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Haradinaj: Border demarcation and Association of Serb-majority municipalities can cause permanent damage to Kosovo (Indeksonline)

Ramush Haradinaj, leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), said in an interview for the news website, that the border demarcation with Montenegro must be concluded in order to move forward with Kosovo’s development and not have delays on other issues. “Demarcation is an open issue and it needs to be closed. The Alliance [for the Future of Kosovo] and the Initiative for Kosovo, want the current agreement to be annulled and for a proper solution to be found,” he said. “Regardless of their political affiliations, our citizens will not agree with Kosovo losing parts of its territory and they will not accept the wrong version [of the agreement]. This is a highly sensitive issue. It is important to find a solution to the demarcation issue. I don’t believe this issue is directly related to visa liberalisation for Kosovo. I believe it is related more to some of our internal matters. On the issue of visa liberalisation, it is the governments and interior ministers of EU member states who in a way give their agreement and usually they require advancement in law and order and in the fight against corruption and organised crime. This is a very important condition for all countries, including us”. According to Haradinaj, the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities and the border demarcation [with Montenegro] “can cause permanent damages to Kosovo”. He also said that it is good if Kosovo is relieved of such topics so that it can start working on long-term issues such as the economy, the rule of law and strengthening our sovereignty. “The current government is the weakest government Kosovo has had so far and it is causing the most damage and suffering to Kosovo. It is in Kosovo’s interest to have a government capable of securing economic development,” he added.