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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, January 26, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • O’Brien: Leaders of the Balkans to do more to take the region forward (RFE)
  • Kurti meets Pendarovski, “strengthening good neighborly relations” (media)
  • State Department comments again on “ban” of Serbian dinar (Express)
  • CEC chief: Received petitions from municipalities; need time to verify them (EO)
  • Atiq: Petition was signed with pressure from the Serbian List (RTK)
  • EU: Looking forward to the investigation report about Banjska (media)
  • Abbott calls for better communication with affected communities (media)
  • Hoxhaj asked if changes can happen to Special Court after U.S. elections (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Petitions to recall mayors in northern municipalities submitted to CEC (RTS)
  • Reactions to billboard removal in Zvecan (Kosovo Online, KoSSev, social media)
  • US on abolishing dinars: Constructive engagement of Pristina and Belgrade would bring lasting benefits for citizens (Kosovo Online, The Pavlovic Today)
  • Serbian Democracy submitted petition against land allocation to Kosovo Interior Ministry in Mitrovica North (KoSSev)
  • Ugljanin says there is no law on referendum, MA decision on land allocation valid as it is approved by ministry (KoSSev)
  • New deadline given to Serbs to remove tent in Leposavic by 15.00 hrs today (Kosovo Online)
  • Hearing in case of Sladjan Trajkovic postponed (Radio KIM)

Albanian Language Media

O’Brien: Leaders of the Balkans to do more to take the region forward (RFE)

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, James O’Brien, said on Thursday that building stability in the Western Balkans takes time, and that leaders of the region must acknowledge that they need to do more to take the region forward.

In his address at the German Marshall Fund, O’Brien was asked if the west needs to choose between reforms and stability in the region of the Balkans and if there is a balance in this regard, to which he said that with many different processes in these countries work is needed in different phases.

Asked about the recent elections in Serbia, which were criticized by the international community, O’Brien said that “the challenge is who can promise results for the people in Serbia” and highlighted the importance of safeguarding democracy in the region.

He also said that Serbia has had a good economic performance lately and that this implies there will be economic growth and that new investments will be attracted in Serbia.

O’Brien said that the United States will help the European Union with the enlargement process, with the aim of including the countries of the Western Balkans. He highlighted the EU plan for economic growth – presented on January 22 in Skopje – saying that it will serve as a new impetus for the countries on their integration paths.

O’Brien also said that at the January 22 meeting he noticed that the countries of the Western Balkans are tired with the promises of the EU for enlargement without concrete results and that he believes that the new plan will have concrete results in practice.

Kurti meets Pendarovski, “strengthening good neighborly relations” (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti met on Thursday in Pristina with North Macedonia President Stevo Pendarovski. “Strengthening good neighborly relations and fostering cooperation in promoting democracy and the rule of law in our region will expedite our joint priority of achieving European Union membership,” Kurti wrote in a post on X.

Pendarovski said after the meeting that “North Macedonia and Kosovo foster positive and constructive relations and cooperation, and open dialogue at all levels. We expressed our interest for progress in all areas of mutual interest. We support Kosovo’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations. As a member of NATO, we will actively contribute in support of peace in Kosovo through our participation in the KFOR mission”.

State Department comments again on “ban” of Serbian dinar (Express)

A spokesperson for the U.S. State Department said on Thursday that Kosovo and Serbia must engage in constructive and honest fashion on the issue of the use of the Serbian dinar in Kosovo. “We believe that constructive engagement and honest and good-will efforts by Kosovo and Serbia will bring sustainable benefits for their citizens, including economic growth and long-term regional stability. And we want to see progress on the implementation of previous agreements from the dialogue. We also believe that this is in the best interest of all parties concerned,” the spokesperson said.

CEC chief: Received petitions from municipalities; need time to verify them (EO)

Chief of Kosovo’s Central Election Commission (CEC), Kreshnik Radoniqi, said on Thursday that they have received the petitions from the four northern municipalities to dismiss the Albanian mayors. He said there is a great number of signatures and that it will take some time for CEC staff to verify them. 

Atiq: Petition was signed with pressure from the Serbian List (RTK)

Erden Atiq, Mayor of Mitrovica North, argued in an interview with RTK on Thursday that the majority of signatories of the petition that paves way for his dismissal were under pressure from the Serbian List. “The absolute majority of them were under pressure and forced by members of the Serbian List to go out and sign the petition,” he said.

Atiq said he feels proud about his performance as mayor of Mitrovica North. “If I managed to make the lives of the citizens somewhat easier, I am happy,” he said.

EU: Looking forward to the investigation report about Banjska (media)

EU spokesperson Peter Stano said on Thursday that the EU is looking forward to the final report about the attack in Banjska in the north of Kosovo in September last year. He said the whole process must be impartial.

Stano said the EU will carefully review the results of the investigation and will take respective measures without being influenced “by any individual opinions”.

Stano also said the EU expects full cooperation from every person that can help shed light on the situation, by identifying associates, organizers, and the participants in the attack.

Abbott calls for better communication with affected communities (media)

Outgoing UK Ambassador to Kosovo, Nicholas Abbott, said in a Facebook post on Thursday that he is very happy “to see calls for Kosovo's constitution to be implemented, whether the Constitutional Court decision on Decan Monastery lands, or Article 11. What is needed is better communication to affected communities and the staged enforcement of measures to allow people to adjust.”

Hoxhaj asked if changes can happen to Special Court after U.S. elections (media)

Senior member of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Enver Hoxhaj, in an interview with Kanal 10, was asked if any changes can happen with the Specialist Chambers after the presidential elections in the United States. “I don’t rule out the possibility of news for different camps, but I believe that it is going to be one of the main topics,” Hoxhaj was quoted as saying.

Serbian Language Media 

Petitions to recall mayors in northern municipalities submitted to CEC (RTS)

Kosovo Central Election Commission (CEC) received petitions of citizens to recall Albanian mayors in the northern Kosovo municipalities, elected in April elections last year which Serbs have boycotted, Serbian public broadcaster RTS reports.

CEC Chair Kreshnik Radoniqi said the number of signatures was large and time would be needed for their verification. “I confirm that we have received petitions from four municipalities. There is a large number (of signatures) and officials would need time to check them”, Radoniqi told a regular CEC session, Pristina-based media reported.

It was added that upon verification of signatures, the next step is organization of voting to dissolve the mayors, which must take place within a 45 days deadline. The results of this voting will then be sent to Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani who has the legal deadline from 30 to 45 days to call extraordinary elections in the four northern municipalities, RTS added.  

Reactions to billboard removal in Zvecan (Kosovo Online, KoSSev, social media)

The billboard on Mitrovica-Leposavic motorway featuring photos of honorary citizens in Zvecan municipality, including the best world tennis player Novak Djokovic, whose family originates from Zvecan, renowned surgeon late Zoran Krivokapic, diplomat Jugoslav Kostic, current Serbian Ambassador to US, Marko Djuric, Momcilo Arlov from humanitarian organization Assistance Committee to Serbs in KiM based in Banja Luka, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Russian President Vladimir Putin has been taken down yesterday in presence of two Kosovo ministers Xhelal Svecla and Elbert Krasniqi. Interior Minister Svecla on his social media announced that the billboard had been taken down. The move caused a number of reactions as reported by Serbian media.  

Serbian List Vice President and former Zvecan mayor Dragisa Milovic said the billboard removal does not lead to de-escalation but rather to new deterioration of the situation on the ground.

“This all takes place in front of the international community who came here before anything to bring peace, stabilization and mutual trust. By such acts, I do not see de-escalation happening, calming down situation on the ground either, on the contrary, it leads to deterioration”, Milovic told TV Most, adding that billboard removal was an example of use of force and message that everything having the links with Serbia should be removed, and that after 25 years of destroying Serbian cemeteries, churches and monasteries – the turn has come to flags and billboards.

Serb politician from Gracanica, Rada Trajkovic in a post on social platform X said: “The two ministers have nothing better to do than oversee removal of a billboard? All other citizen concerns addressed and resolved, I suppose? One would think this is a job for local utilities and not the government”. 

Serbian Ambassador to US, Marko Djuric in a post on social platform X said: “I guess no one really expected @XSvecla to come up with anything better for the citizens of Kosovo* other than smashing billboards. What a great way he chose to remind us all that this is the only thing he is really good at. The way he single-handedly smashed those @EULEXKosovo vehicles is the envy of all Balkan football hooligans - from FK Ballkani Suva Reka/Suharekë, the "Intellectuals" from Drita FK, Podujevo, all the way to the infamous "Ballistët" of Shkëndija FK, Tetovo. Way to go, Xhelal, you big leader and great hero!”

Belgrade-based human rights activist and lawyer Milan Antonijevic in a post on X social platform said: “Kosovo ministers have to find better and more useful job than spending the day for cheap marketing and watching quite strange demolition of a billboard in Zvecan, mostly populated by Serbs honoring Djokovic and Vucic and hypnotized by love towards distant Putin”.

Serbian media also reported on some reactions coming from Pristina. Besnik Velia, journalist of Pristina-based GazetaExpress in his reaction said: “The new momentum in the north should be used to get closer to the local Serbs, as (Albin) Kurti said before getting to power. After the progress with Banjska, it cannot be ruined with such weak propaganda. The north cannot be settled with symbolism which irritates local Serbs but with honest communication with them”.

Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) MP, Armend Zemaj assessed that ministers Svecla and Krasniqi instead of dealing with more important issues were removing a billboard in Zvecan because of populism. “I will make an analogy with removal of such a billboard and better health system, cheaper energy and better living conditions. This was mostly a populist act which is legitimate and can be understood if someone wishes to meddle in affairs of our country. But there are inspections, those are people paid for such jobs (…)”, he said. 

Former KSF colonel Afrim Veseli termed it “ridiculous that two ministers, respectively Minister of Interior Svecla and Minister of Local Self-Government Administration Krasniqi, found time to deal with illegal billboard removal”. He added it should have been done by the Ministry for Infrastructure through their mechanisms and that Kosovo should not send messages from political level.

US on abolishing dinars: Constructive engagement of Pristina and Belgrade would bring lasting benefits for citizens (Kosovo Online, The Pavlovic Today)

State Department deputy spokesperson Vedant Patel said in a press briefing that the US wants to see progress in implementation of all agreements reached within Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, Kosovo Online portal reports.

Asked by The Pavlovic Today correspondent as to what gives the State Department confidence that Kosovo PM Albin Kurti will take the US position on the Kosovo Central Bank decision to suspend the Serbian dinar seriously, Patel responded US believes “that constructive engagement and sincere good faith efforts by both Kosovo and Serbia will bring lasting benefits for its citizens including economic growth and ensure long term regional stability. We want to see progress on implementation of past Dialogue agreements. We also believe that this is in the best interest for all impacted parties”.

Serbian Democracy submitted petition against land allocation to Kosovo Interior Ministry in Mitrovica North (KoSSev)

Serbian Democracy submitted yesterday to Mitrovica North MA chair, Nedzad Ugljanin a petition containing 2.216 signatures against municipal decision to allocate almost three hectares of land in this town to Kosovo Interior Ministry (MIA), KoSSev portal reports. According to Serbian Democracy the next step is to organize a referendum on this issue. 

The party argued that the MA decision was made without the public interest of the majority community, and the explanation as to why this decision was in public interest was lacking. It also said the decision was made in violation of the procedures and disrespect of the minimal standards of transparency as well as consultations, as the MIA request for land allocation was put on the agenda 24 hours prior to the session, and it was not discussed at the session either.

As particularly problematic Serbian Democracy found explanations on the future purpose of location as MA chair Ugljanin told the media location will be used to build a police station, as according to him, police needed to vacate the current premises owned by Trepca, while Kosovo police deputy commander for North region Veton Elshani said regional training center for drivers will be built there, but that Kosovo MIA may use this parcel for some other purposes in the future as well. According to the Self-determination Movement program this land parcel was foreseen as a construction spot for Kosovo special police forces base. 

Ugljanin says there is no law on referendum, MA decision on land allocation valid as it is approved by ministry (KoSSev)

Mitrovica North MA chair, Nedzad Ugljanin confirmed for KoSSev portal that he received a petition against land allocation submitted by Serbian Democracy. However, Kosovo does not have a law on referendum, which is one of the reasons that complicates the procedure to recall the mayors in the four northern municipalities by recent petitions.

“If it (the law) is not approved at the level of assembly, it can’t be held at the local level either”, Ugljanin said. He added he will inform the Ministry of Local Self-Government Administration today about the petition and what further steps are. According to him, in addition to the law, a particular problem is that the respective ministry already accepted the municipal decision and allocated the land parcel to MIA. 

New deadline given to Serbs to remove tent in Leposavic by 15.00 hrs today (Kosovo Online)

Kosovo Online portal reported that the previous deadline given to Serbs to remove the tent across the municipal facility in Leposavic by 15.00 hrs yesterday had been extended by 24 hours. The tent is used by employees of local administration who are protesting usurpation of the municipal building since May 26 last year.

The portal added that notification it had insight in, said if the tent is not removed by 15.00 hrs today it would be done by Kosovo police. Unlike the previous notification that was signed by current Leposavic mayor Lulzim Hetemi and current director of urbanism and spatial planning Marko Jablanovic, the new notification had Hetemi’s signature only.

Serbs did not remove the tent yesterday as told by the municipal administration, police did not remove it either and the deadline has been extended, the portal added.   

Hearing in case of Sladjan Trajkovic postponed (Radio KIM)

The hearing in the case of Sladjan Trajkovic accused of allegedly committing war crimes against the civilian population in 1999 in Vucitrn at the Basic Court in Pristina had been postponed, Radio KIM reported.

Trajkovic’s defense lawyer, Dejan Vasic said his client today explained his life and everything he achieved as a police officer as part of community and society. Jelena Krivokapic, another member of the defense team said they will file a request for the protection of legality and expect the issue which had not been resolved today to be dealt with at the higher level. The next hearings are scheduled on February 29 and March 12, 13 and 14.

Sladjan Trajkovic was arrested on December 15, 2022, in Bosniak Mahala in Mitrovica North, one month after he and his Serb colleagues collectively resigned from Kosovo police in the north.