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North Macedonia Supreme Court confirmed that former KLA member Morina won’t be extradite to Serbia (Beta, N1, KoSSev)

The Supreme Court of North Macedonia confirmed Tomor Morina, a former soldier of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) would not be extradited to Serbia despite Interpol warrant issued on Belgrade’s request, the Beta news agency reported on Wednesday.

After going through the documents that Belgrade sent on August 5, and having in mind the international practice so far, Skopje’s Criminal Court said a week ago that the conditions for Morina’s extradition were not met.

Supreme Court rejects LDK and PDK complaints over runoff elections (media)

Kosovo’s Supreme Court has rejected the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) complaint against the ruling of the Election Complaints and Appeals Panel (ECAP) on mayoral runoffs in the municipality of Pristina as well as the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) complaint over election results in Rahovec/Orahovac. LDK and PDK disputed the election result citing irregularities and a vote recount.


Gashi: Supreme Court reduces sentence for Sylejman Selimi (media)

The lawyer for the former KLA commander Sylejman Selimi, Tome Gashi, announced on Facebook that the Supreme Court of Kosovo has reduced the sentence against his client, convicted of war crimes. Gashi said Selimi is acquitted of commanding responsibility on charges which the court originally declared his guilty of. “With this verdict, the Supreme Court of Kosovo has modified the verdict of the Appeals Court of 2016 by reducing the sentence”, Gashi said adding that Selimi’s legal team will continue seeking full acquittal.

Constitutional Court overturns appointment of Supreme Court president (Kallxo)

Kosovo’s Constitutional Court has overturned appointment of Enver Peci to head the Supreme Court and called on the judicial council to launch a new hiring process.  The decision came after Valdete Daka, currently head of the Central Election Commission (CEC), submitted a complaint to the Constitutional Court claiming that Peci’s appointment was marred with irregularities.