers as an insult to our historic fight to protect the people of Kosovo from the ravages of the Milosevic regime. But I do not see it that way,” the statement reads. “I welcome the opportunity to finally answer the false allegations and rumours that have been circulating for many years.”

Gazeta Express reports that Veseli has said he will withdraw from politics now that the indictment against him has been confirmed.

Citing unnamed sources, Indeksonline reports that Enver Hoxhaj will be leading the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK).

Government: We strongly believe in the honorable fight of the KLA (media)

The Kosovo Government issued a media statement today saying it is closely following the latest developments surrounding the Specialist Chambers and that it strongly believes in the honorable fight of the Kosovo Liberation Army for the freedom of Kosovo.

“No one can question our fight for freedom. The Kosovo Liberation Army fought for the liberation of our country, it protected our homes, it did not fight in a foreign land, and as such it enjoyed the support of the international community which culminated with NATO’s bombing campaign. The Government of the Republic of Kosovo believes that no one can be considered guilty without a final decision by the competent judicial bodies.”

“The heads of institutions and the citizens of Kosovo have always been and continue to be a model of respecting and cooperating with local and international justice.”

Hoti: Constitution guarantees clear transition with no room for vacuum (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Avdullah Hoti posted on his Facebook account a statement attributed to the Government of Kosovo regarding the filing of the Specialist Chambers indictment against Hashim Thaci.

Hoti said that in the new circumstances following the resignation of President Hashim Thaci, "the Constitution and applicable laws guarantee clear transition of power without creating an institutional vacuum."

He added: "During this stage, the Government of the Republic of Kosovo will perform its constitutional tasks and responsibilities and will cooperate with all local and international actors. 

"The Government of the Republic of Kosovo expects everyone to continue demonstrating high political culture."

Vjosa Osmani, Acting President of Kosovo (Koha)

The news website reports that Kosovo Assembly President Vjosa Osmani will be Acting President of Kosovo as provided by the Constitution of Kosovo when the President resigns his post. This is specified in the first two points of Article 90 of the Constitution. The third point of the article notes that the position of Acting President may not be exercised for a period longer than six months.

Most news websites report that Osmani has assumed the position of Acting President of Kosovo, following Thaci’s resignation. A press release issued by the Kosovo Assembly notes that Osmani will address the people at 17:00 today.

AAK: Dialogue with Serbia to be stopped immediately (media)

The Haradinaj-led Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) said today that the Kosovo Government must call an urgent meeting after the confirmed indictments by the Specialist Chambers. The AAK said the government must immediately stop all activities related to the process of dialogue with Serbia. The party also said that the Kosovo Security Council must urgently meet to discuss the overall security situation in the country and that the Kosovo Assembly must hold an extraordinary session in defense of the values of the former Kosovo Liberation Army and the former combatants. The AAK said all political parties must meet in efforts to find national unity in order to overcome the political and constitutional challenges.

Haradinaj: I strongly believe in Thaci and Veseli’s innocence (media)

Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) leader Ramush Haradinaj said in a Facebook post today that he strongly believes in the innocence of Hashim Thaci and Kadri Veseli, after indictments against them by the Specialist Chambers were confirmed. Haradinaj said the people of Kosovo must show national unity and that the government must offer unconditional support to those facing international justice.

Limaj: We will come out glorious at the end of this process (media)

Fatmir Limaj, leader of the Social Democratic Initiative (NISMA), reacted to the recent indictments confirmed by the Specialist Chambers.

"Since the end of the war, it was required several times for leaders and soldiers of the Kosovo Liberation Army to face justice institutions internationally and in Kosovo led by international judges and prosecutors and it never happened for anyone to try and evade justice.

"Despite individual and family sufferings that these processes entailed, I have full confidence that my fellow fighter, the president of the country Mr. Hashim Thaci and all the other accused, will defend the KLA war in a dignified manner and will come out of this process glorious," Limaj wrote on social media.

"We need to demonstrate true leadership in these difficult circumstances for our country," he concluded.

Albanian President: I believe in Thaci’s innocence (media)

Albanian President Ilir Meta reacted to the resignation of Kosovo President Hashim Thaci after the indictment against him by the Specialist Chambers was confirmed. “The fight of the Kosovo Liberation Army was honorable and heroic. I commend the resignation of President of Republic of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, to face the charges and I believe in his innocence and the innocence of all fellow combatants, as has been proved in the past,” Meta said. “This is a moment to reflect and to further strengthen cooperation and unity to the best of our national interests”.

Albanian Prime Minister: Thaci has Albania’s support and solidarity (media)

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama took to Twitter to say that Kosovo President Hashim Thaci, who resigned his post today after the confirmed indictment, has the support and solidarity of Albania. “Hashim Thaci has the support and solidarity of Albania in this next battle for Kosovo and for the inviolable justice of the Liberation War! The absurd process against him will put a final seal on the purity of the KLA and on the impossibility to rewrite its history,” Rama tweeted.

COVID – 19: 713 new cases, six deaths (media)

A record-high 713 new cases and six deaths from COVID – 19 have been recorded in the last 24 hours in Kosovo. The highest number of new cases is from the municipality of Prishtina (324). 103 patients have recovered from the virus during this time.

Sources: Prishtina expected to be isolated in the weekend (Indeksonline)

The news website reports that Kosovo’s Minister of Health, Armend Zemaj, will meet today with the Evaluation Committee to decide on new measures against the coronavirus pandemic in the country. Citing unnamed sources, Indeksonline reports that the main option is to put Prishtina in isolation on weekend days. The option will reportedly be discussed and is expected to be adopted after the alarming figures of 286 new cases in Prishtina on Wednesday. The news website also learns a new set of restrictive measures will be adopted today. If the number of new cases continues to rise, next week the institutions are expected to introduce even more restrictive measures similar to those already enforced in many other European countries.

“Restricted movement from 18:00 to 05:00 starting this Friday” (Telegrafi)

The news website learns from unnamed sources that as part of new anti-COVID 19 measures that are expected to be adopted today people will not be allowed to go outside from 18:00 to 05:00 starting from this Friday.

Health Minister bans rallies for local elections (media)

Kosovo’s Minister of Health, Armend Zemaj, said today that given the coronavirus pandemic rallies will not be allowed for the municipal elections in Podujevo and Mitrovica North scheduled for November 29. Zemaj made these remarks after meeting Central Election Commission President Valdete Daka.




Serbian Language Media


52 new cases of Covid-19 in Serbian communities in Kosovo (Kontakt plus radio)

The North Mitrovica Crisis Staff announced that according to the latest data, 52 new cases of coronavirus infection and 11 cures have been recorded in Serbian communities in Kosovo, reported Kontakt plus radio. 

Of the 136 samples processed, 38 positive cases were recorded in municipalities in northern Kosovo and 14 in areas south of the Ibar River.

Positive cases by municipalities: North Mitrovica (24), Leposavic (6), Zubin Potok (5), Gracanica (5), Gnjilane (5), Zvecan (3), Pec (3) and Kamenica (1).

Eleven people recovered - six in Kamenica, four in North Mitrovica and one in Strpce.

Currently, 28 people are hospitalized and are being treated at the Health Center in Mitrovica North.

There are 180 people in house isolation. Currently there are 208 active cases.

Since the beginning of the epidemic, a total of 6,183 people have been tested, of which 1,259 people have been confirmed to have the coronavirus.

Stano on Thaci: EU continues to monitor situation in Kosovo (Kosovo Online, Tanjug)

The European Union has taken note of the information on the confirmation of the indictment against the President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, and his resignation, and continues to observe further development of the situation in Kosovo, EU spokesman Peter Stano stated, reports Belgrade based news agency Tanjug.

At a regular press conference organized by the European Commission, Stano emphasized that the news about the confirmation of the indictment to Hashim Thaci and his resignation "has just arrived", and that the EU, as a rule, does not comment on "breaking news".

"Likewise, we have always refrained from commenting on individual indictments and ongoing cases before the Special Court," Stano added.

Asked how the confirmation of the indictment against the President of Kosovo and his resignation will affect the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Stano stated that the EU will have more concrete reactions later, after considering further development of the situation in Kosovo, reported Tanjug.

“End of one political epoch” (Radio KIM)

Analysts Nexhmedin Spahiu and Branko Radun agreed today that a change of political setting in Kosovo would occur, following the resignation of President Hashim Thaci, Radio KIM reports.

Constitutional Law Professor Mazlum Baraliju expects a just decision of the Specialist Court in The Hague, while President of the Serb European Movement Rada Trajkovic thinks Thaci’s decision “was a recommendation of the international community”.

Confirmed indictment against Hashim Thaci for the war crimes and his subsequent resignation represent “an end of one political epoch”, both Spahiu and Radun agreed.

“A change on the political scene in Kosovo is to follow. This is the end of a rule that lasted 20 years, the end of one political philosophy that was based on the philosophy of Hashim Thaci. It remains to be seen who would now get to the scene and would be the next political actor in the coming years”, Spahiu said.

“It was expected, which means the political setting in Pristina and among Albanians in Kosovo is changing. On one side, Thaci’s departure opens the issue of elections, but also the issue of the government. We expect political instability, in which he may profit as well, in a sense of being a victim of the trial, but also to become a great national hero. The time is needed to have a clearer picture as to who would lead the government and would be the first man among the Albanians in Kosovo”, Radun opined.

Rada Trajkovic told RTV KIM that resignation of Hashim Thaci was “recommendation of the international community”.

“Thaci resigned in agreement, or with the recommendation of the international community, perhaps not in a manner he wished. He wanted to leave behind successors he wanted, also to do many things he spoke about, and media reported on it lately. He is also aware his destiny depends on the international community and it is not that brave to work against their recommendations”, Trajkovic said.

She added it remains to be seen how Albanians in Kosovo would accept the voluntary departure of Hashim Thaci and Kadri Veseli to the Hague.

“What concerned me in some way was the statement of Mr. (Albin) Kurti, who said Belgrade and Serbia were rejoicing. None of the Serbs and Serbia are truly ready for any happiness or celebration unless something like that includes the responsibility for the crimes of all those who did it in Kosovo and Metohija”, Trajkovic added.

Mazlum Baraliju said that the Specialist Court would do its part of the job now.

“We do not know what that indictment contains, as unfortunately, this court was not transparent enough. It is even marked, because it treats persons and people it invites there differently. Therefore, we do not know what would happen, but regardless of what is written in that indictment, any of those summoned there should respond in a dignified manner, face arguments and counterarguments, so at the end there would be a just decision of the court”, he said.

Talking about the political situation, Baraliju said, referring to the Constitution, if a situation in which the president is temporarily unable to perform the function occurs, the Assembly Speaker takes over that function, in a maximum duration of six months.

“After that some solution or a sort of ‘Solomon’s solution’ should be found among political parties in power, but also those in opposition, if there is a consent to find a person acceptable to all political parties”, Baraliju said.  

Council of Europe: ''No one submitted a request for Kosovo's membership'' (Tanjug, Kosovo Online)

The Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Albania, Gent Cakaj, expressed his support for Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe, but did not submit a request for Kosovo's membership, the Council of Europe told Belgrade based news agency Tanjug. 

The media service of the Council of Europe emphasizes that Cakaj spoke today at the meeting of the Committee of Ministers, but that "neither he nor any other party" requested Kosovo's membership in this institution.

Earlier, Cakaj announced on Facebook that at the virtual meeting of 130 ministers of the Committee of Ministers, "a request for Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe was clearly submitted".

In Strasbourg, they state that they do not want to speculate about Kosovo's possible steps when it comes to membership in the Council of Europe, reported portal Kosovo Online.

Serbian FM tells CoE ministers pandemic measures proportional (N1)

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic told the online 130th Council of Europe (CoE) Ministerial Meeting that the measures imposed by the authorities to combat the coronavirus pandemic were proportional and necessary.

He said that respect for the rule of law cannot be abolished in any crisis and under no circumstances, adding that Serbia will continue fighting to curb the spread of the coronavirus in a manner that is with the principles of the European Convention on Human Rights and with respect for minority rights, a press release said.

It quoted him as saying that Serbia will continue fighting violence against women and cooperate with the European Court of Human Rights.

“Serbia supports every CoE engagement in Kosovo which is directed towards improving human rights standards, rule of law and democracy, and which is in line with the status-neutral policy of the Council of Europe” he said.

See at:

Serbian Orthodox Church head tests positive for coronavirus (N1)

The head of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC), Patriarch Irinej tested positive for the coronavirus and has been admitted to hospital in Belgrade, the SPC said on Wednesday.

A press release said that the Patriarch was tested as part of a regular procedure following an epidemiological assessment but that he showed no symptoms. “A PCR test was done for the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus which confirmed that His Holiness Patriarch Irinej is positive with no symptoms. His holiness was hospitalized in a COVID hospital in Belgrade,” it said.  

N1 reported that Patriarch Irinej headed a funeral service for the late Montenegro-Littoral Bishop Amfilohije in Podgorica on Sunday. The Bishop died of coronavirus-related ailments and his body was in an open casket during the service before being interred in the crypt of the church. A large crowd gathered in front of the crowded church. Few of the people in the church and none of the priests wore masks.

See at:

Vucic and Petkovic wished Patriarch Irinej speedy recovery (Kosovo-online)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic wished Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Irinej speedy recovery, after hearing the news that Patriarch Irinej tested positive on Covid-19, Kosovo-online portal reports.

In a phone conversation with Patriarch Irinej, Vucic wished him good health and expressed hope for successful recovery. He used this opportunity to convey his gratitude for everything Patriarch Irinej does for the benefit of the Serbian people and Serbian state.

Petkovic conveyed messages of support from people in Kosovo and Metohija to the Patriarch Irinej and wished him speedy recovery.

Press service of the Serbian Orthodox Church confirmed to Tanjug news agency earlier that Patriarch Irinej tested positive on Covid-19, adding his overall health condition is excellent. 

Four Albanians among arrested over Vienna attack, two from Kosovo (KoSSev)

14 people have been arrested following a terrorist attack in Austria, in which five people were killed and dozens wounded, KoSSev portal reports citing Pristina-based Gazeta Express.

One of the main perpetrators of the attack, Kujtim Fejzulai, originating from North Macedonia was also killed several minutes after the attack.

Total of four Albanians, two from Kosovo and two from North Macedonia have been suspected of involvement in the attack and were arrested.

Kosovo citizen K.K. from Urosevac, 16-years old is suspected of taking part in the attack. In addition to him, another Kosovo citizen is suspected of the involvement in the attack, A.F born in a village near Suva Reka, 21-years old.

The two others include A.G and U.A. from North Macedonia, arrested over the same charges.

Hodzic: Municipality works with limited capacity due to infection of several officials with coronavirus (KoSSev)

“The municipality of Mitrovica North is working with limited capacities as of today, after several employees of this municipality were confirmed to be infected with the coronavirus”, the head of the administration Adriana Hodzic confirmed for KoSSev.

“We are working with reduced capacity due to recorded cases of coronavirus infection”, she said.

Hodzic added it was about a milder clinical picture and that the infected people are in total isolation.

She also said that the only symptom that indicated a possible infection of municipal workers was the loss of the sense of smell. 

Hodzic added that the “essential staff” is available to the citizens, and that the citizens will not be deprived of services that they were receiving before the new circumstances.





Kosovo president resigns to face war crimes charges (AP)

Kosovo’s President Hashim Thaci, a guerrilla leader during Kosovo’s war for independence from Serbia in the 1990s, resigned on Thursday in order to face charges for war crimes and crimes against humanity at a special court based in The Hague.

Thaci announced his resignation at a news conference on Thursday in Pristina, Kosovo’s capital. He said he was taking the step “to protect the integrity of the presidency of Kosovo.”

See more at:

Kosovo's President Hashim Thaci resigns to face war crime trial (Deutsche Welle)

Kosovo's President Hashim Thaci said he was immediately resigning to face charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity at a spsecial court in The Hague. The move comes after the court formally indicted him.

Thaci, a former guerilla leader during Kosovo's war for independence from Sebria, announced he was stepping down at a press conference in the capital Pristina.

"I will not allow under any circumstances that I appear before court as the president of the Republic of Kosovo. Therefore, in order to protect the integrity of the office of the president and the country, as well as the dignity of the citizens, I resign from the position of president of the Republic of Kosovo," he told journalists.

Thaci was indicted by a Kosovo court based in the Dutch city that was created to try alleged crimes of former ethnic Albanian rebel leaders.

Read full article at:

Kosovo President Thaci resigns after war crimes indictment confirmed (Reuters)

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci resigned with immediate effect on Thursday after learning that the Kosovo war crimes tribunal had confirmed his indictment for war crimes.

“I resign as of today,” Thaci told a news conference in the Kosovo capital, Pristina, adding that his sources had informed him that the Kosovo Specialist Chamber in The Hague had confirmed his indictment.

Thaci Trial ‘Should Have Happened Before’, Victims’ Families Say (Balkan Insight)

Relatives of the Serbian victims of the Kosovo war say Hashim Thaci, one of the Kosovo Albanian commanders during the conflict, should have faced a trial long ago.

Family members of Serbs who were killed or are listed as missing from the 1998-9 Kosovo war say they hope an eventual trial of Kosovo President Hashim Thaci will bring them new information, closure and justice.

However, few of them seem to have big expectations, two decades after losing their loved ones.

Silvana Markovic, whose husband was abducted on June 19, 1999 in the Kosovo town of Gracanica, said Thaci and his allies “should finally start answering for the crimes committed against the Serbs”.

“There is still some suspicion, like last time, that it [trials] will start and then stop. We are surprised [by news of the charges], so there is some hope in God; I guess everyone who is responsible for the crimes will be punished,” Markovic told BIRN.

See at:

Braže: NATO and Serbia established a reliable, mutually beneficial partnership (EWB)

We interviewed Baiba Braže, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy, about the challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic poses to the Alliance, fake news and disinformation, cooperation with Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo, as well as the security of the Western Balkans.

European Western Balkans: The COVID-19 pandemic is undoubtedly the biggest challenge the world faces today. What do you see as the main security implications of the pandemic and what does NATO do to address them?

Baiba Braže: NATO’s core task is to continue delivering credible and effective deterrence and defence to our countries and populations. We have taken all the necessary measures to ensure that NATO remains ready, vigilant and prepared to respond to any threat because it is essential that this health crisis does not become a security crisis.

See at: