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Srpska Lista, Serbian officials on election victory in northern Kosovo municipalities (RTS, Tanjug, RTV Puls, TV Most, Radio Kosovska Mitrovcia)

Srpska Lista and Serbian officials reacted to the election victory in the four northern Kosovo municipalities by saying it is a victory of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija and an important step in a struggle for the Serbian state and national interests, media report on Monday.

Serbian officials react to Pristina’s resolution (RTS, Tanjug, B92, Danas, Radio kontakt plus)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic commented on the adoption of Pristina’s resolution on genocide that Serbia allegedly committed in Kosovo saying it is yet another step backward. Brnabic noted while Serbia pursues a policy of peace and compromise, focusing on the future of the region and better living conditions, Pristina’s policy is a policy of the past that shall take no one to the better future.

Djuric: Important that Kosovo elections go without incidents (B92, Tanjug)

It's important that mayoral elections in four municipalities in the north of Kosovo take place without incidents and in a democratic atmosphere.

The director of the Serbian government's Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric, said this on Monday in Belgrade in conversation with the head of the OSCE mission in Kosovo, Jan Braathu.

Djuric: Jeremic handed over Kosovo and Metohija to Albanians "on plate" (TV Most)

Deputy Chair of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) Main Board and Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric said yesterday Vuk Jeremic, leader of the Peoples’ Party (NS) handed over to the Kosovo Albanians international confirmation on the legality of unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo “on the plate,” TV Most reports.

In a written statement distributed to the media, Djuric said Jeremic should look in the mirror first before daring to say a word ‘grand-treason’ because he would see the face there that suits that description the best.

Djuric: Instrumentalized heralds support the independence of Kosovo (KoSSev, N1)

“The international community has instrumentalized heralds in Kosovo who support Kosovo’s independence,” the Head of the Kosovo Office, Marko Djuric stated yesterday, expressing his disagreement with their actions and claiming that he is not jeopardizing anyone by saying it openly.

Djuric: Vulin’s position on delimitation is rational (TV N1, KoSSev)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric said yesterday Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin’s statement that a delimitation between Serbs and Albanians should occur as soon as possible is not “an attack on Serbia’s Constitution,” KoSSev portal reports.

Djuric said Vulin had a courage to express his position, adding that everyone “within the internal dialogue“ has the right to say how the Kosovo issue should be resolved.

Djuric: Berlin summit revealed "intentions of leaders and states" (Tanjug, B92)

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric on Thursday "thanked the organizers of the summit in Berlin on behalf of the ruling party (SNS) and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic."

Speaking in a news conference in Belgrade Djuric said that Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel prepared the summit "in a very serious way and gave the opportunity to Vucic to present Serbia's position."

Lawyer of Marko Rosic, Mahmut Halimi speaks about the case (KoSSev, KIM radio)

KoSSev conducted a telephone interview with Marko Rosic’s lawyer, Mahmut Halimi who told KoSSev that he was not the one who forwarded to Serbian authorities Kosovo Prosecutor’s request for the extension of detention for two Serbian suspects, but he did not rule out the possibility that one of his colleagues might have did it.

Serbian officials, including President Vucic and Marko Djuric presented this paper to the public as evidence received from one of the lawyers defending Serbs suspected int his case.

''CEC decision completely political and against democratic rights'' (Vecernje Novosti)

Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti reports that Stevan Veselinovic, a member of the Serbian List in the CEC, said that this decision was completely political and against the democratic rights of the Serbian people, that it was violation of all elementary rights of the Serbs.

Veselinovic announced an appeal to the Election Appeals Panel and then, if necessary, to higher court instances.