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Raskovic Ivic: The division of KiM would lead to the exodus of Serbs living south of the Ibar (Danas)

People's Party Vice President Sanda Raskovic Ivic says that "delineation" with Kosovo Albanians is unconstitutional and that, if that happens, the leaders of the current regime will be responsible when the authority change and that the division of Kosovo leads to the exodus of Serbs living south of the Ibar River.

"The so-called delineation is mentioned by the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic. Under international law, statements by the president of the state, the prime minister and the head of diplomacy are binding, while Vucic violates the Serbian Constitution. Eventually, the authorities will change, and then those who are now in power will be responsible,'' says Sanda Raskovic to Al Jazeera television.

Sanda Raskovic Ivic pointed out that the solution for Kosovo should be within the framework of the Serbian Constitution and UN Security Council Resolution 1244.

"South of Ibar is now home to about 80,000 Serbs. If a 'demarcation' occurs, they will emigrate massively and will remain at most between 20,000 and 30,000. They will no longer be able to have the same rights as they have now, but less. Vucic's regime consciously and deliberately is letting these people down the water," said Sanda Raskovic Ivic.

Raskovic Ivic in the show emphasized, where the Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric participated, that the current government no longer has legitimacy and that no discussion on Kosovo was held in the Serbian Parliament.

"While there is no debate in parliament, Djuric goes around the world and says in the forums that there will be a 'delimitation', where the border will go, what Serbia gets and what Kosovo Albanians, and how Albanians should get the territory west of Presevo, in central Serbia," said Raskovic Ivic.

She stated that the power of progressives (SNS) has been continuously compromised since 2012, and reminded about Djuric's statement that "Belgrade leads 5: 0 in negotiations with Pristina", while in reality since the SNS came to power, Pristina received an international telephone call number, the Serbian judiciary was withdrawn from Kosovo, the four municipalities in northern Kosovo are in the Kosovo system, and were in the system of the state of Serbia and the judges Serbs swore to the so-called Kosovo Constitution."

''A silent surrender of Kosovo and Metohija is taking place before the final surrender of the southern Serbian province," said Sanda Raskovic Ivic.

She also said that the government's claim that some countries withdrew the recognition of the self-proclaimed Kosovo was not true, but that it was about suspension of recognition until the final agreement between Belgrade and Pristina.