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Marko Djuric: Community of Serb Municipalities will be funded from Belgrade (Serbian media)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director, Marko Djuric reacted today to media reports, referring to unnamed NATO sources' statements on Association/Community of Serb-Majority Municipalities, its powers and ways of financing.

Djuric’s statement in Serbian is available here:

Office for Kosovo rebuttal of NATO claims on Djuric’s visit (RTS)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija reacted on information published by some media outlets they were told in NATO Headquarters in Brussels that Marko Djuric violated procedures on 26 March when he entered the north of Kosovo and was arrested, RTS reports today.

“If this is the authentic NATO stance, then it represents ill-intended disinformation, aligning by Pristina, and against regional stability,” Office statement reads.

“After full independence of Kosovo, new geopolitical issue to follow” (Danas)

Opponents of Kosovo independence think that even in a case of reaching a legally binding agreement between Belgrade and Pristina on full recognition of Kosovo, very soon a new geopolitical problem would arise, Danas daily reports today.

Associate of Institute for International Policy and Commerce, Dusan Prorokovic thinks that Serbia under no conditions must allow accession of Kosovo to the UN, as it would jeopardize its geopolitical position and open numerous issues.

Russia to lodge UN demarche over Kosovo incidents – daily (Vecernje Novosti, B92)

All diplomatic representatives of Russia have been instructed to express their concern over the recent events in Kosovo.

Daily Vecernje Novosti is reporting this, adding that Russian diplomats have been instructed to point out to the failures of KFOR and EULEX - the NATO and EU missions in Kosovo - as well as to the violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1244 - all with the aim of "reinforcing Belgrade's position."

Dacic to meet ambassadors, representatives of EU, UN, NATO (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, on behalf of the Serbian Government, would meet today ambassadors accredited in Serbia concerning yesterday’s incidents in Kosovo and Metohija, Serbian media reported.

He would also meet the representatives of the international organizations in Serbia, including the EU, UN, OSCE, NATO and the Office of the EU High Representative for Security and Foreign Policy.

As the Foreign Ministry announced the meeting would start at midday.


“Connection between cancer and NATO bombardment has to be proved” (B92, Kontakt plus radio)

The rise in the number of people suffering from different types of cancer in Serbia is to a great extent a consequence of NATO bombardment, participants at the scientific forum “Consequences on NATO bombardment of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,” said, Serbian media reported.

However, in order to prove this, an expertise, a legal and financial support to the researchers are needed.


NATO general "understands how Serbs feel about NATO" (B92)

Chairman of the NATO Military Committee Petr Pavel has told that cooperation with the European Union and NATO "goes hand in hand".

Speaking to Filip Cukanovic after a meeting with Serbian Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin, Pavel also said he was "always satisfied after meeting with partner countries" and that "there is a plan for the future".

Montenegrins soon part of KFOR (BETA, Voice of America, KIM Radio)

Montenegrin Defense Minister Predrag Boskovic said Montenegro for the first time would send two army officers to KFOR Mission in Kosovo, Serbian media reported.

Boskovic who is in an official visit to the USA, said that Montenegrin army officers should join KFOR by the end of the year.

According to him, Montenegro as a NATO member, would send one officer to the KFOR HQ in Pristina, and the other one to the Liaison Office in Skopje.

Serbia Thanks Russia For Support Over Kosovo (Balkan Insight)

Serbian leaders heaped praise on Russia during Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov's visit to Belgrade – while Lavrov in turn said Russia would not relent in its opposition to Kosovo's independence.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov on Thursday accused the EU and NATO of creating an “unhealthy situation” in Europe, while his Serbian hosts thanked Russia for its support and repeated that Serbia will not introduce Western-style sanctions.

NATO Commanders: Relations between Serbia and Russia are no danger to Kosovo (RTS, RTK2)

Cooperation between Serbia and Russia does not represent any threat to Kosovo, Deputy Supreme Allied Commander of NATO Forces for Europe, General James Everard and Commander of NATO’s Joint Force Command in Naples, U.S. Navy Admiral James Foggo said during the visit to the KFOR base in Pristina, RTS reported.

“Relations between Serbia and Russia are a matter of sovereignty of the two states and Serbia can decide with whom it wishes bilateral cooperation and what relations it wants to have,” NATO Commanders said, RTS reported.