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Strache: You apply double standards for Kosovo and Crimea (Blic)

The leader of the Freedom Party of Austria (FPO), Heinz-Christian Strache, accuses Vice-President of the European Parliament, Ulrike Lunacek with regard to Kosovo. He said that Lunacek applies double standards since she called the EU countries to recognize the independence of that Serbian province. As he said, countries that have not recognized the independence of Kosovo are respecting the international law.

Heinz-Christian Strache said that the statement of Lunacek is very surprising. “Was referendum on possible independence ever held in Kosovo, as it was in the Crimea? Well, no”, he said.

Strache stressed that legal rules, especially international, must not be altered as per personal wishes. He recalled that UN SC Resolution 1244 clearly states that Kosovo and Metohija is an autonomous part of the Republic of Serbia. “If some MPs think they can interpret international law as they want, then that is a wrong,” said Strache, at the same time criticizing the political flexibility of the parties of European Left.

“We adhere to the law neutrally. Other parties violate laws and our neutrality in order to become servants of American interests. These are the facts. Mrs. Lunacek, tell us why you apply double standards,” asked Strache.