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Kosovo Police arrest three terrorist suspects in Hani i Elezit (Koha)

Sources in Kosovo Police told Koha that police have arrested three people suspected of terrorism in Hani i Elezit/Deneral Jankovic. Police are also searching for another suspect. The source could not reveal the identities of the suspects. A Kosovo Police spokesman in Ferizaj/Urosevac confirmed the arrests but could not provide further details, saying that “the case is in the hands of the Anti-Terrorist Unit in Pristina and they have the data”.

Barricade on Mitrovica bridge removed (RTK)

The barricade on the main bridge in Mitrovica, which was built three years ago by Serb parallel structures, was removed this morning at 5:00. The so-called Bridge Watchers removed the barricade, and no incidents were reported. During the removal, increased Kosovo Police forces and Italian Carabinieri were seen near the bridge. Mitrovica mayor Agim Bahtiri, who visited the bridge on Tuesday evening, said the removal of the barricade was expected and that he personally deserves the credit. “I have cooperated closely with Western diplomats and with people in the north.