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Mustafa: Our priority work, opposition’s, violence (

At the end of the year press conference, the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, said that 2015 is characterized by two different approaches: “The government approach to implement the governing plan and resolve problems of the citizens, and that of the opposition, to impede the processes and the work of the government.” He said that opposition used teargas, impeded the work of the Assembly, destroyed public property and attacked government officials. He said that the cause of the opposition appeared to be wrong, being that the Constitutional Court assessed that the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities should establish and that the U.S. Department of State has confirmed that demarcation of the border with Montenegro is in accordance with 1974 division.

Speaking about the work of the government, he said that his ministers worked with determination to implement the foreseen plans.

Mustafa mentioned signing of the Stabilization Association Agreement (SAA), fulfillment of the criteria for visa liberalization and some other projects in the field of agriculture, where he said that thank to the grants, the government has opened 2500 jobs in this sector.

Mustafa said that his government has undertaken measures against corruption and dismissed all public servants suspected for abuse of the official duty.

Asked whether he is satisfied with the work of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Mustafa said that Kosovo was recognized by three countries during 2015, and added that major work was done on reaching recognition from the five EU countries, especially from Greece.

When the requests of the opposition for his resignation are concerned, Mustafa considers that there is no need for such thing being that the governing coalition is stable. He called on opposition to give up violent means at the Assembly.

Speaking about the protest announced to take place on 9 January, Mustafa said that he believes the citizens, being that according to him, they have shown that they do not support violence.  He said that the previous gatherings of the opposition showed that there is no major support for this form of contradiction.

Mustafa said he hopes that opposition would change its manner of objections and return to the Assembly to resolve the raised issues through dialogue.