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Janjic: Possible political trade with the Serbian List (Danas)

Belgrade based daily Danas writes today that the Haradinaj government's program does not specify a concrete plan for transforming the Kosovo security forces into the armed forces.

Danas recalls that Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj has declared that the EU will grant visa liberalization for Kosovo in March "right after the celebration of the tenth anniversary of independence," and that the Kosovo army will be formed the same month.

The daily also recalls that media in Pristina reported that the formation of a community of Serb municipalities was among the priorities of the Kosovo government for the next year.

President of the Ethnic Relations Forum Dusan Janjic told Danas that "it is unlikely, but not impossible," that the Kosovo Army be formed by March.

"If Haradinaj reach an agreement with the Serbian List, which is not impossible, and if the statute of the community of Serb municipalities is adopted, it is possible to form an army. Another way of achieving such a plan is adoption of a half-law; with no change to the Constitution and with not change of the name of the Kosovo Security Force," explains Janjic to the daily, with the remark that he does not exclude the possibility of "political trade".