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Hyseni: Violence will not be tolerated, police did its duty (Telegrafi/Koha)

Kosovo’s Interior Minister Skender Hyseni said in a press conference today that the Kosovo Police will never be subject to political orders and that it handled yesterday’s protest in Pristina “marvelously.” Hyseni said that violence directed at the police is unacceptable and that no one will be amnestied from responsibility. He called on the opposition to discuss the issues of concern at the Assembly and not take to the streets. Koha reports that in the press conference, Minister Hyseni also admitted that the Kosovo Police has no equal approach to all of Kosovo.

Controlled explosion near Constitutional Court building in Pristina (Koha)

Kosovo Police blocked this morning the road leading to the Constitutional Court’s building in Pristina after a hand grenade was reported to have been detected nearby. The device is said to have been placed near one of the Court’s power generators. After the staff was evacuated, the police carried out a controlled explosion.

Police, protesters clash outside Assembly building (all media)

Hundreds of protesters gathered today outside the Assembly building in support of the opposition MPs who were trying to block the Assembly session this morning. According to media reports, protesters threw teargas, rocks, bottles and petrol bombs at the police. Kosovo Police spokesperson, Baki Kelani, told KTV that the protesters attacked the police with Molotov cocktails. According to Kelani, six police officers were injures and needed medical help. “One of the police officers had severe head injuries.

Unidentified persons threw stones at the gate of the church in Orahovac/Rahovec (Kontakt plus)

Yesterday at the gate of the Church of the Assumption of the Holy Virgin in Orahovac/Rahovec were thrown stones by unidentified persons. The case was reported to the Kosovo police.

This attack has upset the priest and scared children who, at that time, were playing in the churchyard.

The priest informed immediately the Kosovo police about the incident, and an investigation has been carried out.

Opposing views on security in the northern Kosovo (RTK2)

According to the Kosovo police, the situation in the north is normalized. Yet politicians have conflicting opinions.

The deputy regional commander of the Kosovo police Besim Hoti stressed that the current situation in the north is stable regardless of the incidents that have occurred in recent days. He said that police presence increased.

State prosecution: Kurti was arrested for causing general danger (Gazeta Express)

The Office of the State Prosecutor of Kosovo issued a press release today saying that it has initiated investigations against certain members of the Kosovo Assembly suspected of having committed criminal offences: “causing general danger” (Article 365 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo), and “use of weapon” (Article 375 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo).

Police: We released Kurti on prosecution’s order (Kosovapress/Zeri)

Kosovo Police Spokesperson Baki Kelani denied the allegations of the opposition Vetevendosje former leader Albin Kurti that he was released as a result of the reaction of Vetevendosje activists last night. Kelani said Kurti was released on the order of the prosecutor and it was on the basis of such an order that he was detained and interviewed. Kelani said 15 police officers and 1 person were injured in last night’s clashes between the Vetevendosje supporters and the Kosovo Police.

Kosovo police in Brezovica arrested Serb workers (Kontakt Plus radio)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said today that the special forces of the Kosovo police arrested all the workers of Serbian nationality employed in the National Park "Sara" in Brezovica, stating that it was a trampling of the Brussels agreement and provocation directed against the whole of Serbia.

Djuric told reporters in Brussels that 15 workers have been arrested, along with the Director of the National park "Sara".