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Kosovo election winners fail to elect parliament speaker (The Washington Post)

PRISTINA, Kosovo — The nomination of Kosovo’s new prime minister has been delayed after the winners of the June 11 election failed to gather enough votes to elect the new parliament speaker.

Former leaders of Kosovo’s war of independence from Serbia, who have won 39 seats, on Thursday told the parliament so far they have secured only 60 votes in the 120-seat parliament and asked for two more weeks.

Albania’s premier urges Serbia to recognize breakaway Kosovo (The Washington Post)

Albania’s prime minister is urging Serbia to recognize Kosovo as a separate country, saying the acknowledgement would help stabilize the Balkan region.

Prime Minister Edi Rama wrote on his Facebook page Tuesday that Serbia’s recognition of Kosovo’s independence was “the clear solution from the darkness of the tunnel to the light of coming out of it.”

Jeremic: Democracy in the Balkans is under siege, and the West is looking away (The Washington Post)

Events in the Western Balkans twice cast a long shadow across Europe in the past century — first in 1914 and then in the 1990s. Both times, the forces unleashed by the carnage could not be contained within the existing international order. And in both instances, proffered solutions failed to resolve the underlying tensions that brought about the conflicts in the first place.

Why did Putin oppose Clinton? Decades of American hypocrisy (The Washington Post)

When the U.S. intervenes abroad, we say it's justified. When Russia does the same, we say it isn't.
We don’t know how effective Russian President Vladimir Putin’s efforts were to get President Trump elected. We don’t know whether leaked documents, disinformation campaigns, or actual Russian agents joined forces with Trump to sink Hillary Clinton. But the evidence is clear, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Putin expressed a preference.

‘It’s the Crimea model’: Kosovo accuses Serbia of seeking to annex province (Washington Post)

Kosovo officially declared independence from Serbia in 2008. The Muslim-majority nation had been administered by the United Nations since 1999, when NATO bombed Serbia — a move that forced then-President Slobodan Milosevic to withdraw his troops from the breakaway province.

Kosovo is rioting over how to draw its borders (The Washington Post/Klan Kosova)

Klan Kosova carries an opinion piece by Sandra Joireman originally published by The Washington Post.

Smoke, shouting, chaos and tear gas are the staples of a riot — or an assembly session in Kosovo. It has become common for opposition parties in this western Balkan state to delay votes through the use of tear gas and other obstructionist tactics. It happens so often that the government had to get more powerful metal detectors and augment the building’s ventilation system.