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Djuric: Serbia's telecoms system to become integrated (media)

A deal on carrying out a Belgrade-Pristina agreement on telecommunications was confirmed in Brussels Friday after three days of discussions, with all details of the implementation coordinated.

A new era is beginning for Telekom Srbija - the operator will be available across Serbia, including Kosovo-Metohija, and its overall value will increase, said the head of the Serbian Office for Kosovo-Metohija, Marko Djuric.

FM reacts to claim of Belgrade's "colonial tendencies" (media)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic has rejected claims of the Kosovo Ambassador to the U.S. Vlora Citaku about Belgrade's "colonial tendencies toward Pristina."

Speaking at the end of the UN Security Council session on Kosovo, Dacic said that "we are not colonizers and will not allow to be spoken about in that way in the UN Security Council."

Belgrade and Pristina reach agreement on telecommunications (media)

EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn has welcomed the agreement on elecommunications reached in the Kosovo talks in Brussels.

Hahn, who is is charge of EU's Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, referred to "dialogue (between) Kosovo and Serbia" in two messages posted on Twitter, that combined read as follows:

Vucic to speak with Mogherini Thursday (media)

Serbian PM Aleksandar Vucic on Thursday expressed the suspicion that Pristina had set on its own the latest conditions for a continuation of the Brussels dialogue, which he said was not helping to solve problems, but escalating them further.

Vucic announced he would speak with EU foreign policy and security chief Federica Mogherini later in the day, with the Serbian government to also hold a session to discuss the issue.

Government to meet and discuss Pristina's new conditions (media)

The Serbian government will hold an urgent session on Thursday regarding "the scandalous demands" presented by the representative of Pristina, Beta reported.

The head of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric announced this late on Wednesday, saying he had briefed Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic on these new conditions for resuming the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue.

They were presented by Edita Tahiri, a minister without portfolio in the government in Pristina.

No concrete progress in Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (media)

This week's round of the technical dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina ended in Brussels Thursday without concrete progress.

Addressed over two days of discussions were implementation of agreements on vehicle registration plates and university degrees and other topics that are part of the dialogue, the Belgrade delegation said.

It said the Serbian side had initiated, and insisted on, a discussion on the issues of property and forming the Community of Serb Municipalities.

Investigation of corruption a difficult and painstaking work (KIM radio)

Serbian journalists in Kosovo lack resources to deal with corruption and investigative journalism; it was said in the round table in Media Center in Čaglavica.

Does it make sense for journalists to deal with the corruption in Kosovo when there is no rule of law? It was one of the major issues with which dealt the owners of Serbian media in Kosovo in the round table in Čaglavica, listing and the other problems they face when attempting to deal with corruption.

The Serbian list handed the request to the Constitutional Court of Kosovo to assess the constitutionality of the law on Trepca (media)

Slavko Simić, the head of the parliamentary group of the Serbian List, said after the submission of the request that on the occasion of adoption of the Law on Trepča, Articles 79 and 81 of the Constitution of Kosovo were violated, which relate to the Serbian community in Kosovo.

Simić also announced that the Serbian list will submit a request for the assessment of the constitutionality of the Law on capital investments, which has been adopted on Tuesday.


Last night opened "Gračanica" Radio Television Centre (KIM radio)

In Gračanica, last night, has opened Radio-TV Centre "Gračanica" which will operate within the framework of the Public Enterprise "Mreža Most".

The RTV Centre "Gračanica" in Gračanica was established in cooperation with the Public Enterprise "Mreža Most" and the support of Slobodan Ristić, who has lived and worked in Norway, and who personally contributed to the opening of this centre, which is funded from the state budget of Serbia.