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Pak: Platform is internal affair of Belgrade (Danas)

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic will meet tomorrow with European Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy Johannes Hahn, who will be staying in Belgrade, but the topic of their talks will not be the platform on Kosovo prepared by the President. Advisor to the President, Stanislava Pak, said that the platform will be on the desk of Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic, "because it is an internal affair of Serbia". However, there was no the answer to the question when exactly the platform will be on the Prime Minister's "desk".

The content of the second President’s platform on Kosovo, which the President announced last week, is not yet known, but Nikolic recently announced that the document will be sent to the Prime Minister Vucic "after the May holidays."

It is possible that one of the topics of tomorrow's meeting with the European Commissioner is the decision that Serbia participate in the military parade in Moscow on Saturday, 9 May. Han previously pointed out that the Serbian government repeatedly made clear that their strategic goal is European integration and that it is crucial to demonstrate a commitment to European values ​​and interests, particularly bearing in mind the chairmanship of the OSCE.

When it comes to the trip to Moscow, the officials from the President cabinet could not confirm if Nikolic will meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Moscow, but this was "not excluded". The president of Serbia will attend a military parade on May 9, while Merkel will visit Moscow on May 10, when she will together with the Russian President Vladimir Putin lay a wreath at the Monument of the Unknown Soldier, in honour of the millions of victims of the Second World War, “for which Germany took over responsibility.”
