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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, November 14, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti: After visa liberalization, Kosovo should be given status of candidate country (Koha)
  • Borell after the meeting of chief diplomats in Brussels: Western Balkans belongs in EU (media)
  • Gervalla calls EU to take a clear stand on 24 September attack (media)
  • A new "non-paper" for the Western Balkans, made pubic (Albanian Post)
  • Kurti and Kovacevski discussed joint integration process (RTK)
  • Jonathan Hargreaves, new ambassador of the United Kingdom in Kosovo (Express)
  • Number of requests for passports increases in the north (media)  
  • A suspect arrested in Zubin Potok, several weapons confiscated (Kallxo)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Vucic to meet with Lajcak in Belgrade Tuesday (Tanjug)
  • French and German embassies confirmed relocation of Serbian soldiers memorial plaque (KoSSev, media)
  • Tanja Lazarevic’s public letter to French Ambassador (KoSSev, N1, media)
  • Reactions to Serbian soldiers’ memorial plaque relocation continue (Kosovo Online, social media)
  • Pristina municipality says it was neither informed nor received request to relocate memorial plaque (Kosovo Online)
  • Informational campaign in North Mitrovica headed by a government representative who doesn’t speak Serbian (KoSSev)
  • Brnabic: US one of Serbia's top foreign policy and economic partners (Tanjug)
  • Borrell: Western Balkans place is in EU (N1)

Albanian Language Media

Kurti: After visa liberalization, Kosovo should be given status of candidate country (Koha)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, has said that immediately after the liberalization of visas, Kosovo should receive the status of a candidate country for membership in the European Union (EU).

"Immediately after liberalization, Kosovo deserves and should receive the status of a candidate country. I hope that we will diligently answer the thousands of questions that Mrs. Ursula von Der Leyen will make to us, after the European Council tells her. If we won the liberalization a few years ago, it would be more important for Kosovo than it is now. We are trying to keep people in our country, through 'ausbildung' as you call it, this connection of education with the labor market. When the economy and education do not communicate well, then migration wins. As a sweet revenge, we are taking the German model so that people don't go to Germany anymore", Kurti said.

Kurti also spoke about Kosovo's aspirations to join NATO and also about recognition by the five EU states that have yet to recognize Kosovo, Greece, Cyprus, Romania, Slovakia and Spain.

"I think that when we join NATO we are completely safe, but to join NATO you have to contribute and not only benefit. And to contribute we will increase our capacities. I think we are one of those countries that will first join NATO and then the EU, because the EU is more complicated, as we know. 22 EU countries recognize us, five do not. We have improved the atmosphere, but there are no concrete steps that I could say that this year or next year, anyone will recognize us. When these countries recognize us, nothing can stop us from joining NATO and the EU. The last EU country that recognized us I think was Portugal in October 2008 and since then these five non-recognizing countries have become a group. So we have to change this now, it is much more difficult to do than in 2009 or 2010", Kurti said.

During the discussion, Kurti was also asked about the September 24 terrorist attack in Banjska, where police sergeant Afrim Bunjaku was killed. He has said that he suspects that Serbia's intention was to push the Kosovo police to attack the Banjska Monastery.

"In my opinion, they were hoping to attack the monastery, where there were some pilgrims and Orthodox priests. The first thing that came to my mind when the Minister of Interior called me at 4 am on Sunday 24 September, I asked him where it was happening. He told me it was close to a monastery.  In Sarajevo on March 1, it also started with the wounding of an Orthodox bishop and the murder of the groom's father in that ceremony. Everyone thought the priest was killed, but he was wounded. It was an attempt to give a religious shade to this conflict. And as Churchill said, if you want the conflict to never end then make it religious. My order to the interior minister was zero civilian casualties, no bullets fired by our policemen at the walls of the monastery. Terrorists should be fought only in that way", Kurti said.

He added that "Serbia's plan B was to push Kosovo to send the KSF to the north without NATO's consent, and then to say stop the Kosovo army or we are entering with an army. But neither scenario came to pass, so we came out victorious. Now Milan Radoicic's group should be extradited, the members of the Northern Brigade and Civil Defense, which we declared terrorist organizations, should be arrested."

Kurti said that inter-municipal cooperation is needed throughout Kosovo, but he said that they should be clear in relation to Serbia.

"Serbia started with 16 barricades set up for three weeks, the wounding and injury of 90 KFOR soldiers on May 29, then with the kidnapping of three Kosovo policemen in June, and then with the killing of policeman Afrim Bunjaku on September 24. We don't need episode five. In this direction, we need the support of the EU and the USA, which must clearly say that official Belgrade's fingerprints are on everything that happened on September 24", he said.

Kurti also mentioned the last meeting in Brussels, where he said that the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, again refused to sign the agreement.

"Despite the criticism of the draft statute for the Association that was presented to us, which is much better than that of 2013 and 2015, but not as good as I would like, but I said ok, we are signing the Brussels Agreement, the Ohrid Annex today and this draft as a package. And I requested President Emmanuel Macron, Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, also for candidate status and membership in the NATO Partnership for Peace. But President Vucic, after we had a meeting with the same leaders, said that he could not sign a letter with Kurti, he wanted to sign two separate documents. One him with the EU and one I with the EU. But, I have no conflict with the EU and I said that if we want to normalize relations with Serbia, then of course we must sign," Kurti said.

He said that Vucic had signed with the former Prime Ministers of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa and Hashim Thaci, but is refusing to do so with him.

"But then, despite the traditional refusal to sign, he asked for a side letter to be sent to the mediators where it was said that Serbia will never recognize Kosovo, there will be no UN seat for Kosovo, as if it depends on Serbia and the third that there is no respect for territorial integrity. This worries me, it is new, a direct violation of the Basic Agreement. What should he see, that the European friends who have mediated and referred, when there is a violation of the agreement, they should blow the whistle. When there is a foul, the whistle must be blown. There is much that is not taken into account. We have to sign. This is where we are stuck. Brussels is the capital, the EU Summit was the place, it had to happen there, under that light of urgency. But the opportunity was lost, let us see now", Kurti said.

During the discussion, Kurti mentioned the work done by his government, in social and economic terms.

Borell after the meeting of chief diplomats in Brussels: Western Balkans belongs in EU (media)

The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Policy and Security, Josep Borrell, chaired Monday’s meeting between the EU and the foreign ministers of the Western Balkans. After the meeting, he said that the place of the Western Balkan states is in the EU. This is what Borrell expressed in "X", where he said that the EU wants to advance the integration of the region in their decision-making.

“Chairing the EU-Western Balkans ministerial meeting this evening with the 6 ministers of the region. We want to advance the integration of the region into our decision making, including on foreign and security policy - already before accession. The place of the WBs is in the EU,” he wrote.

Gervalla calls EU to take a clear stand on 24 September attack (media)

Kosovo’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Donika Gervalla, is participating in the meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the EU where security in Europe will be discussed.

"The Republic of Kosovo is a committed partner of the EU and will continue the path of Euro-Atlantic integration in the hope that very soon the promises for membership of the Western Balkans will be realized," she said.

"We know that in the Western Balkans we have many challenges in peace and security. Together with the foreign ministers, I hope we will use the discussions for peace and security, not only in the Western Balkans, but also in the whole continent", she added.

Gervalla mentioned the case of September 24, when a group of Serbian terrorists attacked the Kosovo police.

"You know that two months ago Kosovo faced an open act of aggression from Serbia. We expect from EU ministers, but also from other EU structures, to clarify the position towards that attack, and to address everything that needs to be done and the consequences that the aggressor must face", she said.

A new "non-paper" for the Western Balkans, made pubic (Albanian Post)

The news website claims that foreign ministers of the European Union have been offered a document named as a "non-paper" on the Western Balkans, which is supported by Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, the Czech Republic, Greece, Italy and Slovakia.

In this document, which Albanian Post claims to have seen, it is stated that the Western Balkans is exposed to destabilizing factors, such as "malign influence of third countries, hybrid threats and illegal migration".

"Since we expect our partners to align with the EU's foreign policy, we believe that increased dialogue would contribute to a better understanding of the EU's positions. Enhanced cooperation would make us more effective in confronting external pressures and countering Russian and other harmful narratives that are incompatible with EU values and the international order based on regulations," the document said.

"We, the friends of the Western Balkans, have a special responsibility to keep the Western Balkans high on the political agenda of the EU and to support the region on its way to the EU."

The increase of the presence of the European Union in the countries of the Western Balkans and their involvement in this field so that the countries can join the EU as soon as possible, is the most insisted matter in the document.

"Institutions should present a clear agenda for gradual and accelerated integration with concrete implementation steps until 2024 and beyond, based on rights and rigorous conditioning and the principle of their own merits."

Through this document it is requested that meetings with representatives of the Western Balkan countries should be organized more often and that the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Western Balkan countries should hold more regular meetings with the ambassadors of the EU countries.

They are also committed to strengthening cooperation in the fields of infrastructure and cyber security, as well as further support for the countries of the Western Balkans in the field of defense within the framework of the European instrument for peace.

Kurti and Kovacevski discussed joint integration process (RTK)

On the sidelines of the Vienna Economic Forum, Prime Minister Albin Kurti met his North Macedonian counterpart, Dimitar Kovacevski, with whom they discussed the commitment of the two countries to the common goal of integration into the European Union, as well as the challenges along this journey. The two prime ministers described the relations between the countries as very good.

Prime Minister Kurti emphasized the importance of deepening cooperation both bilaterally and regionally in areas of mutual interest, with the aim of further advancing good neighborliness, and serving the citizens of both countries, announces the Kosovo Prime Minister's Office.

In this context, the energy sector was also discussed, the potential that the two countries have and their strategies on this sector.

“They also discussed the latest developments within the dialogue process mediated by the European Union and the October 21 meeting with European leaders, in which case Prime Minister Kurti informed his counterpart about the position of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo regarding the signing of the agreements it would mean recognition, and therefore a guarantee for full implementation of the Basic Agreement and the Implementing Annex,” the executive announced.

Jonathan Hargreaves, new ambassador of the United Kingdom in Kosovo (Express)

Jonathan Hargreaves has been appointed the new ambassador of Great Britain to Kosovo, taking the place of his predecessor, Nicholas Abbott. The British Embassy has announced that Abbott will be transferred to another appointment in the Diplomatic Service, while Hargreaves will take up his appointment in early 2024. 

Hargreaves was the UK's Special Representative for Syria from 2020 until now. Previously, from 2017 to 2020, he was engaged as a deputy director at the Department for International Development (DFID), in the Middle East and North Africa division. From 2014 to 2017, Hargreaves was head of the Department of Governance, Open Societies and Anti-Corruption. Hargreaves' commitments also include his role as Head of Office and Head of the Palestine Program of DFID and an official at the European Commission in Brussels. 

Nicholas Abbott has served as British Ambassador to Kosovo since 2019.

Number of requests for passports increases in the north (media)  

The citizens of North Mitrovica and those of Zvecan have welcomed the liberalization of visas for citizens of Kosovo. Many of them, besides confirming that they have been provided with the passport of Kosovo, they assessed the free movement of the Serb community in the Schengen zone as important. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has announced that the number of Kosovo passport applications has doubled in the four northern municipalities.

Serb citizens of the North Mitrovica Municipality were informed on Monday about the travel procedures in the Schengen zone, through the campaign organized by the government of Kosovo. The citizens of this municipality have said that the decision for visa-free movement in EU countries from January 1, 2024 has eased their travel procedures. Some of them have confirmed that they have already been provided with a Kosovo passport.

"Now I will travel more easily. We don't need to wait for visas. We expect to enjoy different experiences in life, I have been equipped with a Kosovo passport since I was 18 years old", said Ema Laskovic, a citizen from the Mitrovica north.

And one of the elderly citizens of this municipality said that if he needs a passport, he will apply to get one. "I have had the identity card since it existed. First the UNMIK one, then this. I have not received the passport, but if needed, I will get it", he said, without wanting to be identified.

Another citizen from the municipality of North Mitrovica called the lifting of visas an important decision.

"People should travel freely, we should not be based on political problems. It is important that people travel freely regardless of whether it is Kosovo, Serbia or Montenegro. It is a deliberate decision", he declared.

Gazmend Dushi, from the Office for Public Communication at the Prime Minister’s Office, said that citizens' interest in receiving information about visa liberalization and what will happen after January 1, 2024 has increased.

"As it can be seen, citizens are interested in receiving information about visa liberalization and what will happen after January 1, 2024. We are mainly distributing brochures in Serbian and English. The campaign ends this week, tomorrow we continue in Leposaviq and Zubin-Potok", said Dushi.

Nora Fetoshi, public communication officer at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, told Koha that the number of citizens in the four northern municipalities to be equipped with the passport of Kosovo has doubled, after the decision to liberalize visas.

The data provided by the news website say that from January 1, 2023 until now, 557 citizens have applied in the Municipality of Leposaviq, 779 in Zubin-Potok, 586 in Zvecan, while 3879 in North Mitrovica.

A suspect arrested in Zubin Potok, several weapons confiscated (Kallxo)

The Kosovo Police announced that they detained on Monday in Zubin Potok a person who had suspicious movements and during the search several weapons were found and seized.

According to the Police communiqué, the case happened around 3:30 p.m., and by order of the prosecutor in duty, the house of suspect D.R. was raided. (year of birth 1974), where they found and seized: An M-70 rifle with 5 bullets of type 30 06 PPU, a hunting rifle of the "Cifsan" type with 23 bullets, two hunters' association cards, a hand-held radio with "Boafeng" type adapter, a razor and a uniform. Further, the police clarified that regarding the case, the prosecutor in duty was contacted and with his instructions, the case is initiated in a regular investigative procedure.

Serbian Language Media 

Vucic to meet with Lajcak in Belgrade Tuesday (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will meet with the EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and other Western Balkan regional issues Miroslav Lajcak in Belgrade on Tuesday.

The meeting at the General Secretariat of the President of the Republic is scheduled for 11 am, the presidential press office announced in a statement.

French and German embassies confirmed relocation of Serbian soldiers memorial plaque (KoSSev, media)

Relocation of a memorial plaque to the Serbian soldiers fallen in the Balkans and WWI wars at the part of the Orthodox cemetery in Pristina continues to draw attention from the Serbian public and the media continue reporting. 

KoSSev reported yesterday in the afternoon that French and German embassies in Pristina told the portal that they have subsequently moved the monument as a sign of respect to the Serbian soldiers just a few meters away, with the greatest respect, after informing the Municipality about it. Not a single soldier's body has been moved, they added in relation to the relocation of the memorial plaque at the Pristina cemetery.

On Sunday Armistice Day was marked at the cemetery in Pristina by French and German ambassadors, Olivier Guerot and Jorn Rohde as it was the practice also before.    

In a replay to KoSSev, it was also said that France and Serbia were allies during the WWI and that over the last years, and in particular in 2022, this joint French-German ceremony was stained by polemics in some media in Kosovo regarding the presence of the memorial plaque that pays tribute to the Serbian soldiers who died in the period from 1912 to 1918.

It was added that this controversy (in some media in Kosovo) was unworthy of memory to all soldiers, French, German and Serbian who died in the WWI, but also for the 18 French soldiers who died during their service for KFOR in protection of all communities in Kosovo.

A new monument was placed that reminds of the sacrifice of all French soldiers in Kosovo as per initiative of the French Embassy, and the memorial plaque to the Serbian soldiers subsequently relocated with the highest respect.

They also stressed that the memorial plaque remains fully visible at the same location, which anyone could see on the spot and on the photo they attached. The embassies also said that they are disappointed because “this gesture was wrongly interpreted” and gave a reason for political exploitation.

“The tribute should be paid and honoring the memory of our soldiers remain central for this commemoration”, they added. 

Tanja Lazarevic’s public letter to French Ambassador (KoSSev, N1, media)

“Dear Mr Guerot,

I am writing to you in my capacity as holder of the order of Knight of the National Order of Merit, which you personally presented to me at the beginning of this year, as the new ambassador”, KoSSev portal Editor-in-Chief Tanja Lazarevic wrote in a public letter to the French Ambassador in Pristina, Olivier Guerot, in relation to the relocation of the Serbian soldiers memorial plaque at Orthodox cemetery in Pristina.

“You paid homage to my professional achievements on behalf of the people of France, for which I am still grateful to you today. As I said at the time, I received that order fully aware of the responsibilities that such a recognition carries – to continue to bear witness to the truth, to continue the struggle for better understanding among people, and to dream of a better world.

As a recipient of the order and because of these three sacred duties, I have the need to publicly outline my personal position – that by moving the memorial to the fallen Serbian soldiers in 1912 – 1918 in the military section of the Serbian Orthodox cemetery in Pristina, you have violated these values, which I still believe unite us rather than divide us, as they do at this moment”.

How should I interpret the act of moving the memorial to Serbian soldiers a few meters to the side, that is, removing it out of the camera frame due to the fact that part of the Kosovo media and the public do not like it, if it is not already political exploitation? Is this not bowing down to the mainstream rather than facing the truth, or at least opening a discussion about what the truth is? Retreating and bowing down to a mono-ethnic sentiment, with a serious threat of historical revisionism, which has found such fertile ground in the Balkans? You didn’t even change the place of commemoration, which I could still interpret as political exploitation, instead, you adapted the site where you pay tribute to a suitable political narrative. How?

Read the full letter at:

Reactions to Serbian soldiers’ memorial plaque relocation continue (Kosovo Online, social media)

Mitrovica North-based New Social Initiative Program Manager Milica Andric-Rakic reacting to the relocation of a memorial plaque to the Serbian soldiers fallen in the Balkans and WWI wars at Orthodox cemetery in Pristina in a post on X (formerly Twitter) said that “Pristina has become such a toxic bubble that a foreign diplomat would rather rearrange tombstones on a graveyard than face the rage of party militant on social media. That’s how bad it’s become”.

Belgrade N1 journalist, originating from Leposavic, northern Kosovo, Sanja Sovrlic in her reaction said that “French and German embassies for years have been marking the Armistice Day at the Orthodox cemetery in Pristina. Last year they were attacked by bots because a monument to the fallen Serbian soldiers from 1912 to 1918 was visible in the background. This year they relocated the monument so that it is not in the (camera) frame. Without shame they also admitted that”, she wrote in a post on X.

Coordinator of the National Convent Working Group for EU Chapter 35, Dragisa Mijacic in his reaction said that “dislocation of the monument to the fallen Serbian WWI soldiers at Pristina memorial is among the most disgraceful events of France modern history”, adding that French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna has to react.

The Serbian List in their reaction said it is not for the first time that “deceased Serbs are not left to rest peacefully” but that this time it goes without any reaction from international representatives.

Serbian Democracy recently established political party of Serbs in Kosovo in their reaction said “it has been insulting to the Serbian people in Kosovo that Kosovo authorities and some embassies “relocate” and “move” memorial plaque to the Serbian soldiers who lied down their lives in the WWI”, stressing that Serbia lost one third of its male population during the WWI in a fight for freedom.

They added the last thing those responsible for relocation could do was to seek permission from the Serbian Orthodox Church and not act, as the party said, on their own will.  

Pristina municipality says it was neither informed nor received request to relocate memorial plaque (Kosovo Online)

Kosovo Online portal reported that Pristina municipality in its reply to their media inquiry said the municipality neither received the request for relocation of the memorial plaque to the fallen Serbian soldiers in the Balkans and WWI wars, nor were they informed about it, adding that Pristina municipality did not relocate the memorial plaque.  

Informational campaign in North Mitrovica headed by a government representative who doesn’t speak Serbian (KoSSev)

An informational campaign on visa liberalization was carried out in Mitrovica North, a first one in the north of Kosovo. A bilingual panel was set up on the promenade on the occasion, however, media and residents interested in learning more about visa liberalization from the representative of the Kosovo government who came to promote the good news were unable to do so, as he himself admitted, does not speak Serbian or English, KoSSev portal reports.

Read more at:

Brnabic: US one of Serbia's top foreign policy and economic partners (Tanjug)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said at a meeting with US Acting Deputy Under Secretary for International Trade Diane Farrell on Monday the US was one of Serbia's top foreign policy and economic partners and noted that US companies were also working on some of the capital projects underway in Serbia, Tanjug news agency reports.

Brnabic noted that Serbia was committed to further advancement of cooperation with US partners through an increase in investments, external trade and different programmes of development support, as well as through further strengthening of exchange in the IT and energy sectors, the Serbian Government said in a statement.

Borrell: Western Balkans place is in EU (N1)

The European Union’s top diplomat Josep Borrell said on Monday that the place of the Western Balkans is in the EU.

“We want to advance the integration of the region into our decision making, including on foreign & security policy – already before accession. The place of the WBs is in the EU,” Borrell said in an X post.

Borrell chaired an EU-Western Balkans ministerial meeting in Brussels.