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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, November 12, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti: Kosovo, supporter of regional security (media)
  • Kurti meets with O'Brien, says U.S. support for Kosovo confirmed (RTK)
  • Borrell to chair today EU-Western Balkans meeting (Reporteri)
  • Kurti: Neighboring countries are not safe from Serbia, as long as they are not part of EU (RFE)
  • Prime Minister Kurti for a two-day visit to Vienna (media)
  • Ramadani publishes a version of the Association's draft statute (media)
  • Analysts: If it is official, this statute legalizes parallel structures in north (media)
  • The flag of Palestine unfurled in Pristina, removed (media)
  • Kosovo model can serve as solution for Gaza - says Israeli diplomat (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Petkovic: Kurti playing on the Europeans' fear of a repeat of the conflict in the Balkans (Kontakt plus radio)
  • FT: Serbia is ‘glaring example’ of how far aspirant members are from meeting EU enlargement criteria (N1)
  • German and French Ambassadors Mark Armistice Day, but where is the Monument to Serbian Soldiers? (KoSSev)
  • The monument to the fallen Serbian fighters at the cemetery in Pristina was moved (Radio Mitrovica sever, RTS, KiM radio)
  • Diocese of Raska - Prizren on relocation of the monument to the liberators from the First World War (, KoSSev, Kosovo Online)
  • An Albanian beat a Serb while cultivating his field near Ajvalija (KiM radio,
  • It snowed in Brezovica, the locals still without firewood (KoSSev, RTK2)
  • Vucic with O'Brien on the dialogue in Brussels and the situation in Kosovo (RTS) 
  • Vucic: No progress in Belgrade-Pristina dialogue as long as Kurti is in power (Tanjug)

International Media:

  • In Memory of the UN Flight Tragedy in Kosovo (Prishtina Insight)
  • RSF and 16 partners unveil Paris Charter on AI and Journalism (
  • Türkiye, Serbia share objective of 'stable Balkans' (
  • President of Serbia commented on the Meeting between Two Members of BiH Presidency with Kosovo PM (Sarajevo Times)
  • Israeli national team arrives in Kosovo for soccer game under tight security measures (AP)

Albanian Language Media

Kurti: Kosovo, supporter of regional security (media)

At the 20th edition of the Vienna Economic Forum, Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti stated that he is ready to protect Kosovo's security, stressing that the Serbian attacks in the north were not attacks against Kosovo alone.

In the press release of the Prime Minister's Office on Sunday, it was announced that Kurti emphasized the need for cooperation with the countries of the European Union and increased security measures.

"In times like these, when the world view is filled with scenes of conflict, the essence of our meeting becomes even more important. It underlines the need for us to stand together, talk together and work together. The role of the Economic Forum becomes not only a catalyst for economic development, but also a sanctuary for peace and a forum for building resilience against the ups and downs that shake our world," the announcement states.

According to Prime Minister Kurti, the attacks in the north were also attacks on the ideals of peaceful coexistence, liberal democracy and the rule of law.

"As Prime Minister of Kosovo, I am determined in my duty to protect the security of our country, to guarantee the well-being of every citizen and to create an environment where economic prosperity can flourish unhindered by fear and available to all", he said further.

Kurti stated that Kosovo remains committed to increasing security measures, “outside and inside the Republic as an active supporter of peace and regional security".

Kurti meets with O'Brien, says U.S. support for Kosovo confirmed (RTK)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti met in Paris with the Assistant Secretary of State of the USA, James O'Brien. "Pleased to meet with U.S. Assistant Secretary of State O'Brien, who confirmed U.S,'s ongoing support of Kosovo. We discussed Kosovo's rapid economic and democratic progress—widely recognized by international organizations—and I reiterated our commitment to EU and NATO membership as our chief strategic objectives,” Kurti wrote on X plarform. 

Borrell to chair today EU-Western Balkans meeting: Building sustainability (Reporteri)

The head of the European Union's foreign policy, Josep Borrell, will chair on Monday the EU-Western Balkans meeting, with the six foreign ministers of the region.

The announcement stated that among the topics of discussion will be common security challenges and cooperation in foreign and security policy.

"The EU relies on its future members for united responses to current geopolitical challenges through solidarity and close cooperation".

"They will discuss common security challenges. Cooperation in foreign and security policy, preparation of future high-level events, to build stability and promote peace, security and democracy in our continent", the announcement states.

Kurti: Neighboring countries are not safe from Serbia, as long as they are not part of EU (RFE)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, said on Saturday that neighboring countries cannot feel safe from Serbia, until they are part of the European Union.

Asked during the Peace Forum in Paris what are Serbia's goals towards Kosovo, Kurti emphasized that "its division, or territorial compensations."

"Serbia's neighbors, as long as they are not part of the EU, are not safe from Serbia, and this should be taken into account in Brussels. They are angry with the disintegration of Yugoslavia, they thought they could destroy it and take half of it, it didn't turn out that way", Kurti said.

Kosovo has accused Serbia of "attempted annexation of the north of Kosovo", after an attack by a group of armed Serbs in the village of Banjske of Zveçan on September 24, where a police sergeant and three attackers were killed. Serbia has denied the accusations, although responsibility for the attack was claimed by Millan Radoicic, the former vice-president of the largest party of Serbs in Kosovo, Serbian List.

"I think that, on the one hand, they [Serbia] want to see the division of Kosovo, they would like territorial compensation for their mistakes, but it is not possible," Kurti said in Paris on Saturday.

Kurti believes that the reason why Kosovo has not yet received the EU candidate status so far was the lack of visa liberalization, which the European Commission (EC) approved at the beginning of this year, and comes into effect on January 1, 2024.

"We have no other alternative, Europe is our continent, the EU is our future and we want to benefit and contribute to the EU", Kurti added.

Kosovo's path to the EU depends on its dialogue with Serbia, European officials announced last week.

Although Kosovo has applied for membership in the EU, the Commissioner for EU Enlargement, Oliver Varhelyi, said on November 8 that the Council has not yet asked the commission to give an opinion on this.

Prime Minister Kurti for a two-day visit to Vienna (media)

Prime Minister Albin Kurti, from Paris, France where he participated in the Peace Forum, traveled on Sunday to Vienna to participate in the 20th anniversary edition of the Vienna Economic Forum. On this occasion, he will accept the Annual Award of the Economic Forum "Partner of the Year 2023", which will be awarded to Kosovo for the 15-year cooperation and contribution to economic development at the national and regional level. On Monday, he will also participate in the discussion panel entitled "Building Economic Cooperation in Difficult Times".

During the two-day stay, Prime Minister Kurti will also be an invited guest from the Karl-Renner-Institut to discuss the topic "Kosovo: The new democratic state as a hostage to geopolitical interests". This discussion will be held on Monday, starting at 18:00.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday, Kurti will hold meetings with representatives of private companies in the energy sector, to inform them about the investment opportunities that Kosovo offers in this field.

Ramadani publishes a version of the Association's draft statute (media)

The former inspector of KIA and former official of AAK, Burim Ramadani, has published a draft statute of the Association of municipalities with a Serb majority, for which he says he does not know if this version is accepted by Kosovo.

However, he said that if this version is official, then Kosovo should gain something big in compensation for its implementation. "I read and re-read many times the Draft European Statute for the Association. Both the English version and the Albanian language version, which is an unofficial translation. I don't know if this version is finally accepted by Kosovo. However, if this document will be able to be changed - it is hard to say, but what I believe is that Kosovo must win something seriously big as a precondition for the implementation of this document. Because this Draft Statute is very wide and deep", Ramadani emphasized, after publishing the version of this document in Albanian and English. He further said that this draft statute is "serious in the powers it attributes to the Association, but above all very serious in the opportunity it gives Serbia to function within Kosovo. And this especially in education and health, social care, financing and donations, and the like".

According to Ramadani, the association is called: Association of Municipalities with a Serb Majority in Kosovo. The headquarters of the Association will be in North Mitrovica, unless the member municipalities decide otherwise, while the draft Statute has a total of 45 articles and is divided into 7 chapters.

Still according to the draft statute published by Ramadani, the association, established with this statute, provides a self-managing framework for the Kosovo Serb community within the existing municipal level of local self-government and will not acquire additional executive powers compared to its member municipalities. The framework includes supporting coordinated service delivery in specific areas, with the possibility of financial support from Serbia and an effective direct communication channel for the Kosovo Serb community to the government of Kosovo through the Ministry of Local Government Administration.

Read the English version here:

Analysts: If it is official, this statute legalizes parallel structures in the north (media)

Analysts in Pristina assess that if it is official, the powers attributed to the Association of Municipalities with a Serb Majority, in the published draft proposal, are worrying. According to them, this is especially noticeable in the opportunity given to Serbia to function within the state of Kosovo, in education, health, financing and donations.

Former President of the Constitutional Court, Enver Hasani wrote "The introduction of Resolution 1244, together with the laws, as a basis for interpreting the constitutionality of the Serbian Autonomy, and the simultaneous guarantee of the territorial integrity and territorial sovereignty of Kosovo, is nothing but brutal cynicism equivalent to combining gunpowder with fire. Resolution 1244 guarantees the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia, not Kosovo".

"It was true that it is not Zajednica of 2013, but an ethnic state within the multi-ethnic state of Kosovo. There were not many references neither in 2013 nor in 2015, because both 2013 and 2015 were very mild compared to the Super Zajednica of 2023. Ah yes, with Article 42, points 1,2,3,4 and 5, it is decided that the Constitutional Court of Kosovo is not the instance that makes the final interpretation when the government and the Association have disagreements about the Statute and its interpretation, but it is an Arbitration Commission whose head of the commission is appointed by the EU," said journalist Lirim Mehmetaj adding that it is an even stronger autonomy than that of South Tyrol, because it also has the competence of security. 

"It has full powers in the municipalities where it will manage health, education, social care, infrastructure construction, it will also take care of housing facilities for returnees or those who need social assistance," said analyst Fidan Ukaj.

It is considered that this draft legalizes the parallel structures in the north of Kosovo.

"There is a discrepancy between the municipalities and this Association, politically it will be the biggest power despite the fact that it does not have it legally. Articles 12, 13 and 14 will be problematic to implement in practice", said Dritero Arifi, an expert on political issues.

Experts say that if this draft is accepted with this content, the Constitutional Court will turn it back. 

The flag of Palestine unfurled in Pristina, removed (media)

The flag of Palestine with the inscription "Free Palestine" that was placed in the Grand Hotel in Pristina on Sunday afternoon was removed.

The Palestinian flag was placed by the group "Collective for Feminist Thought and Action". Through a Facebook announcement, they announced that the flag was set as "an act of solidarity with the Palestinian people's struggle for freedom."

"Today we unfurled the Palestinian flag as an act of solidarity with the Palestinian people's struggle for freedom. Placed next to the flag demanding the liberation of Ukraine, this flag denounces claims of selective solidarity and insists on the right of every people to freedom. We remain united and determined to oppose and fight any occupation, colonization and racialization of peoples.

However, the flag of Palestine was removed very soon after being installed. We read this act as a silent attempt by the state of Kosovo and a disturbing position in support of the genocidal war of the state of Israel against the Palestinian people.

This action is in the wake of public interventions in solidarity with Palestine, organized by groups and independent activists", their announcement states.

Kosovo model can serve as solution for Gaza - says Israeli diplomat (media)

Alon Pinkas, an Israeli diplomat and foreign policy adviser to several Israeli ministers and prime ministers, in an interview with "Voice of America" on Sunday, said that the international presence in the Gaza Strip, similar to the international administration in Kosovo after the war, could lay the foundations for a way out of the conflict in the Middle East.

"What I'm proposing is something that I've seen that Americans are attracted to as an idea. They are calling it international force, international intervention. The model is Kosovo, just for the fact that Kosovo is the last example. East Timor is also another example. But Kosovo is a case that people still remember", the Israeli diplomat emphasized.

Kosovo was soon placed under international administration in accordance with United Nations (UN) Security Council Resolution 1244, although the Israeli diplomat added that this proposal should not be read as a "complete comparison" between Gaza and the West Bank and Kosovo because there are differences between the two cases.

"It was about Yugoslavia, about ethnic conflicts in that region, there were regional powers and other powers. At that time, the European Union was consolidating, Russia was weak, China was far from being a world power, and the United States during the late 90s was dominating the unipolar system. Therefore, I am not making a comparison between the two", Pinkas underlined.

Despite the differences regarding this issue, he emphasized that this "alternative solution" can happen if there is agreement, that is, according to him, if the Palestinian Authority agrees and Saudi Arabia helps finance an international mission, while the United Arab Emirates helps in its creation and NATO is willing to listen to civilian experts there.

Serbian Language Media 

Petkovic: Kurti playing on the Europeans' fear of a repeat of the conflict in the Balkans (Kontakt plus radio)

On the occasion of Kosovo PM Albin Kurti speech at the Paris Peace Forum, the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic reacted.

Petkovic said, according to the office for KiM press release, that Kurti is "the biggest security threat to the region and as long as he is in a position of power - no one in the Western Balkans will sleep peacefully".

"Kurti believes that the crisis the world is in is an opportunity that he must not miss, that this is the moment when the brutal ethnic cleansing of the Serbian people from centuries-old homes, destabilization and attempts of dismembering other countries in the Western Balkan, in which Albanians figure as a demographic and political factor in the Western Balkans, could go unpunished and without an international response," said Petkovic, read the press release.

The Director of the Office for KiM emphasized that "Kurti's prey is not only Serbia, but also other countries in the region where he wants to use aggressive methods, attacking the weak or peace-loving, to implement the Great Albanian project."

"That project in the international public, he tries to impose as an inevitability, playing the card of the Europeans' fear of a repeat of the conflict in the Western Balkans, even though he is the only and biggest producer of crises in the region," said Petkovic.

He emphasized that Belgrade is "ready to discuss the peaceful resolution of problems in the region as long as there is at least some hope that the violent madness of Albin Kurti and his like-minded people can be curbed in this way."

FT: Serbia is ‘glaring example’ of how far aspirant members are from meeting EU enlargement criteria (N1)

Judging from the latest European Commission reports for the Western Balkan region, there is a new momentum in the EU enlargement process, with Brussels proposing the entry talks with Ukraine, Moldova and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and making Georgia a membership candidate, the Financial Times reported, adding, however, that detailed look into individual country reports give a more “ambiguous picture.”

No aspirant member is close to meeting all the entry criteria on democracy, the rule of law and economic standards, the Financial Times reported, singling out Serbia as a “glaring example” and the largest candidate in the Balkans in terms of population and territory.

Serbia was said to have done too little to settle its differences with Kosovo, its foreign policy is insufficiently aligned with the EU, in particular because of its closeness to Russia, and it made limited progress in tackling corruption and organised crime, while its media independence is weak.

“In truth, the commission would have been justified in using even stronger language,” according to the Financial Times, which points out the Kosovo dispute as a “formidable obstacle to Serbia’s EU entry.”

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German and French Ambassadors Mark Armistice Day, but where is the Monument to Serbian Soldiers? (KoSSev)

Armistice Day – the anniversary of the signing of the armistice by the Allied Powers with Germany, bringing an end to World War I was on Saturday.

For many years, the German and French ambassadors have jointly commemorated this day at the military section of the Orthodox cemetery in Pristina. However, a noticeable difference is evident between this year’s and previous years’ photographs.

The monument to Serbian soldiers who perished in World War I can no longer be seen.

The “Monument to the Liberators of Pristina” is missing from the images released by the two ambassadors from the Orthodox city cemetery in Pristina.

The white cenotaph has an inscription in Cyrillic which reads: “Here lie the remains of Serbian soldiers who fell in the wars of 1912-1918,” is notably absent from the place where it once stood.

The monument to fallen French soldiers, located at the Orthodox city cemetery in Pristina next to the Serbian soldiers’ monument, is still visible.

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The monument to the fallen Serbian fighters at the cemetery in Pristina was moved (Radio Mitrovica sever, RTS, KiM radio)

The monument to Serbian soldiers who died in the wars from 1912 to 1918 in the memorial park at the Pristina Orthodox cemetery has been moved from its central location. In its place, a black marble plaque was placed, on which it is written in French, Serbian and Albanian: "To French soldiers falling in Kosovo", reported Radio Mitrovica sever yesterday.

The white memorial plaque from 1984, on which next to the cross is written "Here lie the remains of Serbian soldiers who died in the wars of 1912-18", was moved from the side of the park, over which the flag of France flies. The relocation of the monument and the installation of a new memorial plaque were carried out without the knowledge of the Diocese of Raska-Prizren, reported Radio Mitrovica sever, citing RTS. 

The relocation of the monument to Serbian heroes and the installation of a new memorial plaque is not the only change to the memorial at the Pristina Orthodox cemetery, in the section dedicated to Serbian and French soldiers who died in the First World War.

On the commemorative plaque of gratitude, which reads "Eternal gratitude to the French soldiers who fell in 1918" in Serbian and French, a translation into Albanian was also added.

The parish priest of Pristina, Stanisa Arsic, said that he visited the cemetery and photographed the relocated monuments. In the Kosovo police, where he reported the case, he was told that the relocation was done by ''the company "Hortikultura", on the order of the French embassy in Pristina''.

The relocation of the plaques on the memorial, which, by the way, is the only place left untouched among dozens of destroyed and desecrated gravestones of deceased Serbs in the Orthodox cemetery in Pristina, was done before the Armistice Day celebration.

Priest Arsic visited the cemetery last week, for the memorial services, and did not notice any change.

Diocese of Raska - Prizren on relocation of the monument to the liberators from the First World War (, KoSSev, Kosovo Online)

“On the occasion of the removal of the memorial plaque to the Serbian soldiers who liberated these areas in the Balkan Wars and the First World War, the Diocese of Raska - Prizren expresses deep concern. Neither the Serbian community, which uses that cemetery, nor the Diocese of Raska - Prizren, which spiritually takes care of the Orthodox cemeteries in Kosovo and Metohija, were not consulted about the relocation of the memorial plaque to the liberators in the First World War, who made great sacrifices together with other allied soldiers. In this way, not only was disrespect once again shown for a memorial in the Orthodox cemetery in Kosovo and Metohija, by an official city company, but by rewriting history they are trying to obscure the indisputable truths about the participation and historical role of the Serbian people in these areas.

This also shows what the fate of our cultural and religious heritage would be if the protection of that heritage was left exclusively to Kosovo institutions.

The diocesan legal service will consider all possibilities to return the memorial plaque to its original place and to preserve the Serbian cemetery in Pristina with dignity in the future. However, more than anything, the frequent desecration and damage of the Serbian spiritual and cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija show us the need for a higher level of protection of our cultural and spiritual heritage, if we want that heritage to survive in these areas as it is,” announced Diocese of Raska-Prizren on its website.

An Albanian beat a Serb while cultivating his field near Ajvalija (KiM radio,

G.M. from Caglavica was beaten on Friday on his field between Caglavica and Ajvalija, reported KiM radio, citing

He was attacked by a young Albanian who was tending sheep. While G.M was working on his farm, the younger Albanian was crossing his field with his herd of over a hundred sheep.

When G.M asked him not to do that and not to destroy his crops, the Albanian hit him several times with a stick telling him "Fol shqip" (Speak Albanian - ed.) and "Go to Serbia"

G.M reported the case to the police in Gracanica and was examined by a doctor, where he was diagnosed with injuries in the area of the lower extremities

The Media Center tried to find out more details about this case from the commander of the Police Station in Gracanica, Bratislav Trajkovic, but he told the media that he was not authorized to make statements and referred them to the media office in Pristina.

On Saturday, the mediacenter was unable to get in touch with the media office of the Kosovo Police in Pristina.

It snowed in Brezovica, the locals still without firewood (KoSSev, RTK2)

The first snow fell in Brezovica, and the workers are nearing the end of preparations for the start of the ski season. However, residents of certain villages in the municipality of Strpce, which belong to the National Park, are still waiting for approval to mark and cut forests, reported KoSSev, citing RTK2.

Many households are still without firewood for winter, which has already arrived in these parts, reported RTK2.

Vucic with O'Brien on the dialogue in Brussels and the situation in Kosovo (RTS) 

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, met on Friday with the Chief US Envoy for Europe and Eurasia, James O'Brien.

Vucic discussed "all important bilateral issues, regional relations and global events" with the US envoy for Europe and Eurasia, including the continuation of the dialogue in Brussels and the protection of the lives of Serbs in Kosovo. 

"Useful conversation with Envoy James O'Brien on all important bilateral issues, regional relations and global developments. There was also talk about the continuation of the dialogue in Brussels, and Serbia emphasized once again that it is fighting to preserve the lives of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, that it is advocating for the preservation of peace and stability, without harming national interests,'' wrote Vucic on his Instagram account, reported RTS.

Vucic: No progress in Belgrade-Pristina dialogue as long as Kurti is in power (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, said on Friday afternoon the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue would be a topic of discussions in Paris in the evening, but noted that he did not believe there would be any progress in the dialogue as long as Albin Kurti was at the helm of the Pristina interim authorities.

"There is not much philosophy in that - I think everyone in the West now understands Kurti does not want to establish a Community of Serb Municipalities at all and that he does not want any progress in the dialogue whatsoever, and that all the rest was Balkan tricks that can work one or two times, but definitely not over the long term," Vucic told reporters when asked whether the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue would be discussed in Paris.

"I do not believe there will be any particular progress, let alone establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities, as long as Kurti is in power in Pristina."

Asked if a meeting with Kurti was a possibility, Vucic said he had no such plans and that he would not even know what to talk about with Kurti.

He also said he found it strange that representatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina had met with Kurti.

"He picked the representatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina he wanted to meet with. It is strange that they accepted that. But that makes me wonder about such double standards and the hypocritical approaches to solving problems in the territory of the former Yugoslavia whereby territorial integrity is recognised in some situations and requests are being made that territorial integrity be respected, while, on the other hand, the integrity of the country that is being requested to respect territorial integrity is not recognised. But alright, I guess that, too, is good for us because we know where we stand and who we are dealing with," Vucic said.

He said he had had two brief meetings with French President Emmanuel Macron earlier in the day and that they would speak again in the evening during a tete-a-tete meeting.

International Media

In Memory of the UN Flight Tragedy in Kosovo (Prishtina Insight)

In 1999, a United Nations plane carrying 24 humanitarian civilians on board crashed in northern Kosovo on a flight that came from Rome, while delivering staff and humanitarian aid to the post-war country. 24 years later, Prishtina Insight brings details from the accident and the commemoration for the victims.

On the Friday morning of November 12, 1999, a plane full of humanitarian aid and missionaries, left Rome prepared to come and help the post-war Kosovo, but never made it to the Airport of Prishtina. 

The plane crashed, in a tragedy that caused the death of 24 humanitarian staff and shocked the country that was still recovering from its own wounds caused by the war that had finished just 5 months ago.

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RSF and 16 partners unveil Paris Charter on AI and Journalism (

The first of its kind, the Paris Charter on AI and Journalism defines ethics and principles that journalists, newsrooms and media outlets around the world will be able to appropriate and apply in their work with artificial intelligence. It was created by a commission initiated by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) and chaired by journalist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Maria Ressa. 

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Türkiye, Serbia share objective of 'stable Balkans' (

Tensions were running high recently between foes Serbia and Kosovo. A series of incidents and clashes involving the two nations, the most recent being in late September, raised the specter of a looming crisis as the sides exchanged strong words. Amid it all, Türkiye took command of NATO’s Kosovo Force (KFOR) on Oct. 9, when Maj. Gen. Özkan Ulutaş formally assumed charge at a ceremony at the headquarters in Pristina, Kosovo’s capital.

That power transfer came as Türkiye and Serbia continued to develop relations in defense and military, with a shared objective of peace and stability in the Balkans. Türkiye is also among the countries that formally recognize Kosovo since it gained independence from Serbia in 2008. Belgrade has never recognized Kosovo and still claims it as its own territory.

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President of Serbia commented on the Meeting between Two Members of BiH Presidency with Kosovo PM (Sarajevo Times)

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, said that he was surprised by the meeting two days ago in Paris between the members of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Denis Becirovic, and Zeljko Komsic, with the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti.

“He chose which representatives of BiH he wanted to meet with. It’s strange that they accepted it,” said Vucic.

Vucic emphasized that there are “double standards” and “hypocritical approaches” in solving problems in the area of the former Yugoslavia, “where somewhere you recognize territorial integrity, but somewhere you demand that territorial integrity be respected.”

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Israeli national team arrives in Kosovo for soccer game under tight security measures (AP)

Israel's national soccer team arrive at a hotel, in the capital Pristina, Friday, Nov. 10, 2023. Israel’s national soccer team has arrived in Kosovo amid tight security measures at the airport ahead of a postponed European Championship qualifier. (AP Photo/Visar Kryeziu) 

1 of 4 | Israel’s national soccer team arrive at a hotel, in the capital Pristina, Friday, Nov. 10, 2023. Israel’s national soccer team has arrived in Kosovo amid tight security measures at the airport ahead of a postponed European Championship qualifier.

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