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US analysts: Trump has no plan for Balkans, EU is running out of “carrots” (InSerbia)

The new US administration has not yet formulated a policy towards the Western Balkans, and the European Union is running out of “carrots” to motivate the Balkan countries in the implementation of reforms, and again European integration, with Russian obstructions, still remains the best way for the region – US analysts said on Monday on the panel “Western Balkans – Delicate Balance” at the Woodrow Wilson Center.

Serwer: Serbs should be convinced that Kosovo Army would defend them (

The U.S. expert on Balkan matters, Daniel Serwer, said at the conference “Kosovo Security Force – Perspective of the Future” organized by RIDEA Institute that Kosovo needs to be contributor of the security and not only its consumer. “What needs to be done more is to convince is to convince Serbs that KSF will not be against them, but it will be there to defend and react toward some external threat,” he said.