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Ruzic: Good for Serbs and Albanians (Danas)

Minister of State Administration and Local Self-Government in the Serbian government Branko Ruzic says in Nis that Serbia is implementing its influence in Kosovo through 29 temporary municipal bodies and that by preserving them maintains the constitutional and legal system of Serbia, reports Belgrade based daily Danas.

Ruzic at the round table of cities and municipalities in the framework of the internal dialogue on Kosovo assessed that the standard of living of Serbs in Kosovo could be assisted if 10 municipalities in Kosovo would be assisted by 10 municipalities and cities from Serbia, the statement reads.

It is important to note that the Ministry has prepared a Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Local Self-Government and the Law on State Administration, which will enable inter-municipal cooperation to be established in all tasks performed by local governments, both for the original and the entrusted ones, announced Ruzic.

He reminded that 1,760 days passed since in Brussels was reached an agreement on the establishment of the Community/Association of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), that is, how long passed that Pristina has failed to fulfil the obligation.

Pristina has done everything not to come to the creation of the ZSO and it constantly warms the fear among Albanians that it is an attempt to create something that would resemble the Republic of Srpska, said Ruzic.

Our concept is, what is good for Serbs in Kosovo is good for everyone, and not, what is good for Serbs is bad for Albanians, concluded Ruzic.