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Mr. Prime Minister, do you support freedom of media or usurped state? (Koha Ditore)

Daily newspaper Koha Ditore's open letter to Prime Minister Isa Mustafa

"Mr. Prime Minister Mustafa,

When on Tuesday, you along with ministers Rrahmani and  Bajrami visited Kosovo Medicines Agency (KMA), our team, as invited by your office, sent a reporter to follow the event, with the aim of fulfilling our duty to inform the public.

But, your host in this government agency, CEO of KMA, Jeton Shala, by usurping this state institution, ordered the ban of entry in this building for our journalist Saranda Ramaj, making it impossible, without any rights, to follow this event. Even the Kosovo police, obeyed the orders of Shala, becoming complicit in this blatant usurpation of the institution that belongs to the state and citizens.

This usurpation of the state by an individual and against free media happened in your presence, which, if it was done without your knowledge - and we want to believe that that is the case -  is a blow not only to your personal authority and credibility, but also to the institution of the Prime Minister. With this scandalous action of Jeton Shala, supported by Kosovo police officers,  Koha Ditore journalist was banned from accessing a public event, in violation of freedom of press, which we believe you know, is the cornerstone of the democratic system anywhere in the world.

Now, Mr. Prime Minister, we understand that there are people in your government, but also elsewhere, who prefer cheap journalism. They do not want to be exposed to media on sensitive issues, often involving corruption, abuse of official position and different crimes. But, that is our duty. Moreover, this newspaper also tries to verify facts when addressing such issues, and it is a rule for us that while reporting on an issue, to talk and receive comments from all parties! We have done the same in the case of investigative reports of allegations of misconduct in Kosovo Medicines Agency and its chief. Yes we mention this fact, since you may not be fully aware, and we want to take the opportunity to fully inform you about all aspects of this scandalous conduct by an official appointed by the Government, with the support of a state institution such as the Kosovo Police.

Even today, as we were not sure if you were fully aware of these outrageous developments, throughout the afternoon on Tuesday, we were trying to take your side of the story. But, we didn’t receive answers to our questions sent to your Office. Same as Kosovo Police did not respond on how they can obey such an order, by a person who has no mandate to give orders to the police.

As for the Kosovo Medicines Agency CEO, it is clear that he has taken this action as revenge for the reports made by this newspaper and journalist for allegations of abuses committed by him. These doubts and inquiries started long ago, as the newspaper reported, have resulted in an indictment against the CEO Jeton Shala, which was officially confirmed by the Prosecution Office in Pristina. Or perhaps you did not know this when you set the visit to the Kosovo Medicines Agency, otherwise we believe you would avoid a meeting with someone accused for misuse of official position.

We believe this, but we cannot be sure. And therefore we ask.  And Mr. Prime Minister, since your office does not answer our questions, we are obliged in public, to ask you:

• Do you agree with the actions of the Kosovo Medicines Agency CEO against freedom of media?

• Do you support the use of state institutions funded by public money reacting against media and journalists by persons who have an indictment for a criminal offense punishable by imprisonment?

• Do you agree that officials appointed by your government can command the police in an attempt to punish and restrict freedom of the media, because they do not like the truth being public?

• Do you agree that your police escort be used to prohibit access to the public media event for journalists who were invited by you to follow such events?

There are many questions that may be raised, Mr. Prime Minister, but the essential one here is whether you, as head of the Government, support the freedom of media, or protect abusers and usurpers of the state acting under the aegis of your Government?

On Tuesday we resisted to report yours and other institutions’’ silence about the scandal. But today we want answers to these questions, because we and our readers, as well as the entire audience of Kosovo need to know: do you support free media and democracy or not?"

Koha Ditore