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“Silvana’s destiny more important than mayor’s resignation” (Radio KIM)

Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice (GI SDP) municipal councilor Marko Jaksic did not take part in today’s extraordinary session of Mitrovica North, because he is waiting for an end of Silvana Arsovic’s hearing at the police, Radio KIM reports.

The prosecutor started her interrogation at 10.00 this morning, and previously she was sent to 48-hour detention over alleged aid in committing criminal act of a grave murder.

“Radoicic did not kill Ivanovic, he is the one they wanted to kill” (B92, BETA, RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told RTS, the Serbian state and the police with certainty can claim that Milan Radoicic did not kill the leader of Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice, Oliver Ivanovic.

Vucic added, Radoicic was interrogated in Belgrade and it has been confirmed that he did not take part in the murder of Oliver Ivanovic.

“He accepted and passed polygraph test, I will not talk about other things. He did not murder him, neither participated in logistic nor helping anything else (related to the murder),” Vucic underlined.

Novosti: Secretary of Oliver Ivanovic taken by police (Vecernje Novosti, B92)

Kosovo police took away secretary of assassinated leader of Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice (GI SDP) Oliver Ivanovic, Silvana Arsovic, Novosti daily writes saying it got confirmation from the SDP.

SDP Deputy Leader Ksenija Bozovic told Novosti Arsovic was taken away from her working place, allegedly to complement the statement she gave earlier. According to Bozovic, Arsovic is in Special Prosecution in Pristina.

Podujevo: Arrested Serbs in Medregovac released from detention (Tanjug, KIM Radio)

Milena Perovic-Milojkovic and Milos Ivkovic, arrested by Kosovo police in the village of Medregovac were released on Sunday, KIM Radio reports.

They spent the night at the police station in Podujevo. Following the hearing at the Basic Court in Podujevo, they were released.

Kosovo police arrested them on Saturday, over allegedly illegal crossing of administrative line.

Kosovo police confiscates Serbian licence plates, station commander refuted news (RTK2, Radio kontakt plus)

Kosovo police members confiscated Serbian licence plates in the villages of Ranilug and Veliko Ropotovo, populated by the Serb community, RTK2 reports today.

According to unofficial information, police in plain clothes stopped the vehicles with Serbian licence plates, gave traffic tickets to the drivers and sent them to the magistrate.

One of the witnesses confirmed to RTK2, that the police was confiscating the licence plates under the excuse, “no RKS plates are allowed in Serbia, then Serbian plates cannot be allowed in Kosovo either.”

Kosovo police arrested Serb at Jarinje crossing point (RTS, Tanjug, Radio kontakt plus)

Serbian public broadcaster RTS reported late on Sunday that Kosovo police arrested a Serb at crossing point Jarinje for failing to pay a vehicle tax.

Milisav Dasic, who lives with his family in Osojane village, Istok municipality, was taken out of a bus at the Jarinje crossing point.

“They took him from the bus and told the driver to go on after they gave back other passengers’ IDs,” the sources told RTS.

Kosovo institutions threaten Orthodox monks and nuns with deportation (KoSSev, Raska-Prizren Eparchy)

After an attempt to renew their residence permit, one of the monks of the Raska-Prizren Diocese faced a threat that, within a few days, he could be deported from Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), KoSSev portal reports. The problem of documents that the majority of Kosovo Serbs have, has proven to be one of the more serious problems Serbs have been facing in this area.