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PM on Haradinaj arrest: "Strange things are happening" (B92)

Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic has commented on the arrest of Ramush Haradinaj in Slovenia on Wednesday to say that "some strange things are happening."

In a statement for B92, he said this was "the 50th time that Haradinaj was traveling using that same diplomatic passport, and is now being arrested a few days before (Kosovo) negotiations in Brussels."

"Obviously there will be pressure on Serbia, but we are capable of withstanding even much harder days. We are going to Brussels to reach an agreement, and whether we will achieve that, we'll see, it takes two to tango," said Vucic, and added:

"What remains is that huge worry to maintain stability, that is why we must not react impatiently, but also must not allow anyone to humiliate us and trample on us."

"We don't respond fiercely, we don't respond with heavy words, not to what has happened with the building of the wall, not to these accelerated arrests all over Europe. Although I am against conspiracy theories - all this raising of political passions in our country ahead of the arrival of Mrs. Merkel, ahead of the Kosovo dialogue in Brussels, ahead of Srebrenica and the IMF decision.. I believe we will preserve stability," said the prime minister.
