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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 9, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti: “If Serbia is not sanctioned, it will repeat the crime” (media)
  • Osmani: Serbia should withdraw its military troops from the border with Kosovo (RTK)
  • EU: Serbia to cooperate unconditionally in investigation of attack in Banjska (RTK)
  • Kurti travels to the United Kingdom (media)
  • CoE Parliament to debate today about the attack in the north (media)
  • Turkey takes over KFOR command in Kosovo from tomorrow (RTK)
  • 200 soldiers of British army are coming to Kosovo as KFOR reinforcement (Klan)
  • Szunyog answers on international position on confiscation of Radoicic's properties (Kallxo)
  • Kurti “concerned about crimes against civilians” after Hamas attack in Israel (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Bilcik: Diplomatic solution that would help ease tensions is ZSO (RTS, Tanjug)
  • Ponos: Vucic was not planning annexation of northern Kosovo, truth about Banjska must be established (N1)
  • RTK director general: Tvrdisic suspended due to suspicion of omissions (Radio KIM, UNS)
  • Journalist Radosevic at Thaci’s trial: KLA kidnapped and tortured me in 1998 without trial and verdict (Danas, BETA)
  • Tomovic: Lack of quality journalism and low professionalism a bigger problem than fake news (Radio Gorazdevac, Radio Mitrovica sever)
  • KFOR troops from Romania arrived in Kosovo (Kosovo Online)
  • KoSSev editor wins “Katarina Preradović“ award (KoSSev)


  • Bushati: United for Kosovo (Albanian Daily News)


  • In Kosovo Clash, New Bullets and Freshly-Repaired Mortars from Serbia (BIRN)
  • Interview: Kosovo's Top Cop On Serbian Meddling And Why It's So Hard To Stop Weapons Smuggling (RFE)
  • Beyond Banjska: Rada Trajkovic on the Incident’s Implications and the Future of Kosovo-Serbia Relations (



Albanian Language Media  


Kurti: “If Serbia is not sanctioned, it will repeat the crime” (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, in an interview with Pobjeda, commented on the September 24 attack in Banjska in the north of Kosovo, saying that it was a scenario for bloodshed in Kosovo. Kurti also said that if Serbia is not sanctioned for the attack in Banjska, “the crime will be repeated”.  “Several facts have been verified so far. First, the risk, objective, potential and the readiness of criminal and terrorist groups in Serbia, against whom we have been fighting for over two and a half years. Second, being that the terrorists were armed with sufficient military weapons for a group of 100 fighters, we confirmed the existence of a scenario for bloodshed in Kosovo. The amount of weapons that were confiscated is over 5 million euros,” Kurti said.

According to Kurti, with the attack in Banjska, Serbia “wants to create the status of a small Russia in the Balkans, where the entity of the Republika Srpska in Bosnia and Herzegovina would become a small Belorussia”.

Kurti claimed that “Serbia’s responsibility for the attack by criminal groups from Serbia not only against the Kosovo Police but also against the very state of Kosovo is undeniable”. “There is undeniable evidence that the weapons and military training of Serb professionals that attacked the village of Banjska near Zvecan came from Serbia. All weapons that were confiscated were manufactured in Serbia, they came from Serbia, and the calibres and amount were enough for a whole army,” he argued.

Asked if he expects that Milan Radoicic will be extradited to Kosovo, Kurti said that all those that managed to escape must be handed over to Kosovo’s authorities. 

Commenting on Radoicic’s arrest and release, Kurti said “it reminds one of the deal that Pablo Escobar had with the President of Colombia: Escobar agreed to go to prison under the condition that it was his prison, built independently, and where he would control the commanders.”

Osmani: Serbia should withdraw its military troops from the border with Kosovo (RTK)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani has met the commander of the Allied Joint Forces Command of NATO in Naples, Admiral Stuart B. Munsch. She thanked him for NATO's continued support in maintaining stability and peace in Kosovo and the region, after Serbia's act of aggression and terrorist attack on Kosovo on September 24.

"President Osmani emphasised the need to take concrete measures against Serbia after the act of aggression and terrorist attack by paramilitary and criminal groups led on the ground by Milan Radoicic and politically by Aleksandar Vucic. She underlined that Serbia should withdraw its military troops from the border with Kosovo, as they pose a danger to peace and stability in the region," the Presidency's communique says.

According to the communique, the president emphasised that increasing security along the Kosovo-Serbia border is a necessary action to prevent the repetition of the act that happened on September 24.

In the meeting, the importance of close cooperation between the security institutions of Kosovo and those of NATO, in dealing with security challenges in Kosovo and the region, was emphasised.

EU: Serbia to cooperate unconditionally in investigation of attack in Banjska (RTK)

The European Union has said that Serbia does not need to hide behind the formalities related to the status of Kosovo, if this country has the political will to contribute to the investigation of the September 24 attack.

The spokesperson of the European Union, Peter Stano, said that the EU expects from Serbia not only full but also unconditional cooperation.

"If there is a will, there are ways. No one needs to hide behind the formalities of recognition. There are many ways you can share evidence, cooperate and contribute to the full investigation. Because what happened on September 24 is very serious and must be fully clarified because there will be consequences", Stano said.

He has emphasized, it is important that the investigations be completed as soon as possible in order to create a clear overview of what happened on September 24, why it happened, who participated, who orchestrated the attack.

Stano said that based on the findings of the investigation, the European Union will decide what the next steps will be in Brussels' approach to Serbia, to Kosovo, but also to the dialogue and the region.

Kurti travels to the United Kingdom (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti travelled to the United Kingdom on Sunday where he will participate in the Annual Conference of the Labor Party, which is held in Liverpool. A press release issued by Kurti’s office notes that “during the proceedings of this conference, in addition to the speeches, he will hold meetings with high representatives of this party as well as representatives of sister parties from different countries, which will participate in the conference.”

CoE Parliament to debate today about the attack in the north (media)

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in today's session is expected to discuss the developments in the north of Kosovo after the September 24 terrorist attack in Banjska. According to the agenda, the debate is expected to be held this afternoon. In the announcement it is said that the need for de-escalation of the situation will be discussed. 

"The debate about the current situation: 'The situation in the north of Kosovo, after the last attack and the need for de-escalation'" - the announcement says. In addition to the Kosovo issue, another item on the agenda is the 'Escalation of violence in the Middle East after the latest attack by Hamas on Israel'.

Turkey takes over KFOR command in Kosovo from tomorrow (RTK)

From tomorrow, the KFOR peacekeeping troops in Kosovo will be led by Turkey. The news was reported by the Turkish news agency "Anadolu".

In the published article, they announce that the handover ceremony of the command, which until now has been led by the Italian troops, will be held tomorrow.

Officials of the Turkish Ministry of National Defense, in a statement related to the issue, described KFOR as one of the most important missions in ensuring peace and stability in the Balkans.

"Turkey is currently one of the main countries providing support to the KFOR mission with our additional operational reserve units," the sources has been quoted as saying.

Turkey ranks second among 27 countries in terms of military force contribution.

Further, stressing that Turkey's contribution to KFOR will continue unabated, the sources said that with the allocation of KFOR's mission to Turkey, coordinated efforts regarding the units' contribution have begun.

200 soldiers of British army are coming to Kosovo as KFOR reinforcement (Klan)

The Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Powers in Europe announced through a post on "X" that 200 soldiers of the British army are coming to Kosovo as KFOR reinforcement.

“The first contingent of 200 UK soldiers arrived in Kosovo to reinforce NATO's Kosovo Force peacekeeping mission.

A prudent step to ensure NATO_KFOR has the forces it needs to fulfil its UN mandate to maintain a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all people,” reads the post.

Szunyog answers on international position on confiscation of Radoicic's properties  (Kallxo)

The EU ambassador in Kosovo, Thomas Szunyog, in an interview with the show "Kallxo Pernime", has spoken on whether the internationals support the institutions of Kosovo in confiscating the properties of the terrorist group, which attacked the police on September 24 in Banjska. 

"I think we should follow the proper procedures and rule of law institutions. I mean, if there is credible evidence, it should go to court. If the court decides that someone is guilty, and by the way, in Kosovo it is a good law since 2018 for the criminal confiscation of property. If this is reached at the end of the trial that this should be done, and this is done by the relevant authorities, including the courts, then this is the rule of law", said the ambassador. 

Kurti “concerned about crimes against civilians” after Hamas attack in Israel (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said in a post on X today that he is “very concerned about the crimes against civilians & the rising death toll following the Hamas attacks in Israel. I stand with our allies, urging an immediate halt to these acts, supporting Israel's right to self-defense against terrorism, & demanding the immediate release of hostages."



Serbian Language Media


Bilcik: Diplomatic solution that would help ease tensions is ZSO (RTS, Tanjug)

European Parliament Rapporteur for Serbia, Vladimir Bilcik speaking about situation in Kosovo said that the lack of essential dialogue and an agreement had created difficult situation, adding there is a relatively fast diplomatic solution that would help ease the tensions and that is serious work on Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), RTS reports.

"The only way forward is the genuine engagement of both sides in the dialogue. The increase in tensions, the insecurity felt by the Serbs in Kosovo, are the result of the fact that there is no progress in the dialogue. And here I would like to emphasise again that there is a relatively quick diplomatic solution that would help ease tensions and it is serious work on the Association of Serbian Municipalities", he told Podgorica-based Pobeda daily.

"That is one issue that Belgrade is really asking for and that we have been waiting for Pristina to resolve. But these negotiations were extremely, extremely difficult with Albin Kurti", Bilcik is quoted as saying.

He assessed that the recent events in Banjska should not be misused and emphasised that a thorough, full investigation is needed, that justice must be served and some credible answers as to what happened there to be received.

Ponos: Vucic was not planning annexation of northern Kosovo, truth about Banjska must be established (N1)

Leader of SRCE Movement and an opponent candidate at last Serbian presidential elections, Zdravko Ponos told Pristina-based portal Nacional in relation to the events in Banjska, that he is sure Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic did not plan “annexation” of northern Kosovo, N1 reports.  

He described as “particular nonsense” claims that President Aleksandar Vucic, Serbian Minister of Defence, Milos Vucevic and Serbian Army Chief of Staff Milan Mojsilovic were engaged in “annexation” of northern Kosovo.

“I am not an admirer of the name and actions of (Aleksandar) Vucic, however I am sure that he did not plan such stupidity. Do video recordings from Banjska point out to anyone that those were organised paramilitary forces ready for such operations? Also bringing several units of the Army of Serbia and their deployment in the barracks in Raska and Kursumlija does not speak in confirmation of that claim”, Ponos said.

He also said “if Belgrade had any agenda, it ends with shifting responsibility to the Serbs in northern Kosovo to self-organise and take care about themselves, with justification that Belgrade cannot help more than that, but that it would be nearby to help, if their security has become drastically jeopardised”, he added.   

RTK director general: Tvrdisic suspended due to suspicion of omissions (Radio KIM, UNS)

More than a week after suspension of RTK2 (Serbian-language channel) director Zeljko Tvrdisic, the director general of the Radio-Television of Kosovo (RTK) Shkumbin Ahmetxhekaj told Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) that this "measure is temporary and that after receiving the official report of the internal commission, he will know whether there was a violation of standards", Radio KIM reports.

In a written response sent to UNS he also said that "as a public media, they should be careful when reporting in every language, because in times of tension, intolerance and misunderstandings between communities can be encouraged".

"The reporting that caused the uproar had debatable and punitive terminology in the opinion of the Independent Media Commission, which fuelled a professional debate", he explained.

UNS said it did not receive the answer to the question as to why Tvrdisic was suspended and what was controversial in his work so that he (director general) proposed his suspension.

UNS also asked the general director of RTK for the text of the decision on the suspension of Zeljko Tvrdisic, to which he replied that "the decision was made by the Board of RTK, not him".

Journalist Radosevic at Thaci’s trial: KLA kidnapped and tortured me in 1998 without trial and verdict (Danas, BETA)

Journalist Nebojsa Radosevic in his testimony to the Specialist Court in The Hague, in a trial against Hashim Thaci and other co-defendants accused of committing war crimes in Kosovo and Albania, said that in autumn 1998 members of KLA kidnapped him and held him prisoner for 40 days without any trial or verdict, with interrogation and torture, Danas daily reports citing BETA news agency.

In addition to Thaci, four other high ranking former KLA members are accused of committing war crimes in more than 40 KLA prison camps in Kosovo and Albania, including Kadri Veseli, Rexhep Selimi and Jakup Krasniqi.

Radosevic who at that time worked for Tanjug news agency was kidnapped on October 18, 1998 in the village of Magura in Kosovo along with a photo reporter from the same agency Vladimir Dobricic.

Radosevic testified that a KLA soldier “put the weapon’s barrel into his mouth” in the village and then in a detention camp in the village of Klecka “he was threatened with a knife”, and “beaten up” along with Dobricic.

He also testified that he heard in the prison camp in Klecka “screams from two Serbian police officers”.

Describing interrogation, Radosevic said KLA commanders in Sedlare first told him he was accused of “espionage” and then after 15 days that he and Dobricic are sentenced to 60 days in prison “because he entered the KLA territory without permission and press markings on the vehicle”.

According to the current indictment, Radosevic and Dobricic were interrogated, among others, by Thaci and Fatmir Limaj who then “falsely claimed” that journalists were tried.

“We were not present at any trial, nor we knew there was a proceedings against us, until they told us that we are sentenced to 60 days in prison”, Radosevic said, adding he received no documents about investigation, indictment or verdict. They also had no access to the lawyers. Radosevic, referring to one of the KLA members as “Student” said he asked him if he could give them the verdict, but he declined saying it was a war situation and he could not help them. 

Under international pressure, the journalists were released on November 27, 1998 and they were told that they have been “amnestied”. 

Radosevic also said that soon after he was released, his cousin, general of the Yugoslav Army at that time, Dusan Samardzic told him that the army intercepted conversation in which political representative of KLA, Adem Demaqi told Hashim Thaci “that journalists perhaps should be released, because he is under strong international pressure”. According to Radosevic, Thaci responded that “he will release them when he wants, and not when he is told so”.

Tomovic: Lack of quality journalism and low professionalism a bigger problem than fake news (Radio Gorazdevac, Radio Mitrovica sever)

Dusica Tomovic, BIRN journalist, pointed out for Radio Gorazdevac there were a number of challenges burdening the media community in the Balkans. One of the main problems was insufficient attention paid to the quality of reporting and professional standards. Many media outlets often neglected journalistic ethical codes and practices, which led to a decline in public trust in journalism. 

In addition, she said that the differences in reporting on the same events, especially during crisis situations such as the recent events in the north of Kosovo, indicated serious problems in preserving media objectivity.

"Sometimes when I look at the daily reports and news, specifically for the north of Kosovo, when I look at the mainstream media from Serbia and from Kosovo, I'm thinking, am I reading or watching something about the same event that happened on the same day in the same place? They are so different. It's no longer nuances or something that I really think is the right of private media to have their own editorial policies, that's legitimate. It's like they're reporting on two completely opposite events that didn't happen in the same place. These things are not accidental, of course, but on the other hand, they also speak of some intentions of those who are trying to spread these narratives through these media," said Dusica Tomovic for Radio Gorazdevac.

She believes that journalists must work harder to preserve the integrity of the profession and raise media standards.

Although fake news often was highlighted as a significant problem, Dusica Tomovic expressed her view that its presence may not be as widespread as it seemed. She saw fake news as tendentious misinformation that was deliberately spread with the aim of misleading the public. Tomovic believed that the bigger problem was the lack of quality journalism and low professionalism.

Recent incidents in the north of Kosovo, where female journalists from BIRN Kosovo were faced with serious security risks, highlighted the need for greater attention to the safety of journalists in the Balkans.

Solidarity and cooperation among journalists were crucial, in her opinion, for the protection of their safety and freedom of expression.

Despite all the challenges, Tomovic noticed the growth of small media that devote themselves to quality reporting in the public interest. Although they may not yet be widely recognized by audiences, these media are becoming increasingly influential and contribute to the diversity of the media landscape of the Balkans.

Dusica Tomovic concluded the conversation with optimism, stressing her belief in the future of journalism in the Balkans. She called for principled journalism and setting high professional standards as key elements. Hoping that the new generations will bring a brighter future for the media profession in the Balkans, Tomovic called for greater solidarity and joint work of journalists.

KFOR troops from Romania arrived in Kosovo (Kosovo Online)

Additional number of KFOR Romanian troops arrived in Kosovo, Kosovo Online portal reported citing Pristina-based Reporteri.

The Romanian Ministry of Defense announced earlier it will send 200 more soldiers as part of KFOR.

On Friday, 200 soldiers from the UK arrived in Kosovo as well, the portal recaled.

KoSSev editor wins “Katarina Preradović“ award (KoSSev)

The Katarina Preradović Foundation award for professional integrity, excellence, selflessness, and courage was awarded this year to Tatjana Lazarević, Editor-in-Chief of the KoSSev portal. “In extremely difficult circumstances, she succeeded in maintaining professionalism, objectivity, and analytical skills in order to protect the public interest.“

The award will be presented to KoSSev’s editor on October 10th, at 1 p.m. in Dorcol Square, Belgrade. This is the seventh annual award presented by this foundation.

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Bushati: United for Kosovo (Albanian Daily News)

Opinion piece by Albania’s former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ditmir Bushati.

The world woke up yesterday to horrifying images of Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel, which were rightly harshly condemned by the entire democratic world. Even in Albania, all the wings of politics for a few minutes united in their messages for condemning the terrorist attacks of Hamas against Israel. The messages were almost the same, in full agreement with the practices of positions held by Albania for such events. The instigators and perpetrators of the attacks are denounced by name, as well as expressing solidarity with the families of the victims, the people and the state of Israel. Undoubtedly, Albania's role in the Middle East is modest. But the political-diplomatic positions on these events have an undeniable value in foreign policy, as they reflect the values of our people and country. Consequently, also ranking alongside our great allies. 

While two weeks have passed since the September 24 terrorist attack in Kosovo, the same political wings still do not find a common language for the approval of a resolution in the Albanian Parliament, for the condemnation of the terrorist attack against Kosovo and the denunciation by name of the instigators and the perpetrators of the attack, who took the life of policeman Afrim Bunjaku in the line of duty. In my memory, the session of the Assembly of Albania, on July 22, 2010, will always remain indelible in my memory. As the International Court of Justice solemnly announced its decision on the compatibility with international law of Kosovo's independence, in the Assembly of Albania there appeared a big screen, where MPs, without exception, watched the marathon session of the Hague Court with excitement. There was no more important event for the nation. Therefore, the parliamentary session of July 22, 2010 was at the height required by the national conscience. Albanian politics proved its dignity.

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In Kosovo Clash, New Bullets and Freshly-Repaired Mortars from Serbia (BIRN)

Bullets seized from Serb gunmen in northern Kosovo last month were made in Serbia just last year, while mortar rounds and grenade launchers passed through Serbian state maintenance centres in 2018 and 2021, BIRN has found from analysis of markings on the extensive arsenal.

Some of the weaponry seized from Serb gunmen in northern Kosovo last month passed through Serbian state hands at some point over the past five years, including bullets that were made only last year, BIRN can report.

BIRN used OSINT and interviews with sources to identify the type, manufacturing company and year of the production of the weapons.

BIRN’s analysis of the markings on the weapons and ammunition seized by Kosovo police, including mortar rounds and grenade launchers, does not prove how they ended up in the hands of the group, which was led by Kosovo Serb powerbroker Milan Radoicic, then deputy leader of the Srpska Lista political party and which is closely linked with Serbia’s ruling Progressive Party.

But it does suggest the weapons were either stolen from state warehouses, sold to a private arms merchant who sold or gave them to Radoicic, or handed over by the state.

They included MRUD anti-personnel mines,  60mm M73 mortar rounds, M80 ‘Zolja’ anti-tank rocket launchers, and an M93 automatic grenade launcher, all of which were put on display by the Kosovo police.

The mortar rounds and anti-tank rocket launchers had passed through state maintenance centres in central Serbia in 2018 and 2021 respectively, BIRN can confirm.

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Interview: Kosovo's Top Cop On Serbian Meddling And Why It's So Hard To Stop Weapons Smuggling (RFE)

Authorities in Kosovo are still investigating a deadly incident at a monastery in northern Kosovo on September 24 that resulted in the death of a Kosovar police officer and three of the suspected assailants.

Officials from Kosovar President Vjosa Osmani to Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Interior Minister Xhelal Svecla have alleged Serbian involvement -- a charge that Belgrade denies.

Another official who has alleged involvement by Serbia and even possibly Russia in the incident is Kosovo Police chief Gazmend Hoxha.

On October 4, RFE/RL Balkan Service correspondent Arton Konushevci interviewed Hoxha about what investigators know so far, including possible links between last month's incident and violence against NATO-led KFOR peacekeepers in late May, and the delicate balance between security and normalcy in one of the Balkans' most concerning hot spots.

RFE/RL: How do you assess the security situation in Kosovo, specifically in the north of Kosovo?

Gazmend Hoxha: Regarding the security situation that currently reigns in the northern part of Kosovo, we can say that the situation is calmer compared to the last days and week. The situation there has started to return to normal.

However, the area around the border remains a concern, where it can be seen that the Serbian Army and Serbian security bodies still have a large number of personnel deployed, in addition to artillery and other combat and military equipment.

As for the situation inside Kosovo, we are continuing our work. The operation of combing the terrain is continuing. Also, investigations are under way on many tracks to document what happened and to provide the truth for the judicial process. We are also continuing to exchange information with our security partners, both inside and outside of Kosovo.

Our police units -- along with those [concerned with] public order and the security of [our] cultural and religious heritage -- are in contact with the Banjska monastery, as well as with the residents of the village of Banjska. We are working to get the situation there back to normality to guarantee the safety of our citizens living in that area.

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Beyond Banjska: Rada Trajkovic on the Incident’s Implications and the Future of Kosovo-Serbia Relations (

Welcome to this special interview brought to you by TUIC Akademi. Today, we have the distinct honour of engaging in a conversation with Ms. Rada Trajkovic, President of the European Movement of Serbs in Kosovo. A pivotal figure in the Kosovo Serb community, Ms. Trajkovic brings a nuanced understanding to the complex political relationship between Kosovo and Serbia. This interview will explore a wide array of critical topics: from the contentious Banjska incident and its ramifications, to the roles played by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti, to the geopolitical implications involving the United States, the European Union, Russia, and the upcoming Turkish command of NATO’s Kosovo Force (KFOR). Additionally, we will delve into the Serbian Orthodox Church’s stance on recent events, given the religious and cultural significance of the Banjska Monastery, and seek Ms. Trajkovic’s insights into feasible solutions for improving relations between Serbia and Kosovo. Our objective is to dissect these multifaceted issues to gain a nuanced understanding, which Ms. Trajkovic, with her intimate knowledge of the intricacies involved, is uniquely positioned to provide.

On the Banjska Incident: The Banjska attack has attracted significant attention, with the fact that Milan Radoicic, vice-president of Srpska Lista led a group of armed men in the area. Can you shed light on this incident and tell us how it reflects the overall state of lawlessness in the North of Kosovo? Further, what is your assessment of Alexander Vucic’s relationship with Milan Radoicic, and how does this relationship influence the Serbian government’s policies towards Kosovo?

Also, regarding Military Deployment at the Kosovo-Serbia Border: There has been an official statement from the White House regarding the Serbian military’s deployment at the border with Kosovo. What is your perspective on this deployment, and how does it align or conflict with the region’s broader goals of peace and stability?

Rada Tarajkovic: When there is a consistent failure of diplomacy, there is always a real risk that one of the parties in the negotiations would resort to violence and try to force the hand of the international community by changing the status quo on the ground through violent means. So, I am afraid that a conflict could break out since Belgrade seems to be in turmoil, with Vucic’s once firm hold on power severely disturbed by the Banjska incident. I cannot imagine a scenario in which Vucic – who often boasts that he knows everything, even what the institutions in Pristina are saying and doing in private – would be completely unaware of the guerrilla group that was preparing for the attacks in the North. If he indeed was oblivious to these events, then this is equally as dangerous as it signals his loss of control. So, who is in control in Serbia then? Vucic has for years nurtured lawlessness in the North and propped up Radoicic’s rise to power for his own political reasons. Radoicic and his associates were allowed to infiltrate and exercise control over Serbia’s security services and other relevant institutions, including law enforcement. The system has become too eroded, and now this is coming back to haunt Vucic in the worst and most damaging way possible. 

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