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Grave tombs in Orthodox cemetery in Lipljan desecrated (RTV Gracanica, KIM Radio)

Serb inhabitants from Lipljan have found grave tombs in the Orthodox cemetery in this town demolished and desecrated on Saturday morning, RTV Gracanica reports.

Kosovo police came to the spot and started an investigation, while the perpetrators remain unknown.

“KLA” graffiti were written on the wall of the chapel located in the cemetery. Stanimir Smiljic, who went to the cemetery to visit the grave of his wife, discovered these damages.

Female volleyball players from Lebane banned to enter Kosovo (RTS)

Kosovo authorities did not permit on Saturday female volleyball team “Radan” from Lebane, south Serbia to enter Kosovo and Metohija, and play a game with “Vidovdan” team from Gracanica, RTS reports.

The Secretary of “Vidovdan” team from Gracanica, Vladan Trific told RTS volleyball players wanted to enter Kosovo at “Mutivode” crossing point, however, Kosovo police and customs officers told them “they have received order not to let them in”.

The game between the two teams was agreed earlier and had a friendly character, RTS added.


Court of Appeals returned decision on detention for three Serbs from Mitrovica (Radio KIM)

The Court of Appeals returned a decision on detention for the three Serbs from Mitrovica accused of having connections with Oliver Ivanovic murder case for second deliberation, Radio KIM reports.

The first instance court would therefore again decide on detention order for N.S, M.R, and D.M.

“According to the Court of Appeals, the first instance court did not provide clear reasons for determining facts related to reasonable doubt that arrested persons committed criminal acts under the investigation, grave murder and revealing the official secret,” the Court statement reads.

Aleksandar Curic placed under house arrest (RTS)

Aleksandar Curic, who was arrested by the Kosovo police in Mitrovica North, was transferred from Podujevo prison and placed under house arrest, his attorney Srdjan Mitrovic confirmed to RTS.

Curic would spend the next 20 days under the house arrest. He is one of the four Serbs arrested during the action of Kosovo police in Mitrovica North. Curic is charged with obstructing police to carry out official duties.



Union of Women from Belgrade returned from Jarinje crossing on Sunday (Kontakt plus radio)

Kosovo police said on Sunday evening that members of the Union of Women from Belgrade have been returned from Jarinje because one of the main goals of the visit was a protest in North Mitrovica, with an assessment that they are a threat to the Kosovo's order and security, reports Kontakt plus radio.

Police stated in their press release that they arrived by a bus, in a non-scheduled /irregular line, however, reports the Kontakt plus radio, no humanitarian aid was mentioned.

Thefts took place at dozen places in Novo Brdo area (RTV Puls)

An organized group of criminals attempted or carried out the thefts in a dozen places in the villages of Gornje Kusce and Stanisor, near Gnjilane, the police has confirmed this morning after starting an investigation and registering traces of at least five perpetrators, RTV Puls reports.

The door of the Sveti Sava Church in Gornje Kusce has been broken and the metal box where believers put donations was broken into.

Serbs protest in Mitrovica North - Brothers and sisters, no turning back from here (Serbian media)

Serbs protested on Tuesday in Mitrovica North against what they see as Pristina's disgraceful moves, and the arrests of Serbs in this northern Kosovo town, Serbian media report.

The protest was attended by a large number of citizens of the northern part of the town, who were first addressed by the now former mayor, Goran Rakic, who, about an hour earlier, resigned along with other three Serb mayors in northern Kosovo.

Srpska Lista condemned police detention of Silvana Arsovic (RTV Puls)

By latest arrest and ungrounded detention of our co-citizen Silvana Arsovic, who is known as a true friend of murdered Oliver Ivanovic, institutional violence and pressure against the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija continue, Srpska Lista said in a press statement, RTV Puls reports.

The aim of this ungrounded arrest is an attempt to divert public’s attention from decision of the Kosovo institutions to ban distribution of goods in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, thus impairing the lives and intimidating citizens, and trying to force them out of their home places.