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Vucic to Scott: USA to warn Pristina (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met Ambassador of United States in Belgrade, Kyle Scott, Tanjug news agency reports.

The two officials discussed the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, and President Vucic urged US to use its political influence and warn Pristina that it is jeopardizing peace and stability in the region with its acts.

“Persistence of Pristina to keep taxes on the goods from central Serbia, and even more announcements on forming an army cause grave concern of Serbia for the future of Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija,” President Vucic said.

Hahn met Srpska Lista MPs (RTS, Tanjug)

European Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn met in Pristina with Srpska Lista MPs, who locked themselves in the Kosovo Assembly on Sunday, expecting his arrival, RTS reports.

Following the meeting, Srpska Lista Vice Deputy, Igor Simic said Hahn is concerned over Pristina’s measure, but does not expect taxes would be lifted any time soon. Head of the EU Office in Pristina, Nataliya Apostolova was also present in a meeting.

Odalovic: Hahn will ask Pristina to give up provocations (RTS)

Veljko Odalovic, Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told the RTS News, that the arrival of Johannes Hahn is very important as well as talks both in Belgrade and Pristina. He says that the talk with the representatives of Pristina is important because, as he says, ''they forgot that there are Serbs in those institutions as well. "

Jevtic: Pristina leads populist politics (RTS)

Outgoing Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Communities and Returns. Dalibor Jevtic told RTS that Pristina leaders are leading populist politics, that would at the end, bring harm to the Albanians only, in the sense of possible isolation of the entire society.

Speaking for the RTS morning news edition, Jevtic added the communication with Albanians would continue the very moment they lift decision on taxes on the goods from central Serbia.

Stefanovic blames EU over unresolved case of Oliver Ivanovic’s murder (BETA, B92)

Serbian Minister of Internal Affairs, Nebojsa Stefanovic said that due to “bad treatment” by EULEX, respectively the EU, the case of Oliver Ivanovic’s murder has not been resolved yet, BETA news agency reported.

“I do not expect much from Pristina institutions, but I expect from EULEX not to treat this case with negligence, because we do not have this case solved due to bad treatment by the EU.”

He also asked where is EULEX in the investigation of Oliver Ivanovic’s murder, where are the people from the EU, where is special police, Serbian media reported.

"Vucic wants peaceful protests regardless of PR actions" (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, during the meeting on Thursday, asked representatives of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija to hold only peaceful, democratic and non-violent protests, B92 reports.

The President wants this to be the case "regardless of the further moves of Pristina," Chairperson of Srpska Lista Goran Rakic said.

Merkel tells Pristina: End "war" with Serbia (Tanjug, B92)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government has called on interim Kosovo institutions to "end a trade war" with Belgrade, B92 reports.

Merkel's spokesperson Steffen Seibert said Germany has "zero understanding" for Pristina imposing a 100 percent tax on products from central Serbia.

He also told Bloomberg agency that Germany "would have preferred Serbia to allow Kosovo to join Interpol." "We hope that both sides quickly return to dialogue," Seibert said.

“Why didn’t they leave Haradinaj’s government?” (Danas)

I think the resignations should have been submitted at all levels, and not only that mayors of the northern municipalities do so. I think it makes no sense to call for the national unity and remain in Kosovo government and institutions, deputy leader of the Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice (GI SDP) Ksenija Bozovic said, Danas daily reports.

Dacic: Relation of Egypt towards Kosovo “frozen recognition” (Tanjug, B92)

Kosovo independence, respectively recognition or non-recognition of it, is not the main topic of the visit of the Egyptian Foreign Affairs Minister, Sameh Shoukry to Belgrade, Ivica Dacic told Tanjug news agency.

Relations between the two countries are the main topic of the visit, Dacic added.

Shoukry’s visit to Serbia has no relation to the eventual decision of Egypt to define its relation towards Kosovo, and according to Dacic, this relation, at the moment could be described “as frozen recognition of Kosovo.”