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Students demand Ramush Haradinaj’s relase in front of French Embassy (RTK)

The “Students’ Democracy” organization held today a symbolic action in front of the French Embassy, seeking release of the former KLA commander, Ramush Haradinaj. They revealed posters of Vojislav Seselj, accused for war crimes.

Head of the Organization “Students’ Democracy” Mexhit Ramusa, said that they are there to request release of the former KLA commander, Ramush Haradinaj, “who is being held unjustly by French authorities. Ramush Haradinaj responded to all international authorities, including the Hague Tribunal, and he was found not guilty by all of them. It is an irony of the fate that the French authorities are not taking these verdicts into consideration, diverging justice with political motives towards the population of Kosovo and Kosovo Liberation Army, Ramusa said.