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Incentive for information about Oliver Ivanovic’s murder increased (KoSSev)

The Deputy Director of Kosovo Police, Dejan Jankovic was a guest of the talk-show “Slobodno srpski” where he stated that the award for relevant information on the murder of Oliver Ivanovic is now €20,000 which contradicts the information published by the police in the aftermath of the murder when the information was valued at €10,000.

During a one-on-one conversation with the host, Budimir Nicic, Jankovic also informed the public that many of the cases of torched cars in the north of Kosovo have been resolved.

““Maxhuni case” best example of captured state” (RTK2, KoSSev)

Self-determination Movement called upon the Director of Kosovo Intelligence Agency, Shpend Maxhuni to resign due to moral reasons and responsible Kosovo institutions to carry out check of the security structures, in relation to the illegal weapons and narcotics found in a vehicle used by his son (Sh.M.), RTK2 reports.

Self-determination MP, Rexhep Selimi in a press conference said that “Maxhuni case” represents the best example “of a captured state.”

Serb families in the village Grace afraid of the Kosovo police (RTS)

RTS reports that a few days ago Kosovo Police searched the house of the Popovic family in Grace village. The police searched for weapons. According to RTS correspondant from Gracanica, weapons were not found but the owner of the house was arrested, and reportedly criminal charges were failed against him.

The police public report reads that a suspected Serb in Grace village was arrested and that an air rifle was seized and a rubber bat. Two criminal charges were filed against the arrested person, reports RTS.

Zubin Potok: Privately-owned car torched (KoSSev)

A private vehicle, a Golf 7, white in colour, KM registration plates, owned by an ethnic Serb was torched early this morning in Donje Varage village, in the Zubin Potok municipality, Deputy Head of Regional Police North, Besim Hoti, told KoSSev on Saturday.

The fire was reported this morning at 2:44h. The vehicle was parked, most likely in the yard of the car owner’s house.

Police and fire brigade units responded, and the prosecutor was notified. The fire was reported to be a case of arson.

Novo Brdo police commander replaced (RTV Puls)

Kosovo Police replaced on Friday Commander of the police in Novo Brdo, Shukri Aliju, and appointed Lieutenant Gani Huruglica from Kamenica, learns RTV Puls from well-informed sources.

The official decision on the appointment of Huruglica should be announced on Monday.

The shift came after frequent thefts, especially large cattle in that area.

Petronic: Kosovo Serbs are an easy target due to inefficiency of the police (RTK2)

Security researcher Veroljub Petronic told RTK2 in the Show ''razgovor'' that Kosovo Serbs are an easy target for thieves due to inefficiency of the police and the judiciary.

Petronic explains that there is no mechanism for punishing perpetrators, which gives freedom for other criminals to continue or, in the worst case, expand their criminal activities.

Assaults on property affect the survival and return of Serbs (RTK2)

Vice President of the Serbian List Igor Simic told RTK2 that the Serbian List condemns all attacks on the property of Serbs in Kosovo and seeks greater involvement of KFOR, while expressing disappointment with the police's response to theft and the finding of perpetrators.

Simic said in the RTK2 Show ''Poglavlje'' that these attacks directly affect the survival and return of displaced Serbs and that they must therefore be treated as a priority.

School in Gojbulja village broken into last night (TV Most, Radio Mitrovica Sever)

TV Most reports today on a new incident that occurred last night in Gojbulja village in the municipality Vucitrn.

Aca Misic, the president of the Provisional Authority of the Municipality of Priluzje told TV Most that the primary school ''21 November'' in Gojbulja village was broken into, and that traditional costumes were stolen, and broken children's seesaw and swings in the school yard.

Serbs from Orahovac seek police protection for their children (KIM Radio)

A group of Albanian youngsters for days mistreats Serbian children playing in a playground in the upper part of Orahovac town and in front of the Serbian Orthodox Church there, RTV KIM learnt from a group of parents who initiated petition, addressed to the Kosovo police, seeking protection for their children.

Around hundreds of parents and other citizens have decided to initiate petition due to frequent verbal and physical attacks against Serb children by Albanian boys in Orahovac town. The petition would be submitted today.