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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 6, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Osmani meets Dutch Prime Minister: “Serbia must be held accountable” (media)
  • Kurti informs Szunyog about investigations of terrorist attack in Banjska (RTK)
  • EU leaders discuss enlargement and the situation in Kosovo (RFE)
  • Baerbock: Kosovo-Serbia conflict, threat to Berlin Process (RTK)
  • Ristuccia: KFOR prevented situation in Banjska to escalate even more (media)
  • Government says it has other priorities now outside dialogue with Serbia that it must address (Koha)
  • Szunyog meets chair of Kosovo Judicial Council (media)
  • Peci: Attack in Banjska was aimed at inciting a rebellion like in Crimea (Nacionale)
  • Serbian historian: “Banjska was a copy of Russian invasion of Ukraine” (media)
  • Kurti: I do not answer parliamentary questions as you are not voting on international agreements (media)
  • Kearns criticises UEFA for not saying a word "about disgraceful display in Belgrade" (Koha)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Clinical Hospital Center in Mitrovica North Director: Pristina authorities prevent supplies of medications and oxygen (Tanjug)
  • Brnabic: Vucic managed to remove the immediate danger of the introduction of sanctions (Danas, FoNet, Kosovo Online, TV Pink) 
  • Orban: Impossible to introduce sanctions to Serbia, request ridiculous (N1, FoNet)
  • Vucic discussed Kosovo, other topical issues in meetings at Granada (RTS)
  • Dacic in Tirana at the meeting of heads of diplomacy within the framework of the Berlin process (Kosovo Online)
  • Vucic with Macron: Open conversation, grateful for willingness to hear Belgrade's views (Kosovo Online, Blic)
  • Kovacevski: Without changing position on "Open Balkans", Osmani presented party's position (KoSSev, N1)
  • The Prosecution filed an appeal, requesting detention for Milan Radoicic (N1, NMagazin)
  • Regular session of the Security Council on the UNMIK report on October 23 (RTS, Kosovo Online)
  • Lazarevic: K. Serbs double victims; Belgrade put itself in a position where it once again has to convince world it will not attack Albanians (KoSSev)
  • Sutanovac: Kurti would act same even if someone else would be at helm of Serbia (Tanjug)
  • BiH Federation PM says weapons used in Banjska clashes not from Bosnia (N1 Sarajevo, KoSSev)
  • After Djakovica, remains found and in Pristina (KiM radio)


  • Turkey takes over NATO Kosovo mission as Serbia tensions bubble (Bloomberg)
  • Divided Mitrovica calm but wary after bloody Banjska incident (



Albanian Language Media  


Osmani meets Dutch Prime Minister: “Serbia must be held accountable” (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani said today that at the European Political Community she met with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, whom she informed about the security situation in Kosovo. “Stressed the necessity to hold Serbia accountable for its terrorist act and act of aggression against Kosovo, which poses a threat to peace and security in the entire region,” Osmani said.

Kurti informs Ambassador Szunyog about investigations of terrorist attack in Banjska (RTK)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti informed the head of the European Union Office in Kosovo, at the same time the EU's special representative, Tomas Szunyog, about the September 24 terrorist and paramilitary attack on the Kosovo Police, and about the ongoing investigations into the intentions and perpetrators of this attack.

In today's morning meeting, Kurti also discussed with the head of the EU in Kosovo about the Berlin process on the eve of the next summit and the preparations of the Country Report, announced the Prime Minister's Office.

Ambassador Szunyog, meanwhile, once again expressed his condolences to the Prime Minister, the Bunjaku family and the people of Kosovo, for the hero of Kosovo, Afrim Bunjaku, the police sergeant who fell on duty, in defence of order, legality, constitutionality, state sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The Ambassador further informed Prime Minister Kurti about the preparations that the European Commission is making to finalise the Country Report for 2023, which is expected to be approved in the first part of November, according to the announcement issued by the government.

EU leaders discuss enlargement and the situation in Kosovo (RFE)

European Union leaders will meet Friday in Granada, Spain to discuss the bloc's most challenging issues: migration, enlargement and geopolitics.

"Looking ahead to a larger community, both the EU and the future member states must get ready. Aspiring countries should accelerate their work on reforms, in particular in the field of the rule of law, in accordance with the approach of enlargement, according to the principle of individual merits and with the assistance of the EU. In parallel, the EU must lay the foundations to get ready for enlargement. We will present our long-term ambitions and how to achieve them", it is mentioned in the draft Declaration that the leaders of the bloc are expected to approve in Granada.

Diplomatic sources in the EU have said that the October 6 summit will also discuss the situation in Kosovo and the tensions in relations between Kosovo and Serbia. The same sources have said that there is pressure from many member countries to impose measures against Serbia.

The situation escalated after the attacks on the Kosovo Police in Banjska of Zveçan on September 24. As a result of the attacks, police sergeant Afrim Bunjaku was killed. Three Serbian attackers were also killed in the exchange of fire. Kosovo has blamed Serbia for the attack, but the latter has rejected this claim.

Many leaders have called for tensions to decrease and for both Kosovo and Serbia to understand that the normalisation of relations between them is also a condition for progress towards EU integration. The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, said this to the journalists.

A day before the EU summit in Granada, on the sidelines of a summit of the European Political Community, several meetings were held with the president of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani and the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, but it was not possible to organize a meeting between them.

Baerbock: Kosovo-Serbia conflict, threat to Berlin Process (RTK)

The German Foreign Minister has said in Tirana that the conflict between Kosovo and Serbia is a threat to the Berlin Process.

"We are on the same line as the USA and the EU, we must show greater commitment with the presence of KFOR in the municipalities with a Serbian majority", declared Annalena Baerbock, who is participating today in the meeting of ministers of the countries of the Berlin Process in Tirana.

As for the tensions in the north of Kosovo, Berbok expressed concern over the attack in Basnjka, as she added that "therefore, the Berlin Process is an initiative that directly appeals that the road to the EU should be carried out together, respecting territorial integrity".

The German diplomat is participating in the summit of the Foreign Ministers of the Berlin Process countries.

Ristuccia: KFOR prevented situation in Banjska to escalate even greater (media)

Outgoing commander of KFOR, Angelo Michele Ristuccia, said on Thursday that the presence of KFOR troops in Banjska near Zvecan prevented the situation from escalating to an even worse situation. He said he was in regular communication with all colleagues, including EULEX, representatives of Kosovo’s institutions and security organisations, and with the chief of the Serbian armed forces.

“After the attack against Kosovo Police in Banjska, the Kosovo Police intervened as the first responder in line with its law-enforcement responsibilities. The presence of KFOR troops in that area prevented the events from escalating into an even worse situation … KFOR remains fully committed to the implementation of its mandate, impartially, based on UNSC Resolution 1244 from 1999, with the purpose of providing a safe and secure environment for all communities in Kosovo. KFOR does not carry out law enforcement activities, as this is an exclusive duty for the Kosovo Police which acts as the first respondent. KFOR is the third. In light of the latest events, KFOR has stepped up its presence and activities in the north of Kosovo. We continue to call on Belgrade and Pristina to engage in the EU-facilitated dialogue as the only way to resolve open issues and to find solutions that respect the rights of all communities. This is crucial for long-term security in Kosovo and stability in the region,” he said.

Government says it has other priorities now outside dialogue with Serbia that it must address (Koha)

The spokesperson of the government, Perparim Kryeziu, has said that the attack of September 24 in Banjska has brought about a completely different situation and that a real process of dialogue requires "the minimum standard of mutual trust between the parties".

"Now we have a completely new situation with other urgent priorities that have to do with addressing the consequences of the terrorist attack sponsored by Serbia. What is necessary to happen now is to guarantee security for Kosovo and impose sanctions on Serbia. All along, the Republic of Kosovo has been a party ready for dialogue and agreement", he told KOHË.

"The terrorist, paramilitary and criminal attack of September 24 has proven that while meetings were being held in Brussels to implement the Basic Agreement, which is based on de-facto mutual recognition, Serbia was preparing plans for the annexation of the north", concluded Kryeziu.

Szunyog meets chair of Kosovo Judicial Council (media)

EU Head of Office in Kosovo Tomas Szunyog met on Thursday with the chair of the Kosovo Judicial Council Albert Zogaj and discussed the latest developments in the justice system and to reaffirm the continuous EU support for the rule of law in Kosovo. 

A press release issued by the EU Offices notes: 

Stressing that the independence of the judiciary is a cornerstone of the rule of law and an essential requirement for any democratic society, the EU Ambassador in Kosovo said: “Unfortunately, we are witnessing a worrying trend where members of the government criticise court decisions, the conduct of ongoing investigations or even individual prosecutors and judges. The judiciary must be free from political pressure, in order to uphold the separation of powers and a system of checks and balances.”

Welcoming ongoing efforts to improve the quality of statistics related to resolved court cases, the EU Ambassador in Kosovo said: “Reliable statistics are crucial to assess the efficiency of the justice system. They are also a means to communicate its work to the public in order to increase people’s trust in the judiciary.”

While recalling the signed Joint Commitment Statement on justice reforms, which was welcomed by the EU, Szunyog also highlighted the importance of strengthening the existing mechanisms on accountability, integrity, efficiency, and transparency of the judicial system.

During the meeting, the two interlocutors also exchanged views on the ongoing reform process and investment plans in the justice system aimed at enhancing access to justice. In this respect, the EU Ambassador in Kosovo reaffirmed the EU’s robust support for Kosovo’s rule of law, including through several EU-funded projects.

Peci: Attack in Banjska was aimed at inciting a rebellion like in Crimea (Nacionale)

Director of the Pristina-based KIPRED Research Institute, Lulzim Peci, said in an interview with the news website that the attack in Banjska was aimed at inciting a rebellion in the north of Kosovo. “There is no doubt that the objective was to incite a rebellion of a style that was already seen in the 1990s in Croatia and during the Russian annexation of Crimea and turn KFOR into a peacekeeping mission similar to that of UNPROFOR in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which would mean that Serbia would take control over the north,” Peci is quoted as saying. 

Serbian historian: “Banjska was a copy of Russian invasion of Ukraine” (media)

Serbian historian and professor at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, Nikola Samardzic, said in an interview with Pobjeda that “Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is responsible” for the attack against Kosovo Police in Banjska near Zvecan on September 24. He said that the everyday repetition of the slogan “when the army returns to Kosovo” shows that “Vucic had predicted the actions in the north of Kosovo”. According to Samardzic, “what happened in Banjska is similar to Russia’s actions in Ukraine in 2014”.

“Today the least important thing is if Vucic was informed or not. He holds political and commanding responsibility for all the lost lives. Any European and crucial perspective of Serbia and its territories was threatened by Vucic,” Samardzic is quoted as saying.

He further argued that Vucic is trying to relativize his responsibility with the help of his “liberal spokespeople who tell the media that Vucic was not informed, was not aware of the action and was surprised”. 

Kurti: I do not answer parliamentary questions as you are not voting on international agreements (media)

In today's plenary session, the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, stated that he cannot answer parliamentary questions because international agreements are not being voted on. He, in a reply to the MP of AAK, Time Kadriaj, said that he will answer the questions ‘when you will be an MP of the Assembly of Kosovo.’

"Because you are not voting on the international agreements, all the MPs who ask the questions will not have my answer even though I have already prepared them. We must be colleagues from the same state if it comes to the protection and representation of the public and state interest. Then when you will be a member of the assembly of the Republic of Kosovo, only then will I answer the parliamentary question because I make sure that it is about the parliament", he said.

Kurti emphasised that during the time he was in the opposition, almost all international agreements were voted in the Assembly. "There has never been a prime minister who has answered parliamentary questions more often and accurately, out of 377 international agreements when I was in the opposition, only 3 were not voted on. You cannot ask the prime minister questions and damage the state with 360 million euros on international agreements. Unfortunately, I cannot answer parliamentary questions" - added Kurti.

Further, MP Kadriaj asked him if he voted for the Stabilization Association agreement. "Did you vote for the Stabilization Association agreement, you are here to destroy the state of Kosovo, you did not allow your MPsto vote for the Kosovo police, for financial support. Go for a walk around Greece as much as you want, you have done this country no favours," she replied.

Kearns criticises UEFA for not saying a word "about disgraceful display in Belgrade" (Koha)

The head of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the British Parliament, Alicia Kearns, has reacted to the banners displayed by the Crvena Zvezda fan group, Delije, during the Champions League match against Young Boys.

They held up banners with the names of Igor Milenkovic and Bojan Mijailovic, two of the three armed attackers who were killed in the attack led by Milan Radoicic in Banjska, Kosovo. Besides them, they placed a large photo of Stefan Nedeljkovic, also killed.

Kearns criticised UEFA for not saying a word "about this disgraceful display in Belgrade".

"Of course, all the remaining home games in the group stage must be played behind closed doors," she wrote.



Serbian Language Media


Clinical Hospital Center in Mitrovica North Director: Pristina authorities prevent supplies of medications and oxygen (Tanjug)

Clinical Hospital Center (CHC) in Mitrovica North director Zlatan Elek said today that Pristina authorities are making it difficult and impossible to supply medications, sanitary materials, physiological solutions and oxygen, and emphasised that the last delivery of medicines was in 2021.

"The last delivery of medicines was in 2021, when, thanks to the Government of Serbia, the Ministry and the Republic Fund for Health Insurance, i.e. the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, we managed to receive large quantities of medicines. Stocks still last, but they are so minimal that some items are already gone", Elek told K1 TV and warned that a humanitarian disaster is looming.

In addition to the lack of medicines and medical supplies, Elek says that licences for the import of oxygen are being limited, that is, the company that supplies oxygen must seek permission from the authorities in Pristina at three to six months in order to import the oxygen.

Brnabic: Vucic managed to remove the immediate danger of the introduction of sanctions (Danas, FoNet, Kosovo Online, TV Pink) 

The Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabic, said today that it seems to her that the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, managed to remove the immediate danger of imposing sanctions on Serbia in Granada, reported daily Danas.

"The most important message to all our citizens is that President Vucic in Granada managed to ensure that Serbia is preserved," said Brnabic in the morning TV Pink program.

She assessed that times are still difficult, and that the crisis has not passed, that pressures are coming from the region, primarily from Croatia, to use the situation in Kosovo to impose sanctions on Serbia.

Brnabic said that after the incident in Banjska on September 24, Pristina launched an avalanche of disinformation in order to use the tragedy to impose sanctions on Serbia, but that Vucic managed to stop that avalanche and stabilise the situation.

She added that Pristina is on a diplomatic offensive and is seeking sanctions, but that this is not a surprise.

Brnabic is convinced that it is "clear to everyone" that Serbia condemns all forms of violence and that it is for peace and stability, while Kosovo PM Albin Kurti generates violence against Serbs in Kosovo that goes unpunished, reported Danas.

Orban: Impossible to introduce sanctions to Serbia, request ridiculous (N1, FoNet)

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said it was impossible to introduce sanctions to Serbia, adding that Pristina’s request was “ridiculous”, N1 reports citing FoNet news agency.

Orban told journalists ahead of an informal meeting of the European Union Council in Granada that Serbia for two years already endured provocations from Pristina and that Kosovo must not provoke Serbia.

“The Serbs have suffered provocations in the last two years regularly, so we have to understand that the Kosovars have to behave in a different way. Don’t provoke the Serbs, provocation leads to answers, that results in instability, without Serbia there is no stability in the Balkans, so I definitely argue in favour of helping Serbia stabilise the region”, Orban told reporters ahead of the European Union leaders’ informal meeting in Granada, Spain, N1 reported. 

Vucic discussed Kosovo, other topical issues in meetings at Granada (RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said he discussed Kosovo and other topical issues during numerous meetings and bilateral encounters with European leaders in Granada, RTS reports.

“My job is to explain Serbia’s position, and I will continue doing it. We will fight for our country with all the force we have and I hope we will succeed”, Vucic wrote in a post on his official Instagram account.

During the day Vucic spoke with Romanian President Klaus Johanis, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and prime ministers of Norway, Luxembourg and Netherlands. Vucic also met prime ministers of Hungary, North Macedonia and Spain, UK and Northern Irland. 

Dacic in Tirana at the meeting of heads of diplomacy within the framework of the Berlin process (Kosovo Online)

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Ivica Dacic, will participate today in Tirana at the meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs within the framework of the Berlin Process, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced.

As announced by the European Commission, the European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi will participate in the meeting, and the focus will be on regional cooperation and the reduction of roaming costs between the EU and the Western Balkans.

The summit of the Berlin Process will be held on October 16 in Tirana.

Vucic with Macron: Open conversation, grateful for willingness to hear Belgrade's views (Kosovo Online, Blic)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke with French President Emmanuel Macron last night in Granada.

"At the end of a long day, an open and substantive conversation with President Macron on all important issues. I thanked President Macron for his willingness to listen to Belgrade's views, as well as for his personal engagement in the Western Balkans region," Vucic wrote on Instagram last night.

Vucic attended the cultural and artistic program organised for European leaders in the Alhambra Palace, reported daily Blic.

- Tonight's program is a nice way to end this difficult but successful day. Thank you, King Philip VI, and Queen Letizia of Spain, for the hospitality at the Alhambra Palace - Vucic wrote on his Instagram.

Kovacevski: Without changing position on "Open Balkans", Osmani presented party's position (KoSSev, N1)

The Prime Minister of North Macedonia, Dimitar Kovacevski, stated that his government's position on the participation of North Macedonia in the regional initiative "Open Balkans" has not changed and that the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bujar Osmani, presented a "party position" on this matter, reported KoSSev.

"The position of the Government (of North Macedonia) remains unchanged that as a state we have a constructive role and participation in all regional initiatives, including the Open Balkans as long as those initiatives bring concrete benefits for citizens, for states, for economies, for businesses of the countries that are part of them," Kovacevski told reporters at the end of the third informal summit of the European Political Community in Granada, Spain.

The Prime Minister noted that Minister Osmani explained that his position that Skopje should reconsider its participation in the regional initiative "Open Balkans" if it is proven that Serbia was involved in the attack in the north of Kosovo, two days ago "was given from the position of vice president of a political party ( of the Albanian Democratic Union for Integration - DUI)".

As Kovacevski pointed out, peace and stability are the essence of any regional initiative, the goal of which is primarily economic prosperity, but also overcoming restrictions and challenges between countries.

"We are convinced, and we say that Serbia and Kosovo should be for peace, and should do everything to make the right moves, to take the right steps for the safe future of their citizens, their nations, but also for the stability of the entire region," said the prime minister.

Kovacevski pointed out that North Macedonia was a clear example of resolving all open internal issues, as well as disputes with neighbours, through active and open dialogue.

"And I really believe that this region can do much more and can do much better. And we stand at the disposal of all processes with our experience and real support, all with the aim of ensuring peace and stability in the region, which should and must be part of the EU as soon as possible," said Kovacevski.

He added that, if there is no peace, there will be no "Open Balkans", that there will be no Berlin Process, and that, by a similar analogy, it will be necessary for international organizations and other initiatives to review involving a large number of countries, such as the OSCE, which this year is chaired by North Macedonia.

"We are here to create, not to destroy," said Kovacevski at a press conference in Granada, reported KoSSev, citing N1.

The Prosecution filed an appeal, requesting detention for Milan Radoicic (N1, NMagazin)

On October 5, the High Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade filed an appeal against the decision of the judge for the preliminary proceedings of the High Court in Belgrade, which rejected the proposal of this prosecution to order custody of Milan Radoicic due to the risk of escape, reported NMgazin, citing N1.

In the appeal, the High Public Prosecutor's office requested that the decision be changed and that Radoicic be detained, it was said in a reply for N1. 

The decision on the appeal should be made by the non-trial criminal panel of the High Court in Belgrade.

Regular session of the Security Council on the UNMIK report on October 23 (RTS, Kosovo Online)

The session of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), which will discuss the new six-month report of UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on the work of the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), will be held on October 23, reported Kosovo Online, citing RTS. 

This confirmed the earlier writing of Kosovo Online that the Session originally scheduled for October 18 was postponed by five days.

As announced on the official website of the Security Council, the session will be held in the afternoon local time, or in the evening, Central European time.

Brazil will chair the UN Security Council during October.

Lazarevic: K. Serbs double victims; Belgrade put itself in a position where it once again has to convince world it will not attack Albanians (KoSSev)

“The amount of stupidity, amateurism, arrogance, crime, dishonesty, violence, high treason if you will, many people personally perceive it as such, with which Serbia, that is, the Serbian government and its deputies for Kosovo, brought themselves into a situation reminiscent of February 1999, practically in a day after ten years of that kind of behaviour, is horrifying“, KoSSev’s Editor in Chief, Tatjana Lazarevic, said on the N1 Newsnight show yesterday evening, while commenting on the latest crisis in the north.

Lazarevic noted that the Serbian president was “not at all comfortable“ in Granada, where the summit of the European political community is being held, on account of the harsh accusations against Serbia coming from the West and the region since September 24.

“What particularly affects us is that in a situation in which Kosovo Serbs have been the real victims since ’99 – persecuted, discriminated, humiliated, weakened for years, disenfranchised, unquestionably by the Kosovo authorities, especially in the past three years since in the Albin Kurti-led government came to power, but also by the government of the SNS and its branch in Kosovo, Serbian List, we were led into a situation where the Serbian authorities in the foreign policy arena currently have no other task, but to assure the developed part of the world, on which we currently depend, that after 24 years, Serbia will not attack Albanians or the region again. All the more so, when months ago there was a visible agreement between Western governments, more or less, but certainly an agreement, about the Kosovo Prime Minister being the disruptive side of the dialogue. When we, Kosovo Serbs, raised our concerns over the years, especially in the months-long contacts with the international community, sharing our bad experience under the current government of the Kosovo Prime Minister, it was met with understanding from those same international representatives“.

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Sutanovac: Kurti would act same even if someone else would be at helm of Serbia (Tanjug)

Former leader of Democratic Party (DS) and former minister of defence, Dragan Sutanovac assessed that entire event in Banjsa was “an absolute disaster” both because of the death of young people there and the fact that it brought Serbia into extremely unfavourable position, adding it is in Serbia’s interest to have the entire events investigated in the most qualitative manner, Tanjug news agency reports.

Speaking of Banjska incident, Sutanovac said it was his firm belief that the state leadership of Serbia did not have information that something like this is planned, adding it is regrettable that those pretending to deal with serious politics do not understand that Albin Kurti would act the same even they were to lead Serbia.

“For me national interests are much more than daily political interests of groups or individuals and the stance on Kosovo is one of the most important national interests”, Sutanovac said. 

BiH Federation PM says weapons used in Banjska clashes not from Bosnia (N1 Sarajevo, KoSSev)

Social Democratic Party (SDP BiH) leader and Prime Minister of Bosnia's Federation entity Nermin Niksic denied that the weapons used in the recent armed clashes in Kosovo were acquired in the Bosnian city of Tuzla, as alleged by Serbian authorities, calling it “a lie.”

“I can understand that Serbia has been exposed over the past days to strong pressure and condemnations by democratic states, but that does not mean they can seek an alibi for their actions in Bosnia and Herzegovina,” said Niksic.

Niksic stressed that Serbia’s intelligence services and its political leadership “unfortunately came up with a plan to shift a part of the responsibility for the terrorist attack onto the neighbourhood, in Bosnia and Herzegovina.”

“Given the political circumstances here, they probably assessed that there will be no adequate, swift, and accurate reaction based on facts. They underestimated us again.

According to him, the weapon found by Kosovo police is not manufactured in BiH, noting that it was clear from the serial numbers on the found weapon that those were manufactured in the Serbian factories Sloboda, Krusik etc.

Niksic also said that, based on the legislation in BiH, all parts of weapon, ammunition and military equipment that are exported to other countries undergo the most strict procedures in line with NATO standards and in cooperation with NATO.

“Of course, all objective information shows that the Serbian service presented false information,” he stressed, calling on Serbia to transparently investigate the cases and publicly reveal the organisers and those who ordered “the terrorist attack.”

After Djakovica, remains found and in Pristina (KiM radio)

After exhumation of the remains in Bistran in Djakovica two days ago, the commission for missing persons of the Kosovo government announced yesterday that another location has been inspected. This time, excavations were conducted in Pristina, where the remains of one person were found. This commission claims that it is a "victim of the war in Kosovo", reported KiM radio. 

The commission specified that the excavations were conducted in the Maticane  settlement and reminded that this was actually a continuation of the excavations at this location, which began in May of this year.

"After several hours of excavation, based on additional information, exhumed remains were also found at the Maticane location, and today's excavations are a continuation of the excavations that were carried out during the month of May at this location, which resulted in the discovery and exhumation of the remains of one victim," announced the commission for missing persons of the Kosovo government.

In addition to this commission, the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Pristina, as well as the Kosovo Police, assisted in the excavations.

It was the Kosovo police that came out a little later with more details about this case, confirming that the remains of one person were found.

They specify that the remains in question are on the "National List of Enforced Disappeared During the War Period 1998/1999." 

The remains were then sent for autopsy and identification to the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Pristina, the KP announced.





Turkey takes over NATO Kosovo mission as Serbia tensions bubble (Bloomberg)

Turkey will assume command of the NATO-led force in Kosovo at a critical time as tensions flare between the Balkan nation and neighboring Serbia. Turkey, which has the largest army in NATO after the US, will take over leadership of the mission from Italy on Oct. 10, Rear Admiral Zeki Akturk, the spokesman of Turkey’s Defense Ministry, said Thursday. The country has relations with both sides, having developed trade ties with Serbia while supplying combat drones “Bayraktar” to Kosovo.

Divided Mitrovica calm but wary after bloody Banjska incident (

It’s 11 days since an armed Serb gang shot dead a Kosovan border guard then holed up in a nearby monastery until they were overwhelmed by Kosovan security forces. The incidents took place in near the village of Banjska, only around 10km from the city of Mitrovica that has long been divided between the ethnically Serb north and Albanian south. 

Crossing the river Ibar into north Mitrovica, over the bridge that has become a symbol of the divided city, dozens of red, white and blue Serbian flags adorn King Peter 1 street. Although all of the city lies within Kosovo, the Serbian flags are strung like bunting from side to side of the main street, and billow from lamp posts. The red, white and blue are painted onto murals and incorporated into shop signs. 

North Mitrovica is considerably more subdued than the southern part of the city, which is full of chatter and shouts, noisy construction sites and cars clogging the streets and rolling up onto the pavements. 

Serbian, not Albanian, is the language spoken and used for the signs on the shops — fashion boutiques, stationers and everything-for-€1 shops — along the main pedestrianised street. MTS, the Serbian mobile telecoms company that recently won a dispute with the Kosovan authorities over its presence in the country, has a big office by the riverside.

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