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Health of jailed Serb politician on hunger strike "deteriorates" (B92)

Civic Initiative SDP leader Oliver Ivanovic's condition has significantly deteriorated on the seventh day of his hunger strike in a Kosovska Mitrovica jail.

His wife Milena Ivanovic-Popovic who visited him on Thursday said he had lost seven kilograms, and that his physical condition has been "significantly deteriorating." "I did not stay until the end (of the visit) because he did not have the strength to sit and speak. I am worried about him," she said, and added that doctors were monitoring her husband's health around the clock.

According to Ivanovic-Popovic the director of the Health Center in Kosovska Mitrovica has asked the court to allow a team of doctors from this center to examine Ivanovic, and the court's decision is still pending.

Ivanovic, who is on trial on war crimes charges, has been in jail since early 2014 and decide to go on hunger strike last week after the court extended his detention until October 6. He is demanding to be set free until the end of the trial.

A protest has been organized where citizens supported his demand. A new protest has been scheduled for Friday morning in front of the EULEX court in Kosovska Mitrovica. Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric will attend.
