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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 12, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Osmani: The EU should not be silent about what happened on September 24 (media)
  • Konjufca: Grateful to Germany for its steadfast partnership towards Kosovo (media)
  • Hovenier on Banjska attack: Most of war material they left behind was of Serbian origin (VoA)
  • Latvian Minister: There is no consensus for Kosovo's membership in CoE (Koha)
  • Assembly of Albania, with resolution on Kosovo (Kallxo)
  • Kearns: Radoicic should surrender to Kosovo, police officer's daughter deserves to face him in court (Reporteri)
  • Serwer: EU has turned into a de-facto opponent of Kosovo's sovereignty (media)
  • Haliti: Terrorists planned to kill some Serb civilians, then Serbian army would enter the north (media)
  • Why is Radojicic no longer owner of million-dollar companies in Serbia? (RFE)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Serbian List sends open letter to Kosovo Serbs (FoNet, media)
  • Petkovic and Makovec discussed political and security situation in Kosovo (Tanjug)
  • Bishop Teodosije: Tragic situation should not be excuse for Pristina to forget obligations from dialogue (KoSSev)
  • SAF Chief of Staff: KFOR the only legitimate security actor in Kosovo (N1, FoNet)
  • Vucic: Full investigation on Radoicic role in Banjska (N1)
  • Lawyer: Vladimir Tolic arrested in Banjska transferred from hospital to prison (Kosovo Online)

International Media:

  • A climate of violence’: Serbian football ultras in spotlight after Kosovo monastery siege (The Guardian)

Albanian Language Media

Osmani: EU should not be silent about what happened on September 24 (media)

Kosovo president Vjosa Osmani, spoke in an interview in Croatia, where she is staying for an official visit, about the latest developments in the north. She told the Croatian broadcaster HRT that the Serbian state is behind this attack, which, she said, aimed at annexing the northern part of Kosovo, and not only that. 

"Yes. It is a serious charge or a serious act. It is an act aimed at annexing the northern part of Kosovo and it would not stop there, but would destabilize the entire Western Balkans region. Indeed, the laws I speak of are clear. The Serbian state has been openly financing the Northern Brigade and civil defense for some time, especially in recent months. Their training took place in Serbian military facilities and bases, Pasuljanske meadows and other military bases. There is documentation and recorded material for this. The Serbian military industry produced the weapons that we confiscated, which belonged to the Northern Brigade and the civil defense, having previously belonged to the Serbian army itself. Therefore, the chain of evidence leads to the Serbian army. Moreover, Vucic himself is related to Milan Radoicic, who is the leader of that terrorist attack,” she said.

Asked about her comment that, despite this, the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, talks about giving greater autonomy to the Serbs in Kosovo, Osmani says that this was not agreed in Brussels, and the European Union should not keep quiet about what happened on September 24.

"This was not agreed in Brussels. What the object of the Ohrid and Brussels agreement is, is a certain right of self-government of the Serb people and several principles have been agreed upon, first of all with our main partner, the USA, which dictates that the constitution of Kosovo must be respected first of all, and the principles are such that Serbs can exercise that right. This does not mean that we should pretend that nothing happened and the European Union should not be silent about what happened on September 24", Osmani said.

Konjufca: Grateful to Germany for its unwavering partnership towards Kosovo (media)

The Speaker of the Assembly of Kosovo, Glauk Konjufca, during his stay in Berlin, was received by senior leaders of the German state and also met compatriots living in Germany.

"The Head of the Assembly of Kosovo held a special meeting with the President of the German Bundestag, Barbel Bas, with whom he discussed important issues, with the aim of deepening the close and steadfast partnership between Kosovo and Germany over the years further in the direction of the development of our common interests and goals", announces the information office of the Assembly of Kosovo.

Konjufca thanked his German counterpart for the support that Germany has always given to Kosovo since its foundation, but even earlier than that, as well as for Germany's clear positions regarding the terrorist attack in Banjska.

"Acquainting the president of the Bundestag with the successes that Kosovo has achieved in terms of the indicators of democracy in the country, President Glauk Konjufca emphasized the need for further exchange of parliamentary and extra-parliamentary experiences in terms of increasing democratic capacities", it is further stated in this notification.

In continuation of the visit to Germany, the Speaker of the Assembly held special meetings with the heads of various committees of the Bundestag.

"The President of the Assembly informed the German legislators about the security situation in Kosovo, especially after the terrorist attack of September 24, while he expressed the concern of the institutions of Kosovo about the risk of repeating such a scenario with even greater proportions, if the international community does not strictly and concretely condemn the role of Serbia in this violation of the sovereignty and security of the Republic of Kosovo. Mr. Konjufca singled out Germany's reaction in condemning this attempted invasion of Serbia against Kosovo", the announcement states.

Hovenier on Banjska attack: Most of war material left behind was of Serbian origin (VoA)

The ambassador of the United States of America in Kosovo, Jeffrey Hovenier, has said in an interview with VoA that the weapons left behind by those who attacked the Kosovo Police in Banjska on September 24, are sophisticated and are usually provided by the state structure.

"There are some things we know. We know that this group of individuals was not spontaneous. These individuals, who were all known to be Serbs, had access to and possessed highly sophisticated weapons that cannot be purchased on the local market. There must be a structure, usually a state structure, that provides them with those weapons," Hovenier said. 

The ambassador says that most of the military material they left behind was of Serbian origin. 

"We know that most of the [war] material they left behind was of Serbian origin. We know that Millan Radoicic, who was the deputy-leader of the Serbian List party, made a public statement through his lawyer, claiming responsibility and saying that he had organized the attack and had taken responsibility for it. These are things we know and we are trying to understand more about the attack" - he emphasized. 

"We know that this could not just happen spontaneously. So as I said before, there were structures or organizations behind this. What we are trying to understand is exactly how it worked," added Hovenier.  

Latvian Minister: There is no consensus for Kosovo's membership in CoE (Koha)

The Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Krisjanis Karins, has stated that there is no consensus among the ministers of the Council of Europe for Kosovo's membership in this institution.

He said at the session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, where members of the Assembly of Kosovo were also present, that Latvia supports Kosovo's membership, but according to him, we still need to "have a similar impression" from other member states.

"Regarding the terrorist attacks of September 24, 2023, the reality is that there is no consensus at the table of ministers of the Council of Europe. Also, there is still no consensus regarding Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe. The issue of this Assembly is that the opinion should be presented to the Council, since we in the Council of Ministers, in relation to many issues, including this one, operate on a consensual basis", he said.

Asked about the Serbian attacks in the north of Kosovo, by the MP of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Besnik Tahiri, Karins said that if it is proven that there was involvement from outside, this will make the situation "even more disturbing".

"I would emphasize that my point of view as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, is that the investigation should of course be undertaken, and if it turns out to be true that there was involvement from abroad, such as an attack organized by a state, or the state itself, this would make it even more disturbing. My country has recognized Kosovo's independence, we support Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe, in the European Union, as a democracy, but 34 of us in this Council should also have similar impressions, as well as the 12 who are not here. So it is a process, and as Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, I will continue in this process, as long as I am in the presidency of the Council of Europe, I will continue to work in this direction", he added further. 

Assembly of Albania, with resolution on Kosovo (Kallxo)

The news website reports that Albania’s Parliament Thursday's plenary session will be fully dedicated to Kosovo. This special session has been reserved for discussions related to the event of September 24 in Banjska in Zvecan, while it is expected that the Albanian legislators will vote on a resolution which condemns the Serb attack on the Kosovo police. 

According to Kallxo, an agreement was reached between the Socialist Party and the Democratic Party on a joint draft resolution. Euronews Albania has exclusively disclosed the full draft with 3 points supporting the resolution of the Assembly of Kosovo. 

Assembly of the Republic of Albania:

- Fully and unanimously supports Resolution No. 08-R-009 of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo, approved in its plenary session on September 28, 2023;

- Requests from the constitutional institutions of the Republic of Albania, that in all international instances as well as in bilateral contacts with our partners, strongly engage and undertake all the necessary actions to enable an international investigation related to the terrorist act in the north of Kosovo; 

 - Encourages the Government of the Republic of Kosovo to work side by side and join without reservations with its strategic allies, the European Union and the United States of America, in the function of the process for reaching a final agreement for the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia and its final recognition of Kosovo. 

The agenda foresees the development of a motion with a debate on this issue, while Prime Minister Edi Rama and Foreign Minister Igli Hasani will explain the positions held by the official Tirana so far.

Kearns: Radoicic should surrender to Kosovo, police officer's daughter deserves to face him in court (Reporteri)

The British MP, Alicia Kearns, who has consistently sided with Kosovo in relation to Serbia, has commented on the international response to the terrorist attack in Banjska, saying that Milan Radojicic should be handed over to the Kosovo authorities.

"Now we know what happened. We know that he has taken responsibility and the problem is that we have not yet seen him return to Kosovo. It is absolutely vital that he seeks justice in Kosovo. The daughter of the Kosovo policeman who was killed, watching her at her press conference was absolutely heartbreaking. And she deserves to face him in court," Kearns said in an interview with the Atlantic Council.

"Now we also have some British troops in Kosovo and this is the right thing to do. But we seem to fall into the same pattern that we repeatedly do with Serbia where there is an escalation, and then there is no response from the international community. And I think it is deeply disappointing to see that Kosovo remains under EU sanctions".

 "Worse, we have also seen Serbia declare a day of national mourning for those terrorists who committed these atrocities inside Kosovo. This is unacceptable. And the disturbing parallels in the language that is being used by Vucic and others compared to what Putin used in Donbas and Crimea," she said.

Serwer: EU has turned into de-facto opponent of Kosovo's sovereignty (media)

The American professor, Daniel Serwer, familiar with political developments, has said that the European Union has turned into a de-facto opponent of the recognition of Kosovo's sovereignty.

Serwer cited the statement of the EU spokesperson, Peter Stano, after he said that not enough de-escalating steps have been taken from Kosovo and that this is the reason why the EU has not yet removed the punitive measures against Kosovo.

According to Serwer, the EU wants to limit the country's police and create a separate structure for Serbs in the north.

"It [The EU] wants to limit police deployments in response to a clear and present threat, as well as create a separate governing structure for the Serb population, at least in the north," Serwer wrote.

“The US is supporting the EU in both these goals, while denying it will allow the latter objective to be achieved. But neither the EU nor the US has shown any willingness to block #Serbia's ambitions, as demonstrated by the failure to react to Belgrade's attempted insurrection,” he added.

Haliti: Terrorists planned to kill Serb civilians, then Serbian army would enter the north (media)

Kosovo Assembly MP from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Xhavit Haliti, said that the terrorists who attacked the Kosovo Police in Banjska, Zvecan, had the intention of killing some Serb civilians, and then to justify Serbia's military intervention in the north.

"The project was to kill some Serb civilians and then create the opportunity for Serbia to act militarily in the north, to justify the action, Serbia would notify KFOR and others ‘in the name of protecting the Serbs in the north’", he said.

"There was a plan for the military intervention to be carried out by Serbia, creating media scenes, as they do in war propaganda, presenting killed civilians, Kosovo policemen, they would dress in Kosovo police uniforms. According to them, this project would not be judged by the international community, but it would be justified that the action was done to protect civilians", continued Haliti.

With these actions, according to him, the Serbian forces would be deployed in "Ibër" to fully implement Serbia's plan for the separation of the north from the rest of Kosovo.

Haliti said that the Kosovo Intelligence Agency had accurate information about what was being done in the north.

He said that he does not agree with the inaction to prevent the terrorist group's action.

"The actions were taken to seize the weapons in the big warehouse, but they did not find them, because it seems that they [Serbs] had information about this. The transfer from the warehouse to the church was done to avoid the investigation of the Police, who undertook the action. The event that took place within the group, who notified the police officer [Afrim Bunjaku], that two trucks were deployed and why the special forces did not go, I don't know how well he was prepared for that action", he said.

Why is Radojicic no longer the owner of million-dollar companies in Serbia? (RFE)

From co-owner of million-dollar businesses to a citizen who officially has no company in his name - Milan Radoicic went that way in Serbia in just three days. 

Radoicic, who publicly took responsibility for the armed attack on the Kosovo police in the village of Banjske, transferred co-ownership in the umbrella company "Inkop" and its branches to business partners, brothers Zvonko and Zarko Veselinovic.

Until October 6, Milan Radoicic had 40 percent of the shares in "Inkop". With this, he was a co-owner in four other companies related to "Inkop" in Serbia, which are engaged in various activities - from construction to the hotel industry.

The request for the removal of Radoicic from the ownership of the company "Inkop" was made on October 3, according to a document published on the website of the Agency for Business Registers of Serbia (APR). The Agency for Economic Registers approved the request in three days, ie October 6.

On the same day, Radoicic was arrested by the police and gave a statement to the High Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade, as a suspect for several criminal offenses related to the attack on the Kosovo police in Banjska.

The assets of these companies, as research by Radio Free Europe (RSE) shows, are worth at least 38 million euros. This includes construction equipment and various real estate – business premises, land, hotel in Kopaonik, villa in Belgrade.

The research also showed that in 2022, those companies have earned over 24.5 million euros and have concluded profitable agreements with the state.

 Serbian Language Media


Serbian List sends open letter to Kosovo Serbs (FoNet, media)

Serbian List in an open letter to the Serb community in Kosovo said that their peaceful, political and democratic struggle to stay and survive has not ended and invited them to unity, N1 reports.

“Aware of all the challenges, today it is clear more than ever that our harmony is our strongest weapon and that, by deciding to stay at our hearths, we show that the sacrifices of all those who suffered for years and decades were not in vain”, Serbian List said.

It noted that four months have gone by since the European Council asked for de-escalation in the north of Kosovo, but that Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti’s regime has done nothing about it, but is instead getting undisguised support to persecute the Serbs.

“None of the international representatives ever said a word about the impending humanitarian disaster at the Kosovska Mitrovica hospital, or about why Serb babies cannot get vaccines in the 21st century, or how it is possible that Serbs in northern Kosovo and Metohija have been ghettoized for almost 20 days, and the entire area and all the residents, from children and students to the elderly and sick, are in prison”, Serbian List added.

Petkovic and Makovec discussed political and security situation in Kosovo (Tanjug)

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic met with the deputy director of the European External Action Service (EEAS) Marko Makovec and discussed with him the political and security situation in Kosovo and the importance of the dialogue, Tanjug news agency reports.

Head of the EU Delegation in Belgrade, Emanuel Giaufret also attended the meeting.

During the meeting Petkovic said it was necessary that Pristina make concrete steps in the direction of de-escalation in the north of Kosovo in order to ensure peace and security for all, but that Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti constantly takes actions that create additional tensions on the ground.  

Bishop Teodosije: Tragic situation should not be excuse for Pristina to forget obligations from dialogue (KoSSev)

Raska-Prizren Eparchy Bishop Teodosije met yesterday with the Head of the EU Office in Pristina Tomas Szunyog at Eparchy’s premises, KoSSev portal reports.

“In an open conversation two sides agreed that the Serbian Orthodox Church, together with other religious communities, should be an important factor in the process of reconciliation and encouraging multi-ethnic co-existence”, Eparchy said in a statement.

During the meeting Bishop Teodosije also emphasized the importance of the dialogue, and de-escalation on the ground as foundation to reduce tensions following tragic events from September 24.

Also, he said this tragic situation “must not be an excuse for Pristina to forget obligations it undertook in the dialogue and in the process of de-escalation”.

“Fulfillment of those undertaken obligations would be to the benefit of all, and in particular to the people living in the north of Kosovo, who contributed by nothing to this situation but suffer consequences of this situation”, Bishop Teodosije underlined.

SAF Chief of Staff: KFOR the only legitimate security actor in Kosovo (N1, FoNet)

Serbia continues to consider KFOR as the only legitimate security actor in Kosovo, and it therefore expects Joint Force Command (JFC) Naples to undertake steps that will provide a safe environment and freedom of movement for all and primarily for Serbian people, Serbian Armed Forces (SAF) Chief of General Staff Milan Mojsilovic said, FoNet news agency reports.

A Serbian Defense Ministry press release said that Mojsilovic held talks with Commander of the Allied Joint Force Command Naples Admiral Stuart Munsch.

General Mojsilovic and Admiral Munsch exchanged views and opinions on the current security situation in the region and the world and discussed prospects for cooperation between the SAF and JFC Naples, focusing on the situation in Kosovo, the Ministry said.

Mojsilovic presented to Munsch Serbia’s opinions and views of the security situation in Kosovo and Metohija, as well as the challenges, risks and threats faced by both Serbs and by the entire region.

Vucic: Full investigation on Radoicic role in Banjska (N1)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday that Milan Radoicic’s role in the Banjska armed incident would be investigated fully but added that he is not a prosecutor and can’t comment further.

Vucic said that the origins of the money to buy black market weapons would be investigated. “You won’t like my answer, (opposition leaders) Dragan Djilas and Miroslav Aleksic have much more money. Radoicic invested in his house in Kosovo”, Vucic said, answering a question about Radoicic’s house on lake Gazivode and the weapons seized after the incident.

Vucic said that international envoys are due in Belgrade on October 21 to discuss the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue and added that he would be going to New York on October 23 to attend a session of the UN Security Council.

He said an indictment against Radoicic is coming once the investigation determines the fact, adding that he does not want to defend him.

Lawyer: Vladimir Tolic arrested in Banjska transferred from hospital to prison (Kosovo Online)

Vladimir Tolic, wounded after the conflict in Banjska and then arrested, has been discharged from Clinical Hospital Centre in Pristina and transferred to prison, his defense lawyer Milos Delevic told Kosovo Online portal.

“His leg is better. He will continue treatment in a prison “Diz” near Podujevo”, Delevic said.

On September 26 Tolic was sent to 30-day detention and Kosovo prosecution accused him of carrying out “a terrorist act”.

One month detention was also rendered to Dusan Maksimovic from Banjska and Blagoje Spasojevic from Mitrovica North who were also arrested after the conflict in Banjska, the portal recalls.

Maksimovic is accused of “preparing terrorism”, while Spasojevic is accused of carrying out a criminal act “of terrorism”.

International Media

A climate of violence’: Serbian football ultras in spotlight after Kosovo monastery siege (The Guardian)

In the away stand of the creaking Čika Dača stadium, a hooded and masked football fan summoned the crowd to get on their feet and raise their hands. “Three, two, one …” the man led a countdown through his speakerphone.

“Kosovo is Serbia,” a few hundred fans yelled in unison, moments before the match kicked off.

The away supporters were members of Delije, the name of Red Star Belgrade’s notorious ultras, who have long had a reputation for extraordinary violence and are known for their hardline nationalist views. To watch their team play, the fans travelled on a recent Saturday to the industrial city of Kragujevac, a 90-minute drive south of Belgrade.

Their pro-Serbia chants were applauded and repeated by the fans of the home team, Radnički 1923, sitting on brick seats on the other side of the stadium.

Before half-time, Delije unrolled a banner that read: “When the army returns to Kosovo”.

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