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Makolli: AKR is not in discussions with PAN (Zeri)

Vesel Makolli, general secretary of the New Kosovo Alliance (AKR), told the paper that his party supports eventual agreement between the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and the Vetevendosje movement. “We are not in discussions with PAN. We are in discussions with our coalition. We had a meeting between Isa Mustafa and Albin Kurti and we in AKR support continuance of these discussions. Things between LDK and Vetevendosje have moved a bit in a positive way. It is expected to reach something; it appears that after this meeting they have overcome recent grudges. I believe that they (discussions) will result with an agreement very soon, because such agreement would create majority. We in AKR support this, being that this was Mr. Pacolli’s idea,” Makolli said.