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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 13, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • The "big five" in Kosovo and Serbia in an effort "to save the dialogue" (media)
  • Stoltenberg: It is important that NATO has increased its presence in Kosovo (RTK)
  • Hovenier disputes claims that dialogue is dead: EU and US make maximum effort to promote an agreement (VoA)
  • Hill: Interesting proposals will be presented to Kosovo and Serbia (Kallxo)
  • Lajcak’s adviser requests establishment of Association (RTK)
  • President Osmani to meet with two U.S. senators (media)
  • French Ambassador: We are waiting to see exactly how the attack was organized (RTK)
  • Albania’s Assembly adopts Resolution on Kosovo approved (media)
  • New details on Radoicic and drug laboratories in the north (Koha)
  • Candles lit for the Israeli victims, Hovenier present: Terrorism is not justified (media)
  • Helsinki Committee in Serbia: Opening of Draza Mihailovic’s museum is step towards fascism (Albanian Post)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Vucic: Elections on December 17 – parliamentary, Belgrade mayoral and provincial (RTS, Prva TV)
  • Petkovic warns of Pristina’s war rhetoric (Kosovo Online, social media)
  • Stoltenberg calls Belgrade, Pristina to behave responsibly (N1, media)
  • Momirovic meets with Varhelyi, calls for lifting of Pristina's ban on Serbian goods (Tanjug)
  • EU high delegation visits Banjska Monastery (RTS, media)
  • Re-construction of Albanian-owned houses in Brdjani has begun (KoSSev)
  • Serb from Leposavic arrested at Bistrica released, police opens case for “illegal possession of weapons” (KoSSev)
  • Indictment raised against Serb over attack against journalist in Zvecan (RTS)
  • Air Serbia to keep flying to Tel Aviv as long as security is guaranteed (media)

Albanian Language Media

The "big five" in Kosovo and Serbia in an effort "to save the dialogue" (media)

According to diplomats in Brussels, the purpose of the visit to Kosovo and Serbia by the representatives of the five main countries is to "save the dialogue process" and the Agreement towards normalization, reached earlier this year.

On October 21, representatives of the United States, Germany, Italy, and France will accompany the representative of the European Union for dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, to the meetings in Kosovo and Serbia.

According to diplomatic sources in Brussels, the purpose of the visit is to push forward the implementation of the Agreement towards normalization and the Annex for its implementation.

After the last round of high-level dialogue on September 14, the EU high representative, Josep Borrell, has said that both sides are violating the obligations of this agreement. But, during this meeting, Borrell said that the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, did not accept a sequencing plan for the implementation of this agreement.

This agreement, of 11 articles, provides, among other things, a level of self-management for the Serb community in Kosovo and mutual recognition of state symbols, while asking Pristina and Belgrade to also implement all previous dialogue agreements.

"All these countries are kind of guarantors of the deal, and nobody wants to see it fail. The only way for the situation to stabilize in the long term is progress in the process of dialogue and normalization", said a source in Brussels.

Stoltenberg: It is important that NATO has increased its presence in Kosovo (RTK)

Defense ministers of NATO members continue talks in Brussels, after an opening session on Wednesday at the headquarters. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg after the meeting of the Ministers of Defense in Brussels where they also discussed Kosovo, said that as a response to the recent tensions, NATO has sent additional troops.

"In response to the recent tensions in Kosovo, NATO has added hundreds of additional forces to our operation in the last week. We are carrying out more patrols in the north of Kosovo. These are measured steps to ensure that KFOR has the necessary capacity to fulfill the mandate. Belgrade and Pristina must behave responsibly, refrain from destabilizing actions and engage again in the dialogue facilitated by the EU. It is the only way to sustainable peace in Kosovo", said Stoltenberg.

He said that among the main topics discussed in the meeting were the tensions in Kosovo. "There is a difficult and tense situation, we followed it carefully. We have increased our presence, especially in the north. The main message for Pristina and Belgrade from this meeting is to refrain from actions that could further escalate the situation and make it tense," he said.

"It is one of the important messages from today's meeting, that Kosovo should see that NATO and the EU work closely together. NATO's military presence in Kosovo supports the diplomatic engagement of the EU. The EU was also at the meeting today, it is good to see that in the difficult and challenging situation in Kosovo and Bosnia-Herzegovina, we and the EU work closely. We have been doing this for a long time," Stoltenberg said.

Hovenier disputes claims that dialogue is dead: EU and US make maximum effort to promote an agreement (VoA)

The ambassador of the United States of America in Kosovo, Jeff Hovenier, has contested the assertions that the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue is dead. During an interview for the Voice of America, he was asked about the statements made by the leaders of Kosovo's institutions, specifically by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, Donika Gervalla, who stated a few days ago that "dialogue is dead".

Hovenier, stated that they will make continuous efforts to bring an agreement that will benefit both countries.

"Well, I would dispute the claim that it's dead, and I'd also ask the question, what do people mean by 'ordinary work'?" If 'business as usual' means that the European Union and the United States will do their utmost to promote an agreement that benefits both countries, then yes, we will continue that action."

"We will continue with the work of implementing a good agreement that changes relations and creates conditions of greater stability and security for the people of Kosovo and for the people of Serbia."

His request was to see more willingness from both sides in the dialogue. "And I don't think we're going to apologize that that will continue to be our approach. However, we will certainly be clear about the fact that we need to see greater political will from both sides to fully implement those obligations."

According to him, the USA will take measures against Serbia for the attacks in Banjska, Zvecan, on September 24, as soon as a conclusion that shows things clearly is known.

He clarified that the USA has not imposed sanctions against Kosovo as they expect to cooperate with Kosovo for security in the North.

"We did not take the measures that the European Union took, but the United States government did some things, making it clear that we expect the government of Kosovo to work with us to strengthen stability and security in the North. We have similar expectations from Serbia. And I will say again that as we reach our conclusions, for the ultimate responsibility or what we call attribution for these acts, we will hold accountable those who are responsible."

Meanwhile, it has been stated that the circumstances that were in the month of May and those of September in the North are different, therefore he said that "we cannot equate them".

"What I can say is, first of all, I would not equate these two circumstances. Second, I would say that the United States government decided to take some action after the (Kosovo) prime minister, against our advice, took actions that used, from our perspective, unnecessary force to secure access to municipal buildings, contributing in a destabilization in the North".

Hovenier, said that the criminals will be held responsible, while they also had a request from the government of Serbia to cooperate in arresting them.

"And we believe that those criminals involved in this should be held accountable. And we have called on the government of Serbia to play a role in making sure that happens. I cannot speak about the specifics of a court decision regarding house arrest".

"As far as I understand, Mr. Radojicic has been arrested and charged with some very serious crimes. My government's expectations are that he will be held responsible for those crimes."

Asked if even the weapons that were found of Serbian origin do not point to an argument, the ambassador reiterated that they are working to come to conclusions.

"I have heard many officials in the government of Kosovo say this in particular. We want to be very careful before we make the final determinations of what we call attribution, to make sure we get it right."

"But, as I said, we are taking this very seriously and we are working with our friends in the Kosovo government and elsewhere to better understand this."

Regarding the statements and dissatisfactions that have been made by the leaders of Kosovo regarding the role of the EU mediator in the dialogue, Miloslav Lajcak, he affirmed that Lajcak has the full support of the USA.

"Miroslav Lajcak enjoys our full support. This dialogue enjoys our support. I spend more time on these issues than on anything else I do as the U.S. ambassador to Kosovo. My colleague in Belgrade is very involved. Our special envoy is very, very involved."

"At the end of the day, we want to see success for Kosovo. We want to see success for Serbia as well. And we want to see success for the European Union to see these countries fully on the path to integration into the bloc, which would increase stability, increase progress and help realize this vision that we all share for a whole Europe, free and at peace".

"This is the ultimate goal," said the ambassador.

Hill: Interesting proposals will be presented to Kosovo and Serbia (Kallxo)

The United States Ambassador to Serbia, Christopher Hill, told the N1 television in Serbia that during the meetings that are expected to take place in Kosovo and Serbia, there will be "some interesting proposals for both sides".

The envoy of the European Union, Miroslav Lajcak, will hold meetings in Kosovo and Serbia on October 21. He will be accompanied by Washington's envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, by France's envoy, Emmanuel Bonn, Germany's Jens Plotner, and Italy's Francesco Talo. According to Brussels, the purpose of the visit is to push forward the implementation of the Agreement towards normalization, which Kosovo and Serbia reached earlier this year.

Hill also said that Lajcak "has heard a lot" and thinks he knows "what Serbia and Kosovo need". Ambassador Hill said that the U.S. wants "an independent Kosovo, with a multi-ethnic environment" and the way forward according to him, as far as relations between Kosovo and Serbia are concerned, is the normalization of relations.

Earlier on October 12, Hill stated that "I want Serbia to understand and accept Kosovo as an independent state". "People say that Serbia just needs to understand that Kosovo is an independent state and move forward. I would also like that, but the fact is that the problem is more complicated," he said.

Lajcak’s adviser requests establishment of Association (RTK)

Jozsef Pandur, political adviser to the EU Special Envoy for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, during his speech at the panel organized by the Belgrade Center for Security Policy (BCSP), has asked Kosovo and Serbia to implement the commitments they undertook at the end of February in Brussels and in the middle of March in Ohrid.

He stated that the Brussels Agreement (February 27) and the Ohrid Agreement (March 18) are "very good" for both parties, adding that what is needed now is full implementation, including the establishment of the Association of Municipalities with Serbian majority in Kosovo.

"We expect Prishtina to establish the Association of Municipalities with Serb majority and in parallel with this, step by step, we expect Serbia to implement what was achieved in Ohrid", said Pandur, emphasizing that due to recent developments, the dialogue under the care of the EU has once again become a tool for crisis management.

The government of Kosovo is being asked to urgently start the implementation of Article 7 of the Basic Agreement for the normalization of relations with Serbia, through which an "adequate level of self-management/self-governance" is foreseen for the Serb community that constitutes the majority of the population in the northern part of Kosovo.

President Osmani to meet with two U.S. senators (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani, will host two U.S. senators in the Presidency today. Osmani will meet with Senator Jeanne Shaheen and Senator Peter Welch, starting at 9:15.

At the end of the meeting there will be a statement for the media.

Senator Jeanne Shaheen, a senior member of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, condemned the terrorist attack on the Kosovo police, calling it "brutal" and demanded that the perpetrators be brought to justice.

"It is extremely unfortunate that President Vucic and Prime Minister Kurti continue to refuse to show a willingness to commit to sustainable solutions. Sunday's tragedy underscores the real danger of inaction – we cannot allow innocent lives to pay the price of political paralysis," she stated.

French Ambassador: We are waiting to see exactly how the attack was organized (RTK)

In a statement for RTK, the French ambassador in Kosovo, Oliver Guerrot, said that they are waiting to see exactly how the attack in the north was organized, while he emphasized that dialogue is the central topic at this stage.

"Now we have to look at exactly how this attack was organized. There are already discussions between the relevant partners and here I cannot say more about the possible consequences for the actors of this attack", Guerrot said.

He said that the EU-facilitated dialogue should continue. According to him, this is the only way forward. "The way forward is the normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo, we are working hard for this ", he said.

Albania’s Assembly adopts Resolution on Kosovo approved (media)

The Assembly of Albania approved the resolution condemning the September 24 attack in northern Kosovo with 101 votes in favor, and no vote against.

“Albania has stayed, stays and will always stay with Kosovo, in good times and in difficult times. Kosovo remains the great strategic project of Albania and equally remains the great project of its sovereignty and territorial integrity,” said the head of the Foreign Committee, Mimi Kodheli.

In the resolution approved on October 12, it is emphasized that "the Assembly of Albania fully and unanimously supports the resolution approved on September 28 in the Assembly of Kosovo." Also, according to the resolution, the Assembly demands from the constitutional institutions of Albania "that in all international instances and in bilateral contacts with partners, they strongly engage and undertake all necessary actions to enable an international investigation related to the terrorist act in the north of Kosovo ". The resolution encourages the government of Kosovo to "work side by side and unite without reservations" with its strategic allies, the European Union and the United States of America, in the function of the process for reaching a final agreement for the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia and its final recognition of Kosovo.

New details on Radoicic and drug laboratories in the north (Koha)

The Serbian magazine "NIN" has continued to publish testimonies on the activities of Milan Radoicic. In an article published on Thursday, it was reported about drug laboratories in the north, Radoicic's facility in Kopaonik...

From an article in the Serbian magazine NIN (issue of 12.10.2023)

Regarding the price that was paid in human lives, the potentially long-term consequences for the state and the appalling senselessness, many questions are posed without rational answers: how, why and by whose credit did Serbia in one day return to 1991?

Coincidence or not: the attack by Milan Radoicic's group in Banjska was carried out on September 24, 2023. On September 24, 1987, the eighth meeting of the League of Communists of Serbia was held when Slobodan Milosevic became the undisputed leader of Serbia and the country entered into disrepute.

Belgrade's series of irrational steps began with the escalation around license plates, with barricades, while the scenario for disaster, according to NIN, was set with the theatrical withdrawal of Serbian policemen from the Kosovo Police.

The discovery of cannabis plantations and the enormous amount of drugs produced in the north of Kosovo was a turning point. A year and a half after the return to power of Albin Kurti and with the arrival of Veton Elshani as the new commander of the Kosovo Police in the northern directorate, the Kosovo Police has discovered 11 laboratories and plantations for the production of cannabis. In May of this year, an anti-drug investigator in the Kosovo Police told NIN magazine that "according to our estimates, a profit of 40 thousand euros per month was extracted from each plantation".

While drug smugglers are pursued in Kosovo, indictments are brought against the investigators who pursue drug smugglers in Serbia, writes NIN. One of them is Slobodan Milenkovic. He is one of the investigators who discovered the large Jovanjica drug plantation near Belgrade. It is suspected that the owners of the plantation were connected to the power of Aleksandar Vucic.

Investigator Milenkovic told a NIN journalist that he suspects that part of the equipment of the Jovanjica drug plant ended up in the north of Kosovo. Milenkovic filed a lawsuit against Zvonko Veselinovic, whom he accuses of providing 1 million euros to kill inspector Milenkovic and his colleague Dusan Mitic. The lawsuit against Veselinovic was rejected by Serbian justice.

Petar Boskovic, former head of the Ministry of Defense of Serbia, declared to NIN magazine that the whole action "has been followed carefully from the beginning". He reaches this conclusion based on the fact that "Prishtina did not make a single wrong step, while on the Serbian side absolutely everyone was wrong".

While Prishtina accuses people close to Danillo Vucic (Vucic's son) of participating in the armed attack and the president of Serbia responds on Instagram, it is only a matter of time when we will learn some very unpleasant information about this event.

Petar Boskovic explains that it is not normal that the Serbian army says that it does not care what Milan Radoicic does on his property when he possesses a whole arsenal of military weaponry, especially if the same, that is, Radoicic, was allowed by the Serbian Army a few years ago to build an illegal facility on the Pancicev vrh hill, close to its radar systems.

Candles lit for the Israeli victims, Hovenier: Terrorism is not justified (media)

Kosovo Jewish community  have lit candles in memory of the Israeli victims killed so far as a result of the attack by the Palestinian group Hamas. The U.S. ambassador, Jeffrey Hovenier, was also present there. Heshared photos from the lighting of the candles.

“Tonight, I joined the Kosovar Jewish community at a vigil for the Israeli lives lost in the horrific attacks by Hamas. The U.S. unequivocally condemns these heinous attacks. There is never any justification for terrorism. We stand in solidarity with the people of Israel,” Hovenier wrote.

Helsinki Committee in Serbia: Opening of Draza Mihailovic’s museum is step towards fascism (Albanian Post)

The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia (HCHR) has condemned on Thursday the renewed campaign to rehabilitate and glorify convicted war crimes criminal and leader of the Chetnik movement in the Second World War - Dragolub Draza Mihailovic, while blaming the Serbian regime in Belgrade for promoting fascism.

"The opening of a private museum and the placement of a monument in Belgrade dedicated to the leader, collaborator of fascism and commander of the Chetnik movement that committed genocide against the Muslim population during World War II represents another step in the direction of social fascism," said the Helsinki Committee on Thursday.

In the statement of the Helsinki Committee led by the most prominent activist for the protection of human rights, Sonja Biserko, it is said that many personalities in Belgrade are responsible for promoting negative trends, especially Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, but also the Serbian Orthodox Church ( KOS) and a part of the academic and cultural elite.

The Helsinki Committee in Belgrade has considered that the glorification of Mihailovic is also a proactive act towards neighbors in the region and that this will inevitably increase the level of insecurity of all non-Serb nationalities living in Serbia, especially in the fragile region of Sandzak which is mainly inhabited by Muslim Bosniaks.

The exact number of Muslim Bosniaks, Croats and other non-Serb victims executed by the Chetniks under the leadership of Mihailovic during World War II has never been officially determined, but according to estimates, the number goes up to more than tens of thousands of victims.

 Serbian Language Media

Vucic: Elections on December 17 – parliamentary, Belgrade mayoral and provincial (RTS, Prva TV)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced that he will call for elections on December 17, as per request from the opposition, he said. There would be parliamentary, Belgrade mayoral and Vojvodina provincial elections, he added.

He also said he does not believe there would be any sanctions against citizens of Serbia, and if some would like any measures to be taken, they would be made, “pretendendly against him personally”.

For us it is important to try to continue the dialogue, although Pristina does not want it, he noted.

Speaking about Serbian elections, Vucic said he would call for them upon returning from New York where he will attend the UN SC session on work of UNMIK and its report.

“They ask UN SC session to be closed because of me”

Vucic also spoke about the upcoming UN Security Council session on October 23, at which UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres’s report will be deliberated and he also touched upon the announcement that the session may be closed to the public.

“They ask the UN SC session be closed, because they are afraid of what I could say”, Vucic said.

Vucic calls upon Serbs in Kosovo: Initiative for elections as soon as possible

RTS further reports that President Vucic called upon representatives of Serbs in Kosovo to organize elections for mayors in four northern municipalities as soon as possible.

“I am kindly asking our people to come up with initiatives for faster organization of the elections in these four municipalities. This is of course my plea. This is how I see things. Maybe they see things better, differently, but that is my plea to them. To go out for elections as soon as possible in four northern municipalities in the north”, Vucic said.

He added that a process of consolidation would be launched that way so the basic laverages of power would come to the hands of those living there, and not to the hands of those who do not live there, and as he said, will never live there.

Petkovic warns of Pristina’s war rhetoric (Kosovo Online, social media)

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director, Petar Petkovic said Pristina does not stop “with war mongering rhetoric and invoking the conflict”, while the international community remains silent, Kosovo Online portal reports.

Petkovic made those remarks reacting to the statements of Kosovo Assembly Speaker Glauk Konjufca quoted as saying that there is a risk from a new war in the Balkans, following the events in Banjska. Petkovic said such rhetoric is not a path to normalization.

“Pristina does not stop war mongering rhetoric and invoking the conflict, while the international community remains silent. Not a single time did Pristina mention dialogue, but no day passes by without them talking about war while their criminal police mistreats the Serbs! By chance? I don't think so”, Petkovic wrote in a post on X (formerly Twitter), adding that such announcements must set off red alarms for the West.

Stoltenberg calls Belgrade, Pristina to behave responsibly (N1, media)

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Thursday called Belgrade and Pristina to “behave responsibly, refrain from destabilizing actions, and re-engage in the EU-facilitated dialogue”, N1 reports.

Speaking at a news conference after the NATO Defense Ministers meeting in Brussels, Stoltenberg said that the deployment of additional forces to KFOR and an increased number of patrols in northern Kosovo are prudent steps to ensure KFOR has the forces it needs to fulfil its UN mandate impartially.

According to Stoltenberg, there is no indication that KFOR’s very clear UN mandate could change.

“The main message is that both Pristina and Belgrade need to refrain from actions that can further escalate the situation or increase tensions and refrain from inflammatory rhetoric. And Pristina and Belgrade should engage in the EU facilitated dialogue. I think that’s also one of the important messages from the meeting today is that in concert with seeing how NATO and the European Union are working hand in hand, the NATO military presence, to increase NATO military presence supports the diplomatic and political efforts of the European Union”, he said.

Momirovic meets with Varhelyi, calls for lifting of Pristina's ban on Serbian goods (Tanjug)

Serbian Minister of Internal and External Trade Tomislav Momirovic met with EU Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi in Brussels on Thursday to discuss several important topics, including Pristina's ban on trade in goods from central Serbia, Tanjug news agency reports.

"It is unacceptable that the EU is tolerating Pristina's ban on all goods produced in central Serbia. We requested that that be stopped immediately, that the ban be lifted", Momirovic told Tanjug.

He noted that Pristina had been obstructing the CEFTA for two years now and that some topics did not belong on the political agenda.

"Trade, business, the economy - that is something that must connect us. We cannot put those topics on the political agenda", he said. Momirovic said the request had been met with understanding from Varhelyi and added that he expected progress on the issue.

EU high delegation visits Banjska Monastery (RTS, media)

Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) Raska-Prizren Eparchy Bishop Teodosije and Abbot of Banjska Monastery Danilo received EU delegation in this Monastery and exchanged opinions related to the current affairs, stressing the need for constructive dialogue in order to resolve the crisis in Kosovo, RTS reports.

Deputy Director General of the European External Action Service (EEAS), Marko Markovec, Head of EU Office in Pristina Tomas Szunyog, Head of EULEX Giovanni Barbano and their associates were members of the EU delegation.

“The need for constructive dialogue as the only way to overcome the difficult situation, which culminated in tragic events on September 24, was particularly emphasized”, reads the statement from the Eparchy.

The guests also toured the church of the Banjska Monastery, endowment of Serbian King Milutin Nemanjic, where Abbot Danilo briefly presented the history of this SOC’s holy shrine, the statement added.

Re-construction of Albanian-owned houses in Brdjani has begun (KoSSev)

After the Kosovo government approved the decision in late September on the reconstruction of Albanian-owned houses that were damaged in 1998-1999 in North Mitrovica, as previously announced by the Kosovo Minister for Infrastructure, KoSSev learned that the works began yesterday. The work is taking place in Brdjani, a multi-ethnic settlement in North Mitrovica.

Yesterday afternoon, the portal found heavy machinery, a truck and an excavator next to the narrow road in this settlement, preparing terrain or a path to these houses, which leads from Brdjani to Mali Zvecan.

The portal said it was unable to learn who is carrying out the works in Brdjani, and whether it’s the local government, the municipality of North Mitrovica in charge of the project.

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Serb from Leposavic arrested at Bistrica released, police opens case for “illegal possession of weapons” (KoSSev)

Serb from Leposavic, M.M. arrested two days ago because of a photo on which he is allegedly seen with weapons was released yesterday. Kosovo police initiated the case against him over alleged illegal possession of weapons, while the further steps depend on prosecution, Kosovo police told KoSSev.

M.M. was arrested at Bistrica because of a photo on social media, on which he is allegedly seen with an automatic weapon. Kosovo police searched his house upon the arrest, but found no weapons there. Following the search, M.M. was sent to 48-hour detention, but the prosecutor ordered his earlier release.

Family of M.M. told the Tanjug news agency that he arrived home last night. His family also said that he suffers from a serious heart condition and needs to take strong therapy.

Indictment raised against Serb over attack against journalist in Zvecan (RTS)

Basic prosecution in Mitrovica raised an indictment against D.S. of Serb ethnicity with reasonable doubt that he allegedly physically assaulted an Albanian journalist and police and thus committed criminal act “of taking part in a mass which committed criminal act and hooliganism”. D.S. a medical technician in a hospital in Mitrovica North, was released on bail on July 17, pending trial, RTS said.

The prosecution claims that “D.S. in Zvecan intentionally used the force against journalist B.Z. motivated by ethnic background, while he was following the protests of the Serb community near the municipal facility in Zvecan”, reads the statement from prosecution.

Air Serbia to keep flying to Tel Aviv as long as security is guaranteed (media)

Air Serbia will continue to fly to the Tel Aviv Ben Gurion Airport as long as it has security guarantees from Israeli aviation authorities, Air Serbia Captain and Flight Operations Director Dusan Milatovic told Tanjug on Thursday.

"Everything is alright for the time being. As long as Israeli aviation authorities guarantee safety - and they are covering the corridor we come through from the north, the flights will proceed. We are in constant contact with European and Israeli aviation authorities and we make decisions based on their information. The decision for now is that the flights will be continued", Milatovic said.

Meanwhile, the government of North Macedonia said on Thursday North Macedonian citizens who remained stranded in Israel would evacuate on an Air Serbia flight on Friday. It also said the chartered flight had been arranged in collaboration with Air Serbia for all North Macedonian citizens who had requested assistance amid flight cancellations and blocked air traffic with Israel.