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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, January 24, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • EU comments on Brnabic’s letter; “agreement is binding in its entirety” (Kallxo)
  • EU considers conditions for lifting measures have not yet been created (RTK)
  • Szunyog meets CEC chief, discuss mayoral recall process in north (media)
  • Central Bank Governor Ismaili meets Szunyog (media)
  • Gervalla: Visa-free travel for Kosovars to UAE from February 22 (media)
  • North Macedonia FM meets Lajcak, discuss Kosovo-Serbia dialogue (media)
  • Szunyog visits Constitutional Court, demands implementation of decree for Decan Monastery (Klan)
  • Serbia required to implement agreements with Kosovo for progress in EU integration process (Koha)
  • Atiq allocates about 3 hectares of land to Interior Ministry in North Mitrovica, Serbs against (Nacionale)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Petkovic: Kosovo Serbs targeted by attacks, subjugation attempts (Tanjug)
  • Hill says discussion on the abolition of the dinar in Kosovo to continue (Kosovo Online, FoNet, N1)
  • Szunyog: The CBK regulation on payment transactions will affect Serbian communities (KoSSev)
  • Szunyog with the President of the Constitutional Court about the Decani monastery: Court decisions must be implemented (Kosovo Online)
  • Elek: There were only hospital beds and mattresses in the warehouse, not pharmaceutical materials (KoSSev, Tanjug)
  • A petition for the dismissal of Zeqiri submitted to the CEC; Northern mayors meet to discuss 'challenges and problems' (KoSSev)
  • Strpce municipality representatives condemn the decisions of the authorities in Pristina (KiM radio)
  • Bilcik to AFET: Thorough investigation needed into Serbian elections (N1)
  • EP AFET says elections were not fair (N1)

Albanian Language Media

EU comments on Brnabic’s letter; “agreement is binding in its entirety” (Kallxo)

The European Union confirmed it received the final version of a letter by Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, which according to some media reports set red lines about the implementation of the Agreement on the path to normalization with Kosovo. Although the EU did not reveal the content of the letter, its spokesman Peter Stano told Kallxo that the agreement is binding in its entirety for both parties and that the implementation of the agreement will be an integral part of their respective European paths.

Stano also said that “the agreement and its implementation annex became legally binding with the written statement of the EU High Representative dated March 18, 2023. This has been the consistent position of the EU, and it was also communicated publicly on several occasions”.

EU considers conditions for lifting measures have not yet been created (RTK)

The European Union has confirmed again that the conditions for lifting the measures against Kosovo, imposed byBrussels in June of last year, have not yet been created.

In a debate held in the Committee for Foreign Policy of the European Parliament, Marko Makovec, director for the Balkans in the Foreign Service, announced that the situation in the north of Kosovo is not improving and tensions, according to him, are continuing to accumulate. 

"The European Union is ready to gradually loosen the measures, but all member countries must be very convinced. And, if you follow the conditions and what is happening in the north of Kosovo, the security situation has not improved significantly", said Marko Makovec.

He assessed that the past year had mixed developments in the process of normalizing relations between Kosovo and Serbia, and mentioned the escalation of violence in May in the north as well as the September 24 attack in Banjska. 

"The normalization of relations with Kosovo through the rapid implementation of all dialogue commitments facilitated by the EU, including the agreement on the path of normalization and the implementation of the annex, remains clear. This comes with the responsibility for regional stability, where the responsibility for the attacks that occurred on September 24 remains extremely important", noted the director for the Western Balkans in the Foreign Service. 

He described Serbia as an important country in the region both in terms of stability and instability

Szunyog meets CEC chief, discuss mayoral recall process in north (media)

EU Head of Office in Kosovo, Tomas Szunyog, met on Tuesday with the head of Kosovo’s Central Election Commission, Kreshnik Radoniqi. “Discussed the mayoral recall process in the northern municipalities with CEC's Chair. While commending him for the prompt response to the Initiator Groups' requests, I inquired about the next steps & CEC's internal preparations for the recall vote if the 20% threshold is passed,” Szunyog posted on X after the meeting.

Central Bank Governor Ismaili meets Szunyog (media)

Kosovo Central Bank Governor, Ahmet Ismaili, met on Tuesday with the EU Head of Office in Kosovo, Tomas Szunyog, and discussed the main developments in the financial system, advancing the legal and regulative framework and activities for the sustainability and integrity of the financial system in Kosovo. A press release issued by the Central Bank notes that “with special emphasis were explained the key aspects of the new Regulation for Cash Operations and its effects. The main topic of the informative meeting was advancing the regulative framework for proper care and fighting the phenomenon of false money and preventing their inclusion in the financial system, identification, and removal of suspicious currencies from circulation, as well as changes in terms of the regular and transparent supply of the economy with cash money, through licensed financial institutions, both in cash and through ATMs. CBK representatives explained that same as other legislative changes this Regulation too aims to adopt the best practices of the European Union regarding preserving the integrity of the Euro currency and the financial system, the fight against false money, money laundering, and terrorism financing and informality, and that it advances the protection and education of citizens about such dangerous and illegal phenomena”.

Szunyog said in a post on X after the meeting that they discussed “the amended regulation on Cash Operations, which also regulates the process of handling and withdrawal from circulation of euro banknotes and coins and other currencies suspected of being counterfeit. Inquired how it will be implemented, as it is expected to particularly affect the livelihood of the citizens in the Serb-majority community areas. Expressed concern about the fact that there is very little time for adaptation before the regulation enters into force.”

Gervalla: Visa-free travel for Kosovars to UAE from February 22 (media)

Kosovo’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Donika Gervalla, said in a Facebook post on Tuesday that starting from February 22, the citizens of Kosovo will be able to travel without visas to the United Arab Emirates.

 North Macedonia FM meets Lajcak, discuss Kosovo-Serbia dialogue (media)

North Macedonia Minister Bujar Osmani said on Tuesday that during his stay in Brussels he met with EU Special Representative for the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, Miroslav Lajcak, and discussed “the latest developments in the region with an emphasis on the Kosovo - Serbia dialogue. The accelerated EU integration of the Western Balkans is crucial for the entire regional & European security and stability”.

Szunyog visits Constitutional Court, demands implementation of decree for Decan Monastery (Klan)

The head of the European Union Office in Kosovo, Tomas Szunyog, visited on Tuesday the Constitutional Court, where he met the president of this court, Gresa Caka-Nimani. Szunyog wrote on platform X, that the decision of this court on the Monastery of Decan should be implemented.

"The court must be independent and free from political influence and pressure. To preserve the independence of the judiciary, it is essential that members of the government refrain from statements that risk undermining the authority and independence of the judiciary, as well as public confidence in it. The decisions of the Constitutional Court should be fully respected and implemented, including the judgment of May 19, 2016 on the issue of the Monastery of Decan", he wrote.

Serbia required to implement agreements with Kosovo for progress in EU integration process (Koha)

In a debate organized in the European Parliament regarding electoral irregularities in Serbia, many MPs criticized Serbia for the political situation in the country. In addition to internal politics, Serbia was asked to implement the agreements with Kosovo, as a key element for progress in the process of integration into the European Union.

Members of the EP spoke in the Committee for Foreign Policy of the European Parliament about witnessed irregularities in the electoral process in Serbia, being observers of the European Union delegation.

Deputy Managing Director, Marco Makovec, on behalf of the EU's Foreign Service, recalled the joint statement given by the High Representative, Josep Borrell, and Commissioner Oliver Varheyli, regarding the elections in Serbia, who expressed concern about several issues, asking to be investigated and addressed, in order to significantly improve the electoral process in Serbia.

Makovec said that the rule of law for Serbia and the implementation of agreements with Kosovo remain key for Serbia's progress in the EU integration process.

"The year 2023 was a year with mixed developments in the process of normalizing relations between Kosovo and Serbia. We saw serious escalations, attacks on KFOR soldiers in May and violent attacks in Banjska on September 24. But we also saw progress in some areas", said this senior EU diplomat, adding that there should be responsibility for the attacks in Banjska and that this is an extremely important issue.

He repeated the call of the EU to implement all the agreements from the dialogue, without delays and without preconditions. He expressed regret that, according to the European Union, the security situation in the north of Kosovo has not improved as much as it was expected. 

Michael Mueller, speaking on behalf of the European Commission, said that Serbia started membership negotiations ten years ago, but the last step in this process was taken in 2021 and since then no chapter has been opened. 

Some members of the European Parliament asked the EU institutions to be clearer and tougher towards Serbia, because, as they said, it cannot be expected from those authorities that themselves have committed electoral irregularities to investigate the same irregularity, because that would mean investigating themselves.

Later, in February, a special resolution for the election process in Serbia is expected to be approved.

Atiq allocates about 3 hectares of land to Interior Ministry in North Mitrovica, Serbs against (Nacionale)

The Municipality of North Mitrovica transferred to the Ministry of the Interior for "operational needs" around three hectares - namely 27 thousand square meters. Only the Bus Station and a Sports Hall will remain in this entire area.The rest, property will belong to the Ministry. The area is close to what the local Serbs call the "Military Overhaul" that was used by the former Yugoslav army.

Local residents have initiated their opposition through a petition - in what they believe will be a base for the Special Forces.

The Chairman of the Municipal Assembly, Nexhat Ugljanin, indicates that the decision is a done deal, that has passed by vote in the Municipal Assembly and cannot be reversed. This space was given to the Ministry for "operational needs", said Ugljanin, without clarifying what this actually translates into.

The Deputy Director of the Kosovo Police for the northern region said that "there will not be a police station, but a regional center for driver's licenses". However, he did not exclude the possibility that in the future its function may also vary.

Stefan Veljkovic from "Srpska Demokratija" said that they have collected about 2 thousand signatures in a petition to oppose the allocation of this land. They worry that "a base of the special unit will be built".

Serbian Language Media 

Petkovic: Kosovo Serbs targeted by attacks, subjugation attempts (Tanjug)

The head of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic met with the UK's Ambassador to Belgrade Edward Ferguson on Tuesday and noted that, on a daily basis, Serbs in Kosovo faced political disenfranchisement, constant attacks and attempts to subjugate them to Pristina through violence and non-democratic means, reported Tanjug, citing the Office statement.

According to the statement, Petkovic voiced concern over Pristina's decision to stop payment transactions with central Serbia from February 1 and abolish the Serbian dinar as the legal tender, and noted that this was a special form of pressure that would certainly lead to the Serb population moving out of Kosovo.

"This decision also leads to all agreements reached to date becoming pointless, including the agreement to form a Community of Serb Municipalities, structurally based also on institutions operating within the dinar payment system," Petkovic said, noting that the dinar was the "only legal currency in Kosovo-Metohija."

He said this was a dangerous unilateral move by Pristina's PM Albin Kurti that posed not only a political but, above all, a social and humanitarian problem with disastrous consequences.

Petkovic also informed Ferguson of the fact Kosovo Serbs had submitted signed petitions for a dismissal of illegitimate mayors and assembly members in the four municipalities in the north of Kosovo and that they expected the problem to be resolved as soon as possible.

Hill says discussion on the abolition of the dinar in Kosovo to continue (Kosovo Online, FoNet, N1)

US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill confirmed that on Monday in Skopje, on the sidelines of the summit of leaders of the Western Balkans and officials of the European Union, the decision of the Central Bank of Kosovo, according to which the only recognized currency in Kosovo is the euro, was discussed, reported Kosovo Online, citing FoNet.

Asked about how the situation with the abolition of the dinar in Kosovo will be resolved and whether that is why US Assistant Secretary of State James O'Brien came to the Western Balkans-EU meeting, he confirmed that it was discussed in Skopje and that the talks are continuing.

Europe wants the Western Balkans to approach it with solutions, not with problems. Hill presented and explained that the goal of this summit was to remove obstacles between the economies of the Western Balkans, not to raise new ones.

The direction of the Western Balkan region is clear - towards integration and growth, said Hill, who "seems that this proposal is contrary to that and will therefore continue to be the subject of discussion", but he is optimistic and believes that a solution can be found.

Asked about the dilemma of the Open Balkans or the Berlin Process, he replied that it was not an either-or issue, but rather both.

In his opinion, the countries of the Western Balkans should show that they have developed patterns of cooperation that mean that they present themselves to Europe as a dynamic region that is progressing independently.

Any initiative that leads to that goal is welcome, whether it is the Berlin Process, the Open Balkans or something else, Hill believes.

He thinks that the Open Balkans stands out in particular, because it is an initiative that comes from the Western Balkans for the Western Balkans, so it was started here and was not imposed from outside.

I hope we continue to see that partnership flourish, and I hope it expands, Hill said.

Szunyog: The CBK regulation on payment transactions will affect Serbian communities (KoSSev)

The head of the EU Office in Kosovo is concerned about the short period for adjustment before the implementation of the CBK Regulation on payment transactions. He emphasizes that it will especially affect citizens in majority Serbian areas.

Tomas Szunyog met today with the Governor of the Central Bank of Kosovo, Ahmet Ismaili.

The topic of the discussion was the Regulation adopted by the CBK at the end of December regarding the regulation of the use of currencies in Kosovo.

"I met with the governor of the Central Bank of Kosovo, Ahmet Ismaili, and discussed with him the amended regulation on cash operations, which also regulates the process of handling and withdrawal from circulation of euro banknotes and coins and other currencies suspected of being counterfeit," said Szunyog.

He states that the regulation will especially affect the lives of citizens in areas with a Serbian majority and asks the question - how it will be implemented.

"I expressed my concern about the fact that there is very little time to adjust before the regulation goes into effect," he said.

Szunyog with the President of the Constitutional Court about the Decani monastery: Court decisions must be implemented (Kosovo Online)

Decisions of the Constitutional Court must be fully implemented, EU Ambassador to Kosovo Tomas Szunyog said at a meeting with the President of the Constitutional Court.

Szunyog, accompanied by the head of the European Union Mission for the Rule of Law in Kosovo (EULEX), Giovanni Pietro Barbano, Austrian Ambassador to Kosovo Georg Schnetzer, Italian Ambassador to Kosovo Antonello De Riu, and Deputy French Ambassador Francois Cyprien, met with the President of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo Gresha Chaka-Nimani.

During the meeting, Ambassador Szunyog reiterated the importance that the EU attaches to the fundamental role of the Constitutional Court in ensuring the supremacy of the Constitution and protecting the basic rights and principles therein, the EU Office announced.

The Ambassador of the EU in Kosovo emphasized that the Constitutional Court must be independent and free from political influence and pressure.

"In order to support the independence of the judiciary, it is crucial that members of the Government refrain from statements that risk undermining the authority and independence of the judiciary, as well as the public's trust in it," said Szunyog.

The meeting also discussed the need to respect and fully implement the decisions of the Constitutional Court, including the judgment passed on May 19, 2016 in the case of the Decani monastery.

Elek: There were only hospital beds and mattresses in the warehouse, not pharmaceutical materials (KoSSev, Tanjug)

The warehouse that was searched by the Kosovo Police in cooperation with Customs and the Medicines Agency belongs to CHC Kosovska Mitrovica and nothing of pharmaceutical material was found in it, but only beds and bedclothes that were removed from the hospital due to renovation, said the director of the Clinical Hospital Center, dr. Zlatan Elek.

He told the Tanjug agency that the warehouse housed beds and everything that was previously in the physiatry department, which is being renovated.

He added that there was no seizure of medical equipment or medicines.

Referring to the allegations of the police that part of the stock should be destroyed, Elek emphasized that it is about disinfectants that were used during the corona virus, and which have expired.

As a reminder, the Kosovo Police of the North region announced for KoSSev in the early afternoon that pharmaceutical products were allegedly found in this facility, which is located not far from the bus station, and that they are investigating whose ownership they are.

Then came confirmation that the owner is CHC Kosovska Mitrovica, but also that the goods were not confiscated, because they were registered. However, just like Elek, they stated that part of the obsolete stocks, without specifying which stocks, must be destroyed.

A petition for the dismissal of Zeqiri submitted to the CEC; Northern mayors meet to discuss 'challenges and problems' (KoSSev)

A petition for the dismissal of the president of the Zubin Potok municipality, Izmir Zeqiri, was submitted to the Central Election Commission, this institution confirmed for the Pristina media. And while petitions are expected to be submitted for other municipalities in the North, the mayors whose replacement is being sought are meeting in Leposavic to discuss "challenges and problems".

The spokesperson of this institution, Valmir Elezi, confirmed for RTK today that a petition for the removal of the mayor of Zubin Potok was submitted to the CEC, and after the signing of the same was organized last week.

"In accordance with the laws in force, the CEC will verify the list of signatures, that is, check whether the signatories are citizens with the right to vote in the respective municipality," he said.

The Head of the Office of the European Union, Tomas Szunyog, yesterday discussed the impeachment process of the mayors in the North of Kosovo with the President of the Central Election Commission, Kreshnik Radonjiqi.

"Having praised him for his quick response to the demands of the Initiative groups, I inquired about the next steps and the CEC's internal preparations for the impeachment vote if the 20% threshold is crossed," Szunyog said in a post on X, without elaborating which activities the CEC implements.

If the CEC confirms the petitions, the organization of voting for the replacement of the mayor will follow. For this step to be successfully implemented, it is necessary that 50 percent plus one voter with the right to vote in these municipalities vote for the dismissal.

If this succeeds, the President of Kosovo is obliged to call for extraordinary elections for mayors.

The Deputy Minister of Local Self-Government Administration of Kosovo, Arber Vokrri, however, was convinced that at least in the municipalities of Zvecan, Zubin Potok and Leposavic, most likely, not enough citizens will turn out to replace the mayor.

This official, as announced yesterday, met with the mayors of the northern municipalities.

Izmir Zeqiri (Zubin Potok), Ilir Peci (Zvecan), Erden Atiq (North Mitrovica) were guests of the mayor of Leposavic, Lulzim Hetemi.

"We had the opportunity to discuss all challenges and problems," the mayor of Zubin Potok said briefly in a post on Facebook.

Strpce municipality representatives condemn the decisions of the authorities in Pristina (KiM radio)

The leadership of the municipality of Strpce condemn the decisions of the authorities in Pristina that did not allow sanitary felling of forests in order to provide firewood in this local self-government, but also the decision of the Board of the Privatization Agency of Kosovo, which replaced the management board of the Brezovica Ski Center and the director Petar Simic, the mayor's office announced.

It was added that a new leadership, political Steering Committee and acting director, who, according to them, works exclusively on the order of Pristina, which is against the interests of the citizens of Srtpce municipality as well as the workers of this center.

"Thus, the decision was made to hand over the resources of the Ski Center step by step to a businessman from Pristina, starting from the restaurant to the advertising space, and that businessman B.M. who by his action and attempted illegal construction in the village of Sevce showed his intentions and that he is there to work and act against the interests of the citizens of Strpce municipality," it was stated.

They asked at the meeting of the management of the municipality of Strpce "how is it possible that the one who first "jumped" into the river to remove the illegally installed pipes at the protest in May 2022, is now the one who cooperates most closely with the one against whom he protested?"

As it is added, an even more important question is "what authority does the Ministry for Communities and Return have in the Brezovica Ski Center and convenes meetings on the management of the Ski Center"?

"How is it possible that an adviser to the illegal and illegitimate minister for communities and returns determines to the management and workers of the Ski Center how they will work? Who gave that same advisor free ski passes to hand out and manage whenever he wants? Based on which law does this Ministry of Return operate in part of the territory of the municipality of Strpce, while the houses of returnees are looted and burned in returnee areas," they asked.

It was stated that the number of returnees to Kosovo since the "illegitimate and illegal minister Rasic" was at the head of the ministry is zero, it was said among other things, reported KiM radio.

Bilcik to AFET: Thorough investigation needed into Serbian elections (N1)

EP rapporteur for Serbia Vladimir Bilcik MEP said that an investigation into the December 17 elections needs to be thorough and cover all complaints adding that the entire electoral process needs to be examined.

“I stress the importance of a thorough investigation into all complaints related to the elections, including the recent request filed with the Constitutional Court to annul the December 17 Belgrade City Assembly elections by the official from the Serbia Against Violence coalition,” he said in a written submission to the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET).

He said that the concerns raised by the Serbian opposition about voter migration, falsified signatures, and phantom voters, underscore the need for a comprehensive examination of the electoral process.

Bilcik said that the investigations have to be conducted with utmost transparency and efficiency, and the findings addressed promptly to maintain the credibility of the electoral process.

He recalled that the international observers did not look into the local elections, adding that any issues with the elections in Belgrade have to be handled separately from the parliamentary vote.

EP AFET says elections were not fair (N1)

The European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) was told by rapporteurs that the December 17 elections were not fair and that Serbia has to work on rule of law, normalization of relations with Kosovo and align its foreign policy with that of the European Union.

Director and Deputy Managing Director, European External Action Service Marko Makovec told MEPs that the EU expects Serbia to align with Union security and sanctions policy. He said that Serbia, as a candidate for EU membership, is expected to show commitment to the reforms required for accession, including rule of law, democratic standards, media freedom and the normalization of relations with Pristina which is crucial to regional stability.

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