Jankovic: To resolve Kosovo issue in democratic manner (FoNet, RTS)
Leader of the opposition Movement of Free Citizens (PSG), Sasa Jankovic told Serbian media it is an illusion (to believe) Kosovo issue can be resolved with a signature of one man, if that signature is not a result of a democratic process and does not contribute to the sense of relief among people.
Jankovic added that Kosovo should have never become the issue of Serbia’s EU integration, however it is today. Asked if Serbian opposition should be part in resolving the Kosovo issue, Jankovic responded the opposition was always willing to take part in that process, but not in a way to deal with Kosovo issue only, without interest about destroying institutions, judiciary, election frauds and lies about the economy. “Therefore, we need to build a complete democratic society, and within it the issue of Kosovo is very significant, and of course we will try to resolve it and eventually, we would resolve it,” Jankovic said. Asked if he would support the legally binding agreement with Kosovo and its membership in international organizations, including the UN, Jankovic said he is for “a sustainable solution that does not exclude the option of the UN either, if such solution would be reached in a democratic manner.” Jankovic thinks Vucic already “recognized Kosovo, as he contrary to the Constitution, integrated judiciary into the Kosovo judicial system, accepted international dialling code for Kosovo and brought Serb MPs into coalition with Ramush Haradinaj,” RTS reported. “In fact, Kosovo is recognized, no one would ask for formal recognition,” Jankovic added. Meanwhile, the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo Director, Marko Djuric in reaction to Jankovic’s statement said that Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija were and remained invisible to Jankovic. He added Pristina unilaterally declared independence when Jankovic and his political allies were in power and that Sasa Jankovic, during two mandates as Serbian Ombudsman did not write a single line about the situation of Serbs in Kosovo.