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Opposition bloc: Now we have the right (Gazeta Express)

The coalition of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Initiative of Kosovo (NISMA) and the Vetevendosje Movement issued a joint statement after today’s session of the Kosovo Assembly. “The coalition of the LDK-AAK-NISMA and Vetevendosje Movement, after today’s constitutive session, takes note of the PDK’s failure to elect the Assembly President and to establish the Assembly. Even 100 days after general elections proved to be not enough for the PDK to secure a majority in the Assembly. Today, the absolute majority, 61 MPs were against the PDK’s proposal and their candidate got only 44 votes. The coalition of the assembly majority concludes that it was unfair for the Assembly chairperson, Brovina, to interrupt the session without respecting the right of coalition MPs to speak. The coalition of the assembly majority considers that based on Point 127 of the Decision of the Constitutional Court on the case Nr. KO 119/14, dated 26 August 2014, has the right, possibility and solution to establish the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo and to then proceed with the forming of the new government,” the joint statement notes.