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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, January 25, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti thanks Czech Republic for continuous support given to Kosovo (RTK)
  • Koopman: EU funds, only after region fulfills prerequisites (RTK)
  • Bislimi on Association: Illogical to deal with tenth job before first (Express)
  • Dinar ban, Ismaili: CBK's decisions do not affect any citizen (RTK)
  • Stano: European path for Kosovo moves through dialogue (media)
  • Konjufca: Kosovo's membership in CoE, significant in its 75th anniversary (media)
  • Gervalla and Berro-Amadei committed to strengthening cooperation (media)
  • Maqedonci meets KFOR commander, talk about security situation (media)
  • Krasniqi, to ambassadors: Constructive PDK for Euro-Atlantic future (RTK)
  • Citaku to Bislimi: You behave like disruptive oppositionists (RTK)
  • Police raid two houses in north, confiscate 59 machines for production of cryptocurrencies (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • The Office for KiM: Kurti continues with attempts to shut down Serbian institutions in Kosovo, Lajcak informed (Tanjug)
  • Vucevic and Botsan-Kharchenko on the security situation in Kosovo (NMagazin)
  • Ismaili: Citizens can receive money from Serbia only in euros (KiM radio, N1, RTK2, Kosovo Online)
  • Head of UNMIK: Trust and reconciliation are the key to stability, peace and security (Kontakt plus radio)
  • The Serbian List delegation met with the head of UNMIK, Caroline Ziadeh (Radio Mitrovica sever, Tanjug)
  • UNMIK on the removal of the UN flag in Leposavic: We are establishing the facts, UN property inviolable (Danas, FoNet, Kosovo Online)
  • A man arrested in Novi Pazar for espionage for Albania and Kosovo (Radio Mitrovica North, Tanjug)

International Media:

  • Kosovo wants back in EU good graces, comeuppance for Serbia (
  • Banning The Dinar, Kosovo Tries To Sever Lifeline Between Serbs In North And Belgrade (RFE)

Albanian Language Media

Kurti thanks Czech Republic for continuous support given to Kosovo (RTK) 

Kosovo Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, received on Wednesday the Minister for European Affairs of the Czech Republic, Martin Dvorak. 

"Prime Minister Kurti expressed his gratitude to the Czech Republic for all the support it has given and continues to give to Kosovo, including the contribution of the Czech Republic in the field of defense and security through the NATO mission in Kosovo (KFOR ) and the mission of the European Union for the rule of law (EULEX), the support through voting in the processes of Kosovo's membership in international organizations and recently its role in the successful process of visa liberalization", says the announcement of the Office of the Prime Minister.   

"The Minister for European Affairs of the Czech Republic, Martin Dvorak, expressed his happiness for the visit and the hospitality, as well as for the changes and development in the country since the time he served in Kosovo. He said that the Czech Republic is a close supporter and friend of Kosovo and its Euro-Atlantic integration. They discussed the bilateral relations between the two countries, with an emphasis on the possibilities of their advancement", it is stated in this announcement.  

Martin Dvorak had served as the administrator of the Municipality of Istog and Gjakova between 1999-2002.  

Koopman: EU funds, only after region fulfills prerequisites (RTK) 

Jan Gert Koopman, director for enlargement of the European Commission, has said that the states of the Western Balkans will use the funds from the European Union Growth Plan only when it is confirmed that they have met all the prerequisites. He mentioned democracy, the rule of law and human rights as the main pillars that must be fulfilled, while Kosovo and Serbia have an additional condition. 

"We also add, and this is an important point, that Serbia and Kosovo must meet specific conditions to engage constructively in the normalization of their relations. This is not cross-conditioning. Terms apply to each country individually. So, in other words, if one of the two countries does not progress, the other is not hindered, provided that it has progressed in the reform process. We think this is very important. We all know how important normalization is for the entire region", stated Koopman. 

The President of the Committee for Foreign Policy of the European Parliament, David McAllister, has warned that the states of the region will not use the means, if they do not meet the mentioned criteria, including the sanctions against Russia. 

"Parliament has repeatedly underlined the importance of strong conditionality in all pre-accession funding, which must be supported by a coherent, sustainable and transparent monitoring and results framework. It should be clear that countries that lag or lag in fundamental values and that fail to align with the foreign policy of the European Union, cannot be entitled to additional funds", pointed out David Mcallister.  

Bislimi on Association: Illogical to deal with tenth job before first (Express)   

Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi said that the basic agreement between Kosovo and Serbia consists of 11 paragraphs, none of which prevails over the other. And in this context, he says that the demand for the establishment of the Association as the first is illogical.  

"The first step in which Kosovo is working together with the EU is the design of the implementation sequencing plan. Only then can we say when in this sequence of implementation we have to deal with the draft statute or something similar. Consequently, any demand that we deal with the tenth job before the first job is illogical and we will say that this is illogical". 

Bislimi says that this is either illogical or "a tendency for the basic agreement to be converted into an agreement for the Association. Kosova would then not be able to be a party, because we signed a basic agreement and not for an institution or mechanism".   

"You have confirmations in the media of Mr. Lajcak who says that the EU will never write the draft for Kosovo. It is Kosovo's duty when the moment comes. The question should be addressed to Mr. Lajcak why he has not remained faithful to the statement he made in the media himself". 

He said that they do not criticize the European Union, but that they criticize the current leaders of the European Commission's foreign affairs department for certain "elements". Bislimi said that they have an obligation to protect the interest of Kosovo in the dialogue with Serbia facilitated by the EU. 

Dinar ban, Ismaili: CBK's decisions do not affect any citizen (RTK) 

The governor of Central Bank of Kosovo (CBK), Ahmet Ismaili spoke about the issue which in recent days has been raised a debate by the ambassadors of the QUINT countries, after the reaction of the Serbian president Aleksandar Vucic regarding the claims for the banning of the Serbian dinar in Kosovo. He told RTK that CBK is independent in its decisions and that no one should influence this institution. 

He said that the decisions of the CBK do not affect any citizen of Kosovo. However, all banking and non-banking transactions from February 1 of this year must use only the euro currency. The governor also spoke about the reactions that have come from the international community regarding the CBK's decision. He said that CBK is independent in its decisions. 

Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo, Besnik Bislimi, also was clear about the implementation of the CBK decision. He said that something that was not allowed cannot be allowed.  

"The Constitution of Kosovo must either be implemented in its entirety, or it should not be implemented. There is no logic that in one case there is an insistence of the International Community that the Constitution be implemented in its entirety, such as the case of the land for the Monastery of Decan, and then when it comes to Article 11 of the Constitution, where it says that there is only one currency in circulation in Kosovo, the same people say, don't do this. The constitution is either sacred and must be implemented, so if it must be implemented, it must be implemented in all cases", Bislimi said at the conference. 

Stano: European path for Kosovo moves through dialogue (media) 

The EU spokesperson Peter Stano, in a statement for Teve1 repeated that Kosovo cannot move forward in the process of EU integration without normalizing relations with Serbia.  

"The policy of the EU has been clear over the years. The European path for Kosovo and Serbia moves through dialogue. From the basic principles of EU accession, not only for Kosovo and Serbia, but for Croatia and Slovenia before, Hungary and Slovakia, the basic principle is reconciliation, good neighborly relations and the solution of all problems from the past", Stano said.

In a media appearance after the conference of regional leaders "Plan for the Growth of the Western Balkans and Rapid Integration in the EU" in North Macedonia the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, asked the EU to divide the normalization process from that of membership, calling the connection between the two processes unfair. 

Konjufca: Kosovo's membership in CoE, significant in its 75th anniversary (media) 

Kosovo Assembly Speaker Glauk Konjufca is continuing his official visit to the Council of Europe, in Strasbourg, France. The press release, issued by the Assembly of Kosovo informed among other things that Konjufca and the Kosovo delegation have participated in a series of important meetings with representatives of the Council of Europe. These meetings, according to the announcement, have provided a valuable platform to lobby for the fastest possible membership of Kosovo in the Council of Europe. 

"One of the key meetings held today was with the newly elected President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Theodoros Roussopoulos, and the Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (APKiE), Despina Chatzivassiliou", the announcement states.   

He also met Davor Ivo Stier, new Chairman of the Group of the European People's Party,  

Azadeh Rojhan, rapporteur for Kosovo in the Commission for Legal Affairs and Human Rights, as well as Oleksiy Goncharenko, representative of the Group of European Conservatives and the Democratic Alliance.He also had a productive meeting with the national delegation of Italy, while the official visit to the Council of Europe was concluded with the meeting with Dominique Hasler, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Education and Sports of Liechtenstein and chairperson of the Committee of Ministers.   

Konjufca emphasized that the membership of Kosovo this year would be a significant symbol on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of this organization, which will be marked under the Presidency of Liechtenstein. 

Gervalla and Berro-Amadei committed to strengthening cooperation (media) 

As part of the two-day visit to the qPrincipality of Monaco, Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, Donika Gervalla, was received by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Principality of Monaco, Isabelle Berro-Amadei. They discussed about the security situation in Kosovo after theattack in Banjska and the dangers that threaten security and stability in the Western Balkans.  

"Gervalla and Berro-Amadei discussed various topics of common interest, including cooperation within international organizations, strengthening and deepening of bilateral cooperation, expansion of cooperation in the field of economy, exchange of experiences in public diplomacy, etc.," the press release informed.   

Maqedonci meets KFOR commander, talk about security situation (media) 

Kosovo’s Minister of Defense, Ejup Maqedonci, received on Wednesday the commander of KFOR, Major General Ozcan Ulutas. 

"It was a pleasure to meet the commander of KFOR, Major General Ozcan Ulutas. The central topic of the meeting was the security situation in the country, the intensification of border patrols by KFOR troops, taking as a trigger the attack of September 24, as well as the increase of cooperation with the Kosovo Security Force in defense matters,” he wrote on Facebook.  

Maqedonci also said that guarding the border means raising the level of security, closing illegal roads, and fighting criminal groups by the Kosovo Police. "This cooperation of the Kosovo Police, KFOR, KSF, provides security and stability for all citizens and our country", he wrote further.  

Krasniqi, to ambassadors: Constructive PDK for Euro-Atlantic future (RTK)   

The leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Memli Krasniqi, has received the head of the EU Office in Kosovo, Tomas Szunyog, the ambassador of Germany, Jorn Rohde, the ambassador of France, Olivier Guerot, and the ambassador of Italy, Antonello De Riu. 

"In the joint meeting we discussed the general developments in our country, with special emphasis on political and security ones. I thanked the European ambassadors for their dedication and contribution to the cultivation of peace, security and stability in Kosovo and I assured them that even today, when Kosovo is going through challenges of various natures, PDK will play its constructive role that serves the interest of the citizens and the Euro-Atlantic future of our state", Krasniqi wrote.   

Citaku to Bislimi: You behave like disruptive oppositionists (RTK) 

 PDK deputy leader, Vlora Citaku, has criticized the deputy prime minister, Besnik Bislimi, who cast doubts on the independence of the judiciary in Kosovo, in the press conference with the minister of foreign affairs of the Czech Republic. 

 Çitaku, through a post on Facebook, said that Bislimi used the conference with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic to throw "poison against the independent institutions of the Republic of Kosovo".   

"If he is able to do this in front of journalists and the media, imagine how Bislimi defends and represents the interests of our Republic in private meetings," she said. 

On this occasion, Çitaku wrote that "instead of behaving as leaders and representatives of the interests of the state and citizens - you behave as disruptive and irresponsible oppositionists". 

Police raid two houses in north, confiscate 59 machines for production of cryptocurrencies (media) 

The Kosovo Police intervened in two houses in North Mitrovica on Wednesday morning and confiscated 59 machines for the production of cryptocurrencies. The Deputy Director of Police for the North Region, Veton Elshani, confirmed the news. He has announced that no person has been arrested for this case. 

Serbian Language Media 

The Office for KiM: Kurti continues with attempts to shut down Serbian institutions in Kosovo, Lajcak informed (Tanjug)

The Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced that Albin Kurti, in his violent manner, continued with his attempts to shut down and seize the institutions of the Republic of Serbia in Kosovo, and his target yesterday, was the centers for social work in Leposavic and the north Mitrovica, reported Tanjug. 

''The removal of the symbols of the Republic of Serbia and the installation of signs with the inscription "Republic of Kosovo" on institutions that are not financed by Pristina, and which take care of the welfare of the most socially vulnerable citizens with funds from the Serbian budget, is another confirmation that Kurti's reign of terror knows no borders,'' read the statement.

''It is clear that this escalatory move, after the announcement of the ban on dinar payments, serves the purpose of intimidating and further disenfranchising the Serbian people, because Kurti is persistently trying to expel Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija by starving them and leaving them without means of livelihood,'' said the Office, reported Tanjug.

Vucevic and Botsan-Kharchenko on the security situation in Kosovo (NMagazin, media)

Serbian Defense Minister Miloc Vucevic spoke yesterday in Belgrade with Russian Ambassador Aleksandar Botsan-Kharchenko about the current security situation in Kosovo and bilateral relations.

Vucevic thanked Russia for supporting Serbian sovereignty and territorial integrity and pointed out that Serbia's long-term strategic commitment remains the status of a militarily neutral state, without membership in any of the existing military-political organizations.

"The Minister of Defense informed the ambassador about the current security situation in the southern Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohija and the unilateral moves made by the temporary institutions in Pristina with the aim of causing conflict and destabilizing the region," the Ministry of Defense said in a statement.

Botsan-Kharchenko noted the necessity of implementing internationally binding agreements, while respecting international law regarding the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia.

Ismaili: Citizens can receive money from Serbia only in euros (KiM radio, N1, RTK2, Kosovo Online)

The regulation of the Central Bank of Kosovo on "cash operations", adopted on December 27 last year, confirms that the euro is the only official currency for all banking transactions in Kosovo, Governor of the Central Bank of Kosovo, Ahmet Ismaili, told RTK2, reported KiM radio.

Ismaili stated that "no one can prohibit giving or payments from Serbia, if they are in euros and that this regulation restricts the use of cash from illegal financial institutions that are not licensed by the Central Bank", cited KiM radio.

"As provided by the constitution and laws, the official currency is only one, the euro. Citizens of all countries, including Serbia, can receive money through their accounts, but only in euros. It is not possible for an unlicensed institution to transport money and engage in financial activities. Who will guarantee the quality of the money, that it is not counterfeited, who will guarantee that these transactions were made according to the law," said Ismaili.

He said in the program "Special interview RTK2" that "no one can prohibit giving or payments from Serbia if they are in euros".

"Euros can be changed into dinars in authorized exchange offices, if the citizens want it, thereby controlling all money in circulation, and it becomes transparent. The Central Bank of Kosovo does not control individuals, but there is no system anywhere in the world where unregistered institutions conduct transactions," added the governor.

Ismaili noted that money from Serbia can also be paid to local self-governments with a majority Serbian population, reported KiM radio among other things, citing RTK2. 

Head of UNMIK: Trust and reconciliation are the key to stability, peace and security (Kontakt plus radio)

The head of the UN mission in Kosovo, Caroline Ziadeh met with representatives of the political and civil society of the Kosovo Serb community, UNMIK announced in a Facebook post last night, reported Kontakt plus radio. 

''As part of her regular visits to North Mitrovica, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNMIK, Caroline Ziadeh met today with political and civil society representatives from the Kosovo Serb community, and discussed the recent political, security and economic developments. The SRSG reaffirmed the dedication to promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms of all communities in Kosovo and emphasized the importance of trust-building and reconciliation as key to stability, peace, and security. Kosovo Serb representatives shared their concerns, particularly regarding the recent decision by the Kosovo Central Bank on the use of the dinar. SRSG Ziadeh reiterated UNMIK's commitment to help bridge the gap between non-majority communities and relevant institutions,'' read the UNMIK FB post, reported the radio. 

The Serbian List delegation met with the head of UNMIK, Caroline Ziadeh (Radio Mitrovica sever)

The Serbian List delegation, led by party president Zlatan Elek, met today in North Mitrovica with the head of the UNMIK mission, Caroline Ziadeh, reported Radio Mitrovica sever, citing the party statement. 

As announced by the Serbian List, the delegation pointed out at the meeting a series of unilateral anti-Serb decisions by the regime in Pristina, which threaten the survival of the Serbian people in Kosovo and demanded that the entire international community raise its voice in protecting the rights of the Serbian people.

UNMIK on the removal of the UN flag in Leposavic: We are establishing the facts, UN property inviolable (Danas, FoNet, Kosovo Online)

The flags of Serbia and the United Nations were removed from the flagpole in front of the municipal building in Leposavic yesterday, and the UNMIK mission stated for portal Kosovo Online that the facts were being established, and indicated inviolability of UN property and added that it must be protected and secured at all times.

''UNMIK is aware of media reports about the removal of the flag from the Leposavic municipality building. While establishing the facts, we reiterate that the premises and property of the United Nations are inviolable and must be guarded and secured at all times," it was stated in the response of UNMIK submitted to the Kosovo Online portal.

Media recalled that on December 24 of last year, Kosovo Online revealed that in Leposavic, current municipal officials in the administration of Mayor Hetemi broke into the UNMIK office and removed the UNMIK board, even though all premises of the United Nations are inviolable in accordance with the Convention on Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, which was adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 13 February 1946.

A man arrested in Novi Pazar for espionage for Albania and Kosovo (Radio Mitrovica North, Tanjug)

A Serbian citizen A.D. was detained in Novi Pazar, who is suspected of being a part of the intelligence network organized by D.R. on the territory of Serbia and of collecting data and information of importance for the intelligence service of Albania on his orders, reported Radio Mitrovica sever, citing Tanjug agency. 

As Tanjug learns in the security structures, ''A.D. was arrested in the continuation of the investigation by the BIA and the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office of Jagodina (VJT) against D.R. who is suspected of spying in Serbia for the intelligence service of Albania ShiSh and the intelligence agency of Kosovo,'' it was reported among other things. 

International Media

Kosovo wants back in EU good graces, comeuppance for Serbia ( 

Kosovo's Prime Minister Albin Kurti urged the European Union to lift restrictions on funding and participation in talks imposed on his country, accusing Brussels of going soft on Serbia amid regional tensions.

"We were criticized for the violence in the north last year — unfairly — and the EU imposed measures against Kosovo. On the other hand, Serbia is aligning with the Russian Federation regarding the aggression in Ukraine, and there are no sanctions for Serbia," Kurti told POLITICO in an interview on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland last week. 

The EU hit Kosovo with restrictive measures last summer in response to an outbreak of violence linked to local voting in the region. The measures effectively banned some high-level meetings between EU and Kosovar officials, paused EU projects, and curbed funding streams for Kosovo. They followed a year-plus of escalating tensions between Serbia and Kosovo, which were involved in a bloody war more than two decades ago.

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Banning The Dinar, Kosovo Tries To Sever Lifeline Between Serbs In North And Belgrade (RFE)

NORTH MITROVICA, Kosovo -- It's a tough sell. Tens of thousands of ethnic Serbs who live and work in Kosovo but stubbornly reject the country's official currency have a week to ditch the dinar in their daily lives.

For two decades, encouraged by Belgrade and reluctantly ignored by Pristina, residents in 10 heavily ethnic Serbian municipalities have clung to the Serbian currency for everything from salaries and pensions to doctor's bills, restaurant tabs, and even taxi fares.

Then, last week, Kosovo's Central Bank issued a regulation restricting all cash transactions anywhere in the country to euros from February 1. It cited the constitution's stipulation of "one single currency" as legal tender. Dinars can still be held in bank accounts or exchanged for euros.

Read more at: